Astrid quickly leapt out of her seat and walked around the hall. She managed to find her group of friends. Hadwin who immediately stood up with her and placed his large hand behind her back, lightly touching her. His footsteps matched hers and he scanned the hall for his enemy.

A couple of young vampires and humans stopped him and Astrid, made small talks but he dismissed them away. Astrid leaned closer to him and told him not to be rude, but he merely scoffed, knowing full well that they wanted to be known in the social media as HIS friend. Another reason for gossip fodder.

`Baby girl', Matilda squealed and hugged Astrid tightly. `Mamacita smells good, looks good and I bet taste good too',

`I missed you so much', Astrid's eyes held genuine concern and care for Matilda and it reflected in her hug.

`I thought you forgot we existed', Bettany Adams spoke.