Counter-attack and Cockroaches!

When Shi Lei successfully entered the server of the University of Science and Technology silently, it already means that Shi Lei already won!

Shi Lei did not do any damage this time after invading the University of Science and Technology's monthly network service system, just querying and comparing data, to track the IP address of the specific dormitory number, and seek for it.

Then, through the dormitory number in the student records, he found four people living in the dormitory.

Last time when Shi Lei invaded the University of Science and Technology, he saved a list of the members of the Computer Department of the University of Science and Technology who tried to block him. The name of four people he found this time were cross-compared with the list. Shi Lei directly locked on a person's name!

Chen Feng!

Vice president of the Computer Society of the University of Science and Technology!

"Turned out to be it's you!"

Sitting in front of Server One, Shi Lei snorted coldly.

Chen Feng is an acquaintance!

In the past, this guy was the one who put Wosang Country's Love action film In the forum of Shuangqing University.

He and Shi Lei may be said to have old and new grudges!

For him, Shi Lei will never be lenient!

After identifying the specific person, Shi Lei began to invade Chen Feng's computer, collecting various system records. There is also a system log for the University of Science and Technology server, as well as logs for the Hacking Alliance web server.

Shi Lei collects all of Chen Feng's hacking records. As for being handed over to the police, it is still uncertain!

In the dormitory, Chen Feng looked excited acting domineering at the forum of Shuangqing University!

He whispered: "Shuangqing University, aren't you so arrogant! Weren't you called a top university! Haven't you been entirely defeated by us the University of Science and Technology!"

Suddenly, on Chen Feng's computer screen, a txt document pops up. As the cursor flashes, a line of text appears in the txt document. "Chen Feng, class '04 of University of Science and Technology, junior of computer department, vice president of computer society."

Chen Feng, who originally had an excited face, suddenly changed! There was only one thought in his mind at the moment.


The other party traced his real IP address and found his identity file!

Chen Feng was shaking moving the mouse to the txt document, then he typed the next line of text.

"Who are you?" He humbly used honorifics in an attempt to win Shi Lei's favor. Not knowing that Shi Lei doesn't like him at all!

"Aren't you and Black Wolf looking for me?"

"It's over!" Chen Feng said to himself.

Judging from his previous behavior, he only invaded the other party and caused the other party to mess up in the university of science and technology. This shows that the other party is not a person with a high tolerance!

This time, Chen Feng called his master to help him track down Shi Lei's identity. According to Chen Feng's conjecture, Shi Lei will be absolutely furious! He just don't know how Shi Lei will retaliate this time on the University of Science and Technology!

With palpitating heart, Chen Feng entered text on the txt file carefully.

"Hello! About the time, and the last time, I hope you can forgive me for my ignorance. I sincerely apologize! Last time you taught me a lesson, I would never dare to provoke you again. But, my master, Black Wolf wants to avenge me and show his skill. With no other choice, I just said that you used Shuangqing University's server as a gateway. It's none of my business. It's all my master's fault! " In order to please Shi Lei, Chen Feng sells his master without any second thought!

Such behavior makes Shi Lei ashamed!

In the hacker circle, the relationship between master and apprentice is a very important and intimate one.

Generally, the real identity of the apprentice will be known by the master.

If the real identity of the apprentice is unknown to the master, it means that the master will not teach the apprentice wholeheartedly. However, when the apprentice passes the tests of the master, then the apprentice will know some information about the master. For example: mobile phone number, or other non-internet contact information.

it's really rare to see a person like Chen Feng, someone who betrays his master directly!

As a world's top-level hacker, Shi Lei will definitely not have any good opinion about such scum in the hacker world!

"So it's like this!"

Shi Lei closed the screen recording, and then returned with Chen Feng's information and evidence that he left on the University of Science and Technology server, the Hacker Alliance web server, and Shuangqing University's server.

Seeing Shi Lei's departure, Chen Feng was relieved. Since the other party did not damage the University of Science and Technology server, it may indicate that the other party forgave him. However, Chen Feng does not know that Shi Lei is not some kind of magnanimous person!

Within the web server of the hacker alliance, Shi Lei traced the IP address of Black Wolf and utilizes the server of the hacker alliance.

Because Shi Lei didn't use any cover-up, Black Wolf, a server administrator immediately discovered Shi Lei when he was connected.

The black wolf immediately gave up invading Shuangqing University's server core permissions and chose to defend the server. Shi Lei did not attack but instead he applied to set up a remote conversation window.

"Tell Black Wolf to come out!" Two administrators are on the Hacker Alliance server, both of whom are core members of the Hacker Alliance.

Black Wolf just returned to the server and received the remote session window. "I am Black Wolf. Who is your excellency?"

Shi Lei's hands are tapping on the keyboard. "I am Lucifer!"

Black Wolf was shocked!

He thought it was a nameless person, but he didn't expect that he will be followed here silently. If it wasn't for the other party's establishing a remote session window, He's afraid they won't be able to detect him!

"What can I do for you? " Black Wolf asked.

Shi Lei sends Chen Feng's log record of his invasion and the video of his betrayal to Black Wolf. "Take it, then decide whether you help your apprentice and continue to fight against me! If you're afraid, examine it in a virtual sandbox! "

Sandbox, in the computer field, is used to provide an experimental environment for some programs with unknown sources, destructive power, or unable to determine intention. All changes in the sandbox will not cause any loss to the computer operating system.

This technology is usually used in cybersecurity!

It made outstanding contributions to antivirus in removing the trojan virus.

Black Wolf received the file sent by Shi Lei, without any hesitation, directly choosing to open it in the virtual sandbox. He opened it first, seeing Shi Lei's screenshots of the system log records left by Chen Feng on various servers.

'Awful! Was Black Carbon caught? 'In Black Wolf's mind, he was still worried about his apprentice. He doesn't know that his apprentice has betrayed him. However, when he finished watching the screen recording saved by Shi Lei.

His expression turned sour.

In the hacker world, being tracked down can only blame on being unskilled. But if you are betrayed by your apprentice, it is absolutely humiliating!

Fortunately, the real-life information of Black Wolf was not disclosed to Chen Feng!

In the remote session window, Shi Lei added a sentence. "As a senior in the hacker world, Black Wolf, I feel heartache for people like your apprentice! You tried your best!"

After that, Shi Lei disconnected and began to clean up his traces. The reason why he said that he was a senior in the hacker world in front of Black Wolf. That's because Shi Lei is going to lay the groundwork for the future plan!

Shi Lei is preparing to resist an absolute behemoth existence!

Powerful enough to make people despair!

Shi Lei has considered more than once, whether to take revenge on that organization or not?

Although Shi Lei is definitely not the kind of person who suffers from loss, that organization is really too powerful!

Even as a rebirthed person, even having a golden finger with hacking skills reaching the pinnacle of the world, Shi Lei has no confidence that he can bring down that organization!

How horrible it is to know that they can obtain the permission of the remote port of the Aircraft Carrier of the Lijian Country!

In order to fight against this kind of organization, Shi Lei must be prepared ahead of time!

After clearing up the traces left behind, Shi Lei once again locked the Server One using a behavior dynamic capture program. Then open the graphics workstation and start debugging the smile detection program.

Shi Lei is satisfied with the progress done by Xia Country's Patent Office for the patent application of Smile Detection Program . The entrusted patent agency has used considerable force. Obviously they need all kinds of materials and a lot of time for patent applications, but they have shortened it to one week! However, originally it only required a few thousand yuan in handling fees but charged him 80,000 yuan.

Fortunately, Shi Lei borrowed 100,000 yuan from Sun Feng. Otherwise, he won't be able to afford the handling fee for the patent application!

After encrypting the package, Shi Lei wakes up the behavior dynamic capture program again. This system is related to another plan of Shi Lei.

The current behavior motion capture program is too rough. The recognition efficiency is too low and the response is a bit slow. It can only be used as an internal product and launched into the market.

"Ah ~~"

Outside the door, Ouyang Xiang suddenly exclaimed.

Shi Lei quickly left the keyboard and ran out. "Ouyang, what's wrong?"

Ouyang Xiang is standing on the sofa looking pale. Seeing Shi Lei coming out, Ouyang Xiang pointed to the coffee table and said, "there are cockroaches under it!"

Shi Lei almost laughed out loud! A police officer of the Criminal Investigation Bureau is not afraid of the most criminals, but is afraid of cockroaches? This is so funny!

"Shi Lei! Kill the cockroaches quickly!" Ouyang Xiang exclaimed.

"Ouyang, just a cockroach, what's to be afraid of? You just need to step on them to kill them!" teased Shi Lei.

Ouyang Xiang snorted, "Shi Lei, are you going to kill it or not?"

Shi Lei smirked and said, "Alright! Ouyang I never thought that you will be afraid of cockroaches!"

He pulls the coffee table open and sees a huge cockroach under it! However, Shi Lei is not afraid of this thing at all. He raises his feet and steps on it!

After stepping on it, Ouyang Xiang immediately urged, "Shi Lei, throw your slippers in the trash!"

"What do I wear when I throw it?" Shi Lei refused.

Ouyang Xiang blushed.

"Wear... Wear mine... Will it do?!"