Chapter 7

Lawrence met Margret in the hallway. Ronald and Harriet were not there. Margret said, "They went back to there rooms. its almost six now." "Hmm... right." Lawrence replied. He looked up to the darkening sky. There were hues of orange and pink with little violets entering the sky painting from its corners. The little orange yellow clouds looked like puzzle pieces which appeared separated on the sky. The sun was no where to be seen. But its beauty continued with the sparkling clouds. Lawrence walked forward with Margret behind, after admiring the evening hues.

"Your room had been re-designed after you left. If you find it uncomfortable, you can tell me. I know the best room designers in his kingdom!" Margret said with her sunny bright smile. Lawrence smiled while saying, "Alright." Lawrence was led to his old room. As he entered, Margret turns the flames up in the lanterns. Soon the whole room was lit up with the golden flames and Lawrence's eyes feasted upon the structures and beautiful furniture organized inside the wooden walls.

The first thing he saw was the bed. It was right in front of him a few feet away. It was made of teak and had many carving on them. The bed was not high, but the wooden pillars on its four vertices were higher and were also carved. There was another wooden roof to cover the bed, balanced on the pillars. There were silk semi oval clothes with beautiful brownish embroidery done on them. Along with them, there were greyish blue curtains flowing down the roof of the bed. Then the mattress. Lawrence closed the distance between him and the bed. As he came closer, he got a clearer view. It had the same color as the curtains that covered them. But the pillows, they were darker and had patterns on them too. Then, he noticed the blank also had the same color and patterns as the pillows. He placed his hand on the mattress, pressing and feeling the softness and texture. It was soft and warm as if it is ready to embrace Lawrence, the moment he lays on it. Wool, huh?

Lawrence looked up at the roof inside the bed. There was the family crest craved in the center- Two dragons on either side, with a rose and a sword on the shield in the middle. There were some feather like structures sprouting out of the top of the shield. He walked away from the bed and looked forward. Behind the bed was a wall which was also greyish blue. But to its sides there were hallway paths covered by long golden curtains. And on the wall, just above the bed, there was a painting. The sides were done in gold, he could guess. The painting... it was him when he was 8! Lawrence was surprised. He does not remember painting his own portrait.

Painting portraits of someone means that he is of high value, even if it is to be hung in a bedroom. Margret saw his stare and said, "Queen Mother wanted to paint your portrait and no one saw why not." Lawrence jerked. He almost forgot Margret was here. "That is... kind of her." Lawrence replied as he tore his stare from the portrait and turned to his right.

There was a fireplace, a black rectangular one. The top of the fireplace was protruding out. It also had some designs carved on it. The wall where it was present was projected out. Then, just above the fireplace, were paintings. The only colors present on them was brown and black. The whole painting was designed with shades and mixing of the colors. The painting was the same as the one in the hallway, the one which stopped him on his tracks. A wolf headed beast being attacked my a bunch of humans.

He turned to his left. There was a table and a chair. There was a small container with fountain pens and and papers. There were also long windows by the side of the table. Lawrence walked to the window and opened it. There was a balcony too. There were creepers at the side of the railings. Lawrence smiled and went back into the room. He looked towards the door. By its side was a mini library. He walked to it and looked at the labels of the books. Most of them were about subjects like History of Asgard, Anatomy, Chemistry and so on. Some of them were also about Magic.

"Brother Law, the royal dinner will be at 8 pm. I can come and get you if you want." Margret suggested. Lawrence turned back to Margret and with a smile, he replied, "Alright, I appreciate it." "Hmm... then i will be going. About 7 pm, some maids will come to aid your bath. Then bye." Margret waved and walked out of the room. Lawrence waved back with a smile. But when the door closed, his smile fell to a straight line. He crossed his arms and lean on the library shelf. He murmured, "Minister Brian and your darling minions, please start counting your days as nobles and aristocrats. I will be coming for soon." Lawrence smirked as he opened his fist and made a black flame and threw the fire into the fireplace. Soon the fire turned orange and crackled and burned without wood to fuel it.

This was not just any flame, it was his flame, His Flame For Revenge.