Tracking without a trace!

The core permissions of Shuangqing University's server are within Shi Lei's hands.

Because Shi Lei hacked the mobile service base station of Shuangqing University, once the core server of Shuangqing University was attacked, the server would control the mobile service base station and send information to Shi Lei's mobile phone. After sending the information, the server will automatically clear the system log and release the control of the mobile service base station.

Shi Lei put his mobile phone on the table with a smile, and said: "Ouyang, try big brother Shi's cooking!"

Stir-fried pork is one of the famous dishes in Shuangqing city. Unfortunately, the Stir-fried pork made by Shi Lei seems dark. It's not pasty, but has a lot of soy sauce poured in it!

Ouyang Xiang picked a small piece with her chopsticks and put it in her mouth. She frowned but still swallowed in the end.

"How is it?" Shi Lei looked at Ouyang Xiang with anticipation.

Ouyang Xiang hesitantly smiled, "It's Good!"

Hearing it, Shi Lei immediately picked up a large piece with his chopsticks and put it in his mouth.


"Ptui!" (Spitting Sound)

Shi Lei runs into the kitchen and spits out the Stir-fried pork in his mouth.

Then he earnestly looked at Ouyang Xiang. "Thank you!"

Ouyang Xiang chuckled and shook her head. "Although it's hard to eat, it contains a warm heart! I should thank you! Thank you for your consideration!"

They looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

In addition to stir-fried pork, the stir-fried oats with soy sauce, and spinach tofu soup can also be taken. Shi Lei and Ouyang Xiang are now full. When Shi Lei swallowed the last mouthful of rice, he quickly put down the bowl.

"Ouyang, finish eating first, I'll wash dishes afterward."

It's rare that Ouyang Xiang bicker with Shi Lei. "If you have something to do, go ahead first!"

Shi Lei nods and returned to his room, and quickly wakes up Server One, unlocks with the behavior dynamic capture program, and starts Server One with the hidden Linux system.

Shi Lei did not immediately remotely connect to the Shuangqing University's server, but first logged into the campus forum of Shuangqing University.

Seeing the arrogant remark black wolf left at the campus forum. Shi Lei just scoffed.

"Black wolf! It's you who's all bark with no bite!"

In the past, although Shi Lei was helped by the Hacker Alliance, to be specific, he was helped by Black Knife, the founder of the Hacker Alliance.

As for the black wolf, in the past life, Shi Lei hated him! He doesn't have that much strength, but he has a very short temper!

"Black Wolf's Apprentice? Is it that scum of the University of Science and Technology?" Shi Lei scratched his head. Except for that guy, Shi Lei hasn't bullied anyone recently.

In Shuangqing University's server, Black Wolf removed more than half of the privileged user in the group. Also, All server administrator have been kicked out of the privileged user group.

However, when he wanted to invade the core server, the defensive strength of Shuangqing University's server suddenly increases several folds! Moreover, some loopholes and flaws are obviously all honeypots!

Black Wolf perked up and said, "Could it be, the expert is here?" Black Wolf assumed.

To be honest, he didn't put Shi Lei in his eyes. Although Shi Lei bypassed the Hacker Alliance's server and directly attacked his apprentice. The website of the Hacker Alliance is only on the web server. The hacker alliance has not invested much power in it. The web server definitely has low defensive capabilities.

Because of this, Black Wolf belittles Shi Lei.

"Hmph! No matter who you are, if you dare to bully my black wolf's apprentice will then receive my reprisal!"

Black Wolf increased the attack intensity of the invasion, but the defense of Shuangqing University's core server is impenetrable!

No matter how Black Wolf attacks, it didn't break!

In Shuangqing University's Computer Department Office, Zhang Song observed the situation and calmed down a little.

Although he doesn't know why Black Wolf hasn't taken down the core permissions of the server, this situation doesn't prevent Zhang Song to worry.

"Haha, good defense!" In the voice chat room, Black Wolf said to Chen Feng, "Black Carbon, I found a clue, the other party is concealed in the core server permissions of Shuangqing University!"

When Chen Feng heard this, he thought of a name.

"Master, do you think the other party is Ji Mingyi of Shuangqing University?"

Black Wolf quickly shook his head. "It can't be old man Ji Mingyi! If it was him, I wouldn't be able to come in so easily!"

In fact, what Black Wolf want to say is that if Ji Mingyi is here, he will withdraw immediately. After all, Ji Mingyi's strength is a bit higher than Black Wolf's!

"Black Carbon, get ready to enter the server of Shuangqing University! I will give you administrative rights on the server!"

Chen Feng laughed and said, "Master break a leg! Master is so powerful! I worship you to the highest."

Black Wolf laughed, "Hurry up and enter Shuangqing University's server, I will give you permissions!"

After getting the rights, Chen Feng is delighted. Although, two years ago, when the University of Science and Technology invaded the server of Shuangqing University, they did not get the administrative rights!

