Chapter 6

"I was away for 15 years, I wanted to fill up the empty holes, created in my memories of my 'home', dear queen!" Lawrence replied with a respectable but hostile tone of voice and speech. And he even addressed his own birth mother as 'queen', only the heavens know how much contempt and anger he felt towards this woman known as his 'mother'.

The queen noticed the tone of his speech and said nothing. She, with a wave of her long fair hand, dismissed the 2 servant maids who were behind her the whole time. She sat down on the chair, where the earlier tea party happened. She beckoned Lawrence to sit opposite to her. As much as Lawrence wanted to quietly put down the offer, she was still the queen and by her stunning sapphire crystalline eyes, he could read it was not a request. He walked over to the chair she pointed to and after saying, "With your permission, queen." to which she nodded, and sat down. Both of them did not look at each other, and glanced at the rose bushes.

Margret noticed the change in the air and decided its best the children not see all of these. She caught Ronald and Harriet and walked them out of the rose garden. "Sis Meg, Brother Law will be alright, right?" Harriet asked worriedly. She had noticed the tension between the mother and son and was really anxious about her brother. "He will be alright, I believe in him." Margret reassured her with a smile. But to be honest, she was not very sure about this. The queen is not really easy to read. She had mastered the art of veiling her emotions from everyone. And because of that, when she came to know of the return of Lawrence, Margret couldn't guess her inner feelings. She just hoped it would go alright.


In the middle of the rose garden, Lawrence and the queen were still not ready to take the lead. Lawrence's cyan eyes glanced at his mother's beautiful form.

She was pale, maybe the palest human being ever seen. Her hair was like a gold lava strands falling over her shoulders like a river. It was beautifully done with a silver hairpin carved into a peacock with sapphire gems for eyes and red rubies adored its wings. Some of the golden locks fell over her temples and her hand which had a silver bracelet always went back to place it behind her ears. Her long black eyelashes trembled whenever the wind hit her face. Her eyes were two sapphires- two beautiful eyes which could lift one's spirits... but also, send chills down one's spine. Her lips were thin, but it had a vibrant color of red roses, so it was very prominent.

Her stunning beauty was just like her pride; really enormous. She hated being disobeyed and loved having a high authority among the other ladies. She was just like the top most step of the staircase of ranks.

A servant came and cleaned the table around which the two royals sat on. And it was again flourished with deliciously smelling deserts. The maid who brought them, poured tea into the cups of the two. The queen after dismissing the maid, turned to Lawrence and said in a voice which was faintly cold, "Have a taste of it. It is one of the best qualities here." Lawrence halfheartedly sipped the warm liquid. It was scented with jasmine and also had a slight bitter taste. Lawrence knew what she meant through it: "You may feel at home, but restrain yourself from getting too comfortable." He shifted a little. It seems she decided beforehand for this meeting. And he fell for it.

"I see you have grown up to your father's name." She said as she also began to enjoy it. "I was not living up to anyone's name, Your Grace. I was just doing it for my own good." He replied in a calm and collected manner. "Hmm..." She hummed with acknowledgement.

"Now that you are back, you will be under enormous pressure as the first born of the house." She said. Even though she meant her voice to be balanced, Lawrence noted the slight curiosity in her countenance and tone, the testing mannerisms she showed supported his judgement. He could not help but curve is lips in amusement: that woman never changes. Her beauty never hid her proud character. It may be the outcome of the responsibilities that she was forced to shoulder, as her king shed his last breath. But, if asked Lawrence forgives his parent, No. Even if she may beg him, which her pride will never allow, he will not let some meaningless emotions find shelter in his dead heart.

"I have dealt with a unknown city with unknown people when I was in the tender age of 5, Your Grace." He replied without missing a beat. The queen had a change in her face display, and it was surprise. Pure Surprise. Lawrence wished it stayed on her for a moment longer, before she whipped it off and calmed her heart with the hot fragranted liquid in the rose cup.

It was silence that followed after. Lawrence and his mother were calmly studying each other, also well aware of what the other was doing. Yet, both of them did not show off their inner feelings. That resulted in the end of the small tea drinking event. Lawrence bowed to the queen as part of his taking leave by her permission which she granted. She did not call him back and he expected it; but he does not care about her. What matters most is his survival in this cursed household.

Now, as he survived this meeting with the person he hated and was nervous about, he felt a boost of confidence. Because he already has a need for it. The next test is on its way: The Royal Dinner.