Round Table Conference Part 1

In the evening of the next day of the battle.

"You all go to your strongholds and start to expand our kingdom." After saying this, Xander turned towards Warren.

"Warren you will go through Etherac city right?" Warren nodded. "OK, Give this letter to Aldith. Give this in his hand only."

Warren nodded his head "OK, I will give only to Aldith."

Xander said to all the generals "Start the preparation of recruitment. Also now everyone is literate, Send posters and mention your requirements."

All the generals nodded.

Xander turned towards Phinala "Phinala Don't treat the prince of The Kingdom of Yabrella, too bad. I will see them in a few days myself. OK, go and be careful."

All the generals went toward their respective strongholds and Warren to Etherac city.

Warren reached Etherac city in around 5 hours. He directly went into the palace and personally hand over the letter to Aldith.

Aldith Opened the letter and read the contents of the letter. He was nodding while reading the letter.

Warren asked, "May I know what his highness wrote in the letter?"

Aldith nodded "He told me about his becoming the king of both the kingdoms and ordered me to spread a rumour about it. Spread the details of the battle to the people that what their army of the kingdom did."

"Huh, Why did his highness wants to spread this rumour?" Warren confusedly asked.

"The most important use will be it will motivate people to join the army. As the battle is coming, the number of Demonic beasts is many folds more than our population. So we need numbers of soldiers. Now If we increase our soldiers along with Soldiers of the Kingdom of Ocawyth, It will be slightly easy to fight with them. And other is to tell them His Highness may become the king of both kingdoms."

Warren nodded "OK, Now I understand, I will do my best to recruit as many capable soldiers as I can. And Yes Aldith, Can you send me a list of the people in the military school who relies on or have immense strength for their levels."

"OK, I will get the list and send the list of suitable soldiers to your and other strongholds also."

Warren nodded "OK, thank you for your hard work, Now I will go to my stronghold and yes His highness also told us to expand our strongholds in the Demonic Domain. Maybe we need some Weapons or Armours. I may send a letter in future soon."

"Don't worry, OK, Bye"

Warren went to his North East stronghold and Aldith went to order some of his people to spread the Rumours.

Xander, Dye and the Heavenly Army stayed in the kingdom of Ocawyth.

King Ebrardus arranged the conference on the border of the Kingdom of Ocawyth where all the kingdoms borders were near, in around 4 days.

Xander and his soldiers went to the Conference with King Ebrardus, Armand and Few soldiers one day before the Round Of Conference.

Next day, On the Day of Round Table Conference,

Xander entered with King Ebrardus, Armand and Dye. Xander told King Ebrardus to tell other kings to bring their commander of the Army to the Conference.

Xander looked around. There was a big round table and Many chairs were arranged around that big table. All the chairs were full except four chairs which were Xander, Dye, King Ebrardus and Armand. All the kings brought their commanders. They were all buffed, like bodybuilders of Earth and had fierce looks of warriors in their eyes. There were some old and some were Middle-aged, Only Dye had age lower than 20. It is custom in this world to appoint the strongest man of the kingdom as Commander of their Army. So almost all the strongest warriors of Esalon.

All the kings were old more than 60 years old.

They all had expensive clothes, some had gold on their clothes, some even had diamonds on their clothes. They were like moving Jewellery shop. Xander turned towards King Ebrardus "Father, Did these people came here to discuss a matter or to participate in fashion show competition."

Ptui, Both King Ebrardus and Armand couldn't hold their laughs. But managed to stop laughing loud.

King Ebrardus Said to Xander "Xander, It is custom to show off their wealth to others, so they do not look down on others."

Xander asked King Ebrardus "Then why didn't you wear expensive clothes also? You wear casual clothes which you wear in the palace."

"Well, Everyone knows me here, And no one dares to mess with me. So, I don't need to show off."

Xander nodded."Looks like I have to show off slightly."

King Ebrardus asked in-joke "What you are going to also join them? Will you change your clothes?"

Xander replied King Ebrardus "Na, I will just prove it with just actions."

King Ebrardus nodded "OK, but don't go overboard."

Then the four of them went and sat on a chair.

The king of Galedarwen Helyot asked "King Ebrardus, who are these young men? Are they your son?"

King Ebrardus Politely "No, King Helyot. This young man is King of Etherac Xander and my son in law. And that young man is Dye, commander of the Army of Kingdom of Etherac."

Other kings started to whisper. King Ebrardus had a good relation with other kingdoms except for the Kingdom of Yabrella. The king of Kingdom of Yabrella Bartlet was cruel, hideous and greedy. He could do anything to achieve his goals. Not a single king had any relation with the kingdom of Yabrella. Even the people of Kingdom of Yabrella were fed up from King Bartlet ruling.

King Helyot asked King Ebrardus "Aren't they too young? I haven't heard of them before?"

King Ebrardus