After obtaining administrative rights, Chen Feng immediately rushed into the campus forum and uploaded some insults to Shuangqing University.

Shi Lei can see it clearly through remote connection. It's not that Shi Lei can't stop them, but it's that Shi Lei is tracking them!

Shi Lei is not only going to take back control of Shuangqing University's server but also track the IP addresses of the other party and find their real identity!

Whether it's the scum from the University of Science and Technology or the mad dog Black Wolf. Shi Lei's speed is not slow at all tracking both of them at the same time.

Looking back at Black Wolf, facing the second firewall left by Shi Lei, he seems helpless. "Damn it! Shuangqing University's core server core is airtight! Is it that old ghost Ji Mingyi who added protection to the core server?"

In Shuangqing University, the only person Black Wolf feared was Ji Mingyi, the Dean of the Computer Department!

Except for Ji Mingyi, Black Wolf does not fear anyone else.

Chen Feng in Shuangqing University's campus forum constantly published variety of posts did not notice that he has caught Shi Lei's attention.

Shi Lei used his main force to track Chen Feng. He knows the identity of Black Wolf. If he wants to find Black Wolf, he only needs to find him at the Hacker Alliance. This time, he must not let go of the scum from the University of Science and Technology!

After Shi Lei went all out, even if the performance of the server One was not high, he quickly tracked Chen Feng's real IP address. "Using the web server of the Hacker Alliance as a gateway?"

Shi Lei simultaneously tracks the IP addresses of Black Wolf and Chen Feng through the web server of the Hacker Alliance.

"It seems that the apprentice of Black Wolf is in the University of Science and Technology. Let's invade this scum one last time!" Shi Lei secretly thought then he had intruded into the web server of hacker alliance without any sound.

Black Wolf and Chen Feng still didn't realize that the danger is closeby!

"Paralysis![1]" Black Wolf roared in the voice chat room and Chen Feng who was posting was given a fright.

"Master, are you ok?" Chen Feng asked in a hurry.

Black Wolf said angrily, "it's OK! Shuangqing University's core server is not easy to attack! Black Carbon you should stimulate them in the forum first!"

"Got it! Master! " Chen Feng said in a hurry.

In Jing Garde, a smile appeared on the corner of Shilei's mouth. "I found it!"

After hacking into the web server of the Hacker Alliance, Shi Lei merely find the IP address of Chen Feng and Black Wolf, and then continue to trace.

Two IP addresses of the two persons point to two places respectively. The IP address of Black Wolf points to the computing and processing server of the Hacker Alliance. The security level of this server is very high, and the Hacker Alliance is attended by experts at any time.

Although Shi Lei didn't look at the other side, if he wanted a silent invasion, it would be difficult relying on the performance of the Server One. In Helplessness, Shi Lei had to temporarily let go of Black Wolf and instead focus on tracking Chen Feng's IP address.

Chen Feng's IP address was once again easily captured by Shi Lei. Shi Lei was not surprised, it really is the campus server of the University of Science and Technology!

Shi Lei snorted, "Scum! it's you again! This time, Big Brother Shi will see how you run!"

Shi Lei takes a look at the situation of Shuangqing University's server. Black Wolf is still dealing with the core server. If he wants to obtain super permission, he will not be able to do so for a while.

That scum from the University of Science and Technology is boldly staying in the campus forum of Shuangqing University!

Seeing that they haven't traced him yet, Shi Lei not being polite starts to directly invade the server of the University of Science and Technology.

However, the server of the University of Science and Technology has been completely adjusted and repaired by Huang Qiulin with all the teachers of the computer department. After that, all kinds of system loopholes and software loopholes have almost been patched!

Shi Lei used a common scanner, after scanning, he didn't find any opportunity!

If it's ordinary people, I'm afraid it's only brutal attacks left. With Shi Lei's strength brutal attack can also be effortless, but it will be discovered by the other side. If Chen Feng finds out, I'm afraid he will use the strategy of unplugging the network cable again.

Even if Chen Feng's IP address is left in the server, the University of Science and Technology is huge, there are countless computers connecting to the University of Science and Technology's server through the network monthly service system!

If Chen Feng unplugs the network cable, it's not easy for Shi Lei to find an IP that has been disconnected from the Hacker Alliance web server from thousands of IP addresses, it's like finding a needle in a haystack.

Therefore, Shi Lei must sneak into the server of the University of science and technology. Then find the IP address that connected to the Hacker Alliance web server.

Fortunately, Shi Lei is not an ordinary person!

As a reborn man, Shi Lei has an arsenal of different kind server systems and countless loopholes.

The server of the University of Science and Technology uses Microsoft's server system. Shi Lei immediately finds a vulnerability that Microsoft had not yet released.

Through an unpublished vulnerability, Shi Lei directly entered the server of the University of Science and Technology!

After entering the server, Shi Lei began to filter IP addresses. After a while, he found an IP address that is connected to the web server of the Hacker Alliance!

"Little scum, I finally found you!"