Meeting Part 2

Armand was curious and couldn't resist more and eventually asked "Xander, can you tell me how you are and your subordinates are so strong. If you can tell us and we become strong, then we can help you in coming battles."

Xander nodded "I have many things to tell you all. This is one of my secrets. So I will tell only them who I can trust." He turned towards King Ebrardus "Father send all the soldiers outside for some time, The secret is very important and I can't take risk of leaking it."

King Ebrardus nodded and ordered immediately "You go and don't let anyone enter till I will say so." The soldier nodded and went out of the meeting room after saluting.

Xander started to speak " Now, you all are I trust most, The secret of my strength and my subordinates is, I have a power. Power, ability or skill, you can say it whatever you want. So I have the ability to train my subordinates and they can train quickly than normal. My power can also remove human's upper limit."

The whole meeting room was completely silent like the room was empty. All the people who heard Xander were speechless, even his own subordinates. His generals and commander now understood why they and his soldiers can become strong so fast.

Armand came out of his daze and asked "So, you are saying if someone comes under you and train, they will grow strong fastly and they will also break human limits."

Xander nodded. After hearing them King Ebrardus roared with laughter and commented while laughing" I knew it, I didn't make the wrong decision. Didn't I said, Armand?"

Armand nodded and He was in slight shock "Yes, you were right. What can I say?"

Xander was confused "Father what decision are you talking about?"

King Ebrardus replied, "I will tell you about it later after you spoke."

Xander nodded and continued to speak "I have another ability that can help me check other's level. This helps me to know the strength of any person and not only person but demonic beasts."

Everyone was now slightly used to the shocks given by Xander.

Xander continued," What I told you before, maybe someone also knew it. They can be heirs of Heroes or someone who read the diaries of heroes. but the thing what I am going to tell you is, I think no one knows in this world except me."

Everyone became serious and started to listen to him intently.

Xander started to tell them "This world we are currently living is not only plain in this world."

A loud voice of few sucking of air was heard in the room.

Dye enquired "You are saying there are other continents or islands here in this world" Others also nodded that they had some doubt.

Xander shooked his head and started to explain "No, not in this world. The one in which we are currently living is the first plane. In this world, one can only train their bodies which are called Body cultivators. There are two other planes other than this one."

King Ebrardus asked "So what are in those planes? How can we go there?"

Xander replied to him in detail "In the second plane the true cultivation starts. There is one thing there called Qi, It is like energy which can be found in every living and even non-living thing. There are few stages one have to pass like we have Levels here. I don't know in detail about those stages, for now, This second plane is very vast than our current world, at least a few folds bigger. And there is the last third plane where only so-called gods live. I don't know the details of this plane."

Xander paused for a few seconds so that they could absorb the information before continuing "I only know one of few methods. If I levelled up to 100 I can become the owner of this plane and can take as many people or materials with me to that plane. I have a few plans for the second plane. I am planning to make a sect there where people from our plane can live and train. "

Everyone present nodded. They knew that Xander will not think bad for people.

Xander turned towards King Ebrardus " Father what do you think?"

"I think you thought well for now. After going there people in our world will have a place to stay. But first, we have to kill the Demon Lord of our world. Ah, I remembered from Demon Lord, Is there any demons or demonic beasts in the second plane."

"yes, there are and they are very powerful than Demons of this world. I will explain the details some other time. Father, you told me that you made some decision?"

King Ebrardus nodded and replied "I did, As you all know my daughter Elisia is engaged to Xander and will be married soon and I don't have a son to become the be my successor and I don't have any relatives. So I decided with my wife and Armand that after Xander married to My daughter He will be king of the Kingdom of Ocawyth and Kingdom of Etherac."

Everyone was shocked, they didn't even think that this can be done.

Xander was also shocked "What! Father how can this be, You are very good King, How can I take your place?"

King Ebrardus shook his head "No my son, You are already great king than me. Everyone knows that I can not save this kingdom. It was you who saved this kingdom. If you hadn't come, this kingdom will be destroyed yesterday. So you are perfect for this job. And on top of that, you can train those super soldiers. Now you are the king of two kingdoms you can recruit more soldiers. I will train myself to assist in upcoming battles and will go with you on the second plane."

Xander nodded "OK, father I will become king. And yes do you have any way to contact other kings."

King Ebrardus nodded "I do, I can send them a message via bird, what do you want to send in a message."

Xander replied, "Send them a message to gather for a meeting, A Round Table Conference."