Jaxon who had Eva glued next to him did not see Hadwin, Astrid, Abigail and Derek who sat on the same table. Jaxon was too busy whispering sweet nothings into Eva's ears making her giggle every few minutes.

`Jaxon, you ass. What have you done to Eva?', Astrid slapped his back loudly and he lurched to Eva's side, almost falling off his seat.

`Shit, Astrid you got hands like a man but body of an angel', he smirked at her doing a once over at her. Damn, how did I miss my friends making an entry? Judging by the glare Astrid is throwing my way, I'd better make sure I play the role of a good boyfriend.

`Keep your eyes for your date. You wouldn't want anyone saying the same thing back to her', Astrid pushed Jaxon deep into his seat and shook hands with Eva.

`Are you Astrid?', Eva asked shyly.

`Yep. The one and only',