To Forge New Alliances

"Saeko, Saeko! Look, we're so close to the ocean. It's so blue!"

Mio shakes me awake before plastering her face against the window. A beautiful ocean comes into view, as light blue as the sky. Rubbing the grogginess from my eyes, I can see pristine waves crashing against pearly white sand. It isn't my first time seeing a beach, but coming out to Zamami Island in Okinawa is.

It has only just hit noon, but it felt like we'd been sitting forever. The entire class took a train to Kobe Airport, where we then flew to Okinawa Prefecture, and proceeded to take a ferry to Zamami Island, and we're finally on the last stretch taking a charter bus to our hotel.

In reality, it's a lot shorter than sitting in class all day. Maybe I've become accustomed to my desk that I'm getting homesick already.

To my left, Rika and Hitomi are leaning against each other fast asleep. I snap a quick photo to show them later. The bus lurches to a stop, jolting everyone awake.

As each of us hop off the bus, we're dazzled by the sight of the unfettered view of the beach. I have to hold Mio to keep her from jumping and flying off. But what really steals our breath away is another thing entirely. We don't have a hotel— at least, that's not what it looks like.

I'm looking at a whole beach villa, but it's in the style of a ryokan inn.

Once again, I have underestimated the lengths at which this school accommodates their students.

Two, single-story buildings like something ripped out of a travel magazine. They're separated by a communal recreation, like an outdoor patio furnished with a firepit, billiards, and table tennis. My classmates make a run for it, but the three chaperones that came with us shouts for everyone to line up.

Kikouji Sensei, Ieda Sensei, and Airi Sensei were among the three faculty chosen to accompany the third years to Okinawa. Many teachers wanted to go, but Hitomi specifically chose these three because they are certified lifeguards. A lot of the boys in particular are excited about Kikouji and Ari Sensei because they're both young women.

Ieda Sensei on the other hand, is a muscle-head. But unlike Coach from kendo club, he has high enough morals that may put a damper on some of their antics. I would know. I would have been with them if I wasn't a girl.

I can only imagine it. We'd be sneaking into the women's area, talking about girls, asking about who's dateable—

Wait… I might come up as a topic since I'm a girl now! Somehow, that gets incredibly curious about what they might say about me.

Ieda Sensei claps to get everyone's attention. "Important information needs to be relayed before we let you off. Right building: boys. Left building: girls. There are big signs written on the front door telling you what gender the building is. If anyone is found not within their respective building past 9:00 PM, it's supplementary lessons for the rest of the trip."

There is a collective gulp that can be heard.

"With that being said, everyone enjoy yourselves!" Kikouji Sensei waves to us before taking off into the girl's building first.

The class takes that as their invitation to all rush in together.

"Come on! Let's drop off our stuff and head right to the beach." Mio grabs my hand and pulls me in.

"Whoa— slow down, we have a whole week!" I yell, nearly tripping over other people's shoes in the doorway.

Mio doesn't even care about the living room and kitchen. The walls are mostly white, if not dabbed with a shade darker. The entire first floor is transparent glass, but a curtain can be drawn around it. Our dining area doubles up as the living room, with a long island counter and several tables to sit on.

I don't get too much of a look until we're through the hallway further inside the villa. Mio throws open the sliding door to a tatami room. I'm slightly disappointed that it's about the size of my own bedroom. However, it makes sense seeing as these rooms are originally intended for one to two people occupancy. We're trying to fit a whole class year at four to a room.

"Like the place so much you're going to stand in the way to keep it for yourself?" Hitomi says from behind.

I jump into the room and stand aside for her and Rika to come in. "S-Sorry! I was just awe-struck. Sometimes I forget that Tsukiji High is a private school