Rank A Wanted Criminal

In the end, Shi Lei didn't wear Ouyang Xiang's slippers. This improved Ouyang Xiang's impression of Shi Lei.

When Shi Lei woke up In the morning, Ouyang Xiang had already left.

Shi Lei who had escaped from school for several days, looked at his mobile phone decided to show up at school.

Naturally with Shi Lei's cooking skills, it is impossible to make breakfast by himself. Outside Shuangqing University, there are countless breakfast stands in the back streets.

Still dressed in cheap t-shirts and jeans, Shi Lei walked toward the back streets. Shi Lei likes back street breakfasts a lot!

Whether it's crystal dumpling, sweet fermented rice with glutinous rice balls, or spicy noodles, it's all Shi Lei's favorite.

Walking towards the familiar stall, there are already guests sitting at two square tables. Four guests are sitting in one of the tables. At the other table, there was a young man with his head down and a little girl who looked about five years old.

The little girl was eating crystal dumplings, but the young man is just watching the little girl eating.

Shi Lei sat across the young man and shouted, "Old Zhao, I want some mild spicy dumplings!"

Hearing Shi Lei's casual tone, the young man with his head down clenched his fists under the table, slowly loosening them afterward.

The so called crystal dumpling is local cuisine in Shuangqing City. Old Zhao is a middle-aged man looking like in his 50s. In fact, he is only in his 40s! However, the life of waking up early and sleeping late for a long time has made him look older.

"Right away!" Old Zhao responded.

The little girl sitting at the same table scooped up a dumpling with a spoon. "Uncle, Are you not eating?" She asked with her soft voice.

The young man called Uncle shook his head slightly. With a clear voice, he replied, "I'm not hungry, Xiaoling is well-behaved, go eat more."

The little girl named Xiaoling, with a naive expression, probed: "Uncle, are you really not hungry? you didn't eat last night!"

Their accents are not from the local of Shuangqing City. Shi Lei barely understood the little girl's words and turned to look at the man with his head down. This caused the young man to clench his hands tightly under the table again.

After a few random glances, Shi Lei figured out the situation in front of him. It's nothing more than facing some difficulties. The young man has no money!

Considering this, Shi Lei shouted again: "Old Zhao, cook another bowl for me, not spicy!"

The young man with his head lowered, raised it slightly trying to observe Shi Lei.

"Brother, It's on me!" Shi Lei said with a smile.

The young man hesitated for a moment, then politely said, "Thank You!"

"Who doesn't have difficulties going out? You're Welcome!" Shi Lei replied.

A moment later, two bowls of crystal dumplings were served. Shi Lei took out the money and paid not only for the two bowls of dumplings but also for Xiaoling's share.

The young man took Shi Lei's actions into his eyes and showed a warm smile. "Friend, Thanks again!" After a moment's hesitation, the young man continued: "Today's kindness, I will repay it someday!"

Shi Lei didn't take it seriously. Shi Lei's eating caused the little girl Xiaoling to laugh.

"Uncle, why are you eating so fast? No one will rob it from you!"


Shi Lei looked helpless!

Does he really look like an uncle?

"Little girl, uncle is in a hurry to go to class!" With that said, Shi Lei continued to use chopsticks with his right hand, picked up the crystal dumpling and sent it to his mouth. His left hand extended to the napkin box. "Hey brother, push me some napkin!"

The napkin box is in front of the young man. He looks up then pushed it over. Shi Lei took several napkins with his left hand and wiped the chili oil in the corner of his mouth.

'This young man looks familiar!'

When the young man looked up and pushed the napkin box, Shi Lei happened to see his face.

The young man seemed to notice Shi Lei's abnormality, and his body tightened.

A warning rises in Shilei's heart!

'Danger! Who is this guy?'

With the experiences being trained by that organization from his previous life, even if the body of this life can not reach the strength of his previous life, it is still not comparable to ordinary people!

It is fair to say that 78 ordinary adult men are not Shi Lei's opponents at all. However, Shi Lei felt danger from this young man who didn't even look strong!

Shi Lei lowered his chopsticks and looked at the man again.

"Uncle, why did you stop eating?" Xiaoling asked as she saw the man stop eating.

The young man shook his head and said softly, "Xiaoling, I'm full!" After that, the young man raised his head and looked at Shi Lei. His eyes looking as sharp as a blade!

Looking at the man, Shi Lei finally recalled who he was.

"Ye Feng!"

The moment Shi Lei shouted his name, Ye Feng's body tightened, his sharp eyes looked at Shi Lei.

"Who are you?" Ye Feng asked in an ice-cold manner.

Xiaoling seemed to realize that something's wrong. She takes the bowl and sat beside Ye Feng.

"Well I'm a student here!" Shi Lei shrugged, His voice was very relaxed as if he didn't know that Ye Feng was an A-level wanted criminal in the police department.

Ye Feng looked at Shi Lei with complicated eyes, and said with a hoarse voice: "Are you interested in listening to a story?"

Because Shi Lei invited him to eat crystal dumplings, Ye Feng didn't want to hurt Shi Lei, and now more people come and go, making a big move is not a good idea.

Shi Lei picked up his chopsticks again as if he didn't care about Ye Feng at all. "Tell me!"

Ye Feng stroked Xiaoling's head with her right hand and slowly began to speak.

Ye Feng is an orphan, but he is luckier than Shi Lei. Ye Feng met a kind-hearted man surnamed Deng. He has a son named Deng Kai who is six years older than Ye Feng. This kind-hearted person surnamed Deng regards Ye Feng as his own son. Deng Kai also loved Ye Feng as his brother!

Young Ye Feng felt the existence of kinship. He also regarded Deng Kai as his brother and his parents as his own parents.

After graduating from high school, Deng Kai joined the army. Because of his outstanding performance in the army, Deng Kai soon entered the special forces, and then was promoted to the Squad Leader of the Special Forces.

When Ye Feng graduated from high school, he also entered Deng Kai's unit with his connections. Ye Feng lived up to Deng Kai's expectations. In the army, he joined Deng Kai's special force regiment with excellent results and was assigned to Deng Kai's platoon.

The two brothers are two trump cards of their special force regiment!

It is also reported that Deng Kai was about to be promoted to a major of the special forces, while Ye Feng was promoted to as a lieutenant. They are two rising stars!

However, Fate always likes to make a joke!

In a border mission, the special force company led by Deng Kai was surrounded by dozens of enemies. Although they were in a bad situation, they did not give up and under Deng Kai's lead they tried to break through the enemy's encirclement.

However, they are surrounded by dozens of enemies equipped with advanced weaponry. Finally, Deng Kai's special forces company paid a very heavy price and succeeded in breaking out of the Siege!

But in order to save Ye Feng, Deng Kai blocked a bullet for Ye Feng and stayed at the border!

After returning to the army, his superior gave Ye Feng a holiday to visit Deng Kai's parents back at home.

In Heijiang City, Deng's family hometown, although not rich, they are well-off. The Deng family has three shops on the street. The rent alone keeps the Deng family from worrying about food and clothing. It is precisely because of these three shops that Deng's family suffered a terrible tragedy!

Deng's family is located in the suburb of Heijiang City. Originally, they had two sons in the army, which made them famous. The gangsters in the neighborhood do not dare to even charge for the protection of shops.

After Deng Kai's accident, the gang leader learned about the news, but he got the news wrong. He thought that the two sons of Deng family died on the battlefield!

Under great joy, the gang leader began to find trouble with the Deng family and ask the Deng family to sell the three shops at a low price. The Deng family lives almost entirely on three shops, so how can they sell it?

The gang leader told the news that two sons of the Deng family died on the battlefield. He threatened to kill the Deng family if they did not transfer the shops!

The gang leader did what he said. Deng Kai's father was killed in the middle of the road by an unlicensed pickup truck. Deng Kai's mother, unable to bear such great grief, also died.

Leaving Chen Lan, Deng Kai's Wife and Deng Xiaoling, Deng Kai's Daughter.

With her father-in-law dead, Chen Lan is more unlikely to transfer the shop!

The gang leader grabbed Chen Lan and took her to an abandoned factory. Chen Lan suffered from torture and humiliation to death.

Deng Xiaoling happened to be playing in the shop renter's house barely escaping.

That night, Ye Feng returned home, with the grief of his brother's death in battle, and went through the tragedy of a family upheaval it almost made Ye Feng collapse.

Luckily Deng Xiaoling is still alive.

For Deng Xiaoling, Ye Feng did not immediately go to those gangsters for revenge but chose the normal way to solve the family's tragedy.

What a pity!

Fate once again played a joke on Ye Feng!

Why do those gangsters dare to be so arrogant?

It turns out that the gang leader is actually the brother-in-law of the deputy commissioner of the police station!

After Ye Feng reported the case, he received many warnings instead of hearing news from others!

And the other side also threatened him, if he dares to speak up. Then he needs to watch out for Deng Xiaoling's life!

Such a threat made Ye Feng completely lose his mind!

After Ye Feng arranged Deng Xiaoling to live at the home of a comrade in arms in the neighboring city, he began to plan his revenge. The three shops that caused the disaster, together with Deng Family's house, were quickly processed at a price lower than the market price. Ye Feng contacted his fellow special forces soldiers.

As the leader of their special force company, his family members were treated unfairly. The other two surviving comrades came to Heijiang City without saying anything.

Having said that, Ye Feng glanced at Shi Lei.

Shi Lei clenched his hands and showed a sense of indignation in his eyes.

"And then?"