Ellori has recently graduated from the Witch's Academy and assigned to safeguard the young Kingdom of Parthun. Its inhabitants have been under constant attack by demi-humans living in the Weeping Expanse's vast forests-- Centaurs, goblins, and other creatures have been kidnapping women with more frequency.
Little did she know, Ellori was sent here to be on the receiving end of the Weeping Expanse's sexual frustration that plagues its denizens.
Illustration by Yumeko Sakino
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This story is very nice. the plot are well written and not just mindless erotic scenes after scenes. just hope more readers can vote for this book.
Not for younger audiences but is great for a romance novel with “mystical creatures” . It’s very descriptive during passionate moments and deserves some recognition.
Interesting .................................................................................................................................
Reveal Spoiler
Reveal Spoiler
Review should be more than 140 words....................good...................... .....................................................
Just cause I feel like it [img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins]
Good plot ...................................................................................... ....................................... ...................... I
Ngl the mc getting a dick ruined it for me, hate shemale stories... rather it be the mc left as a girl like she was before. ........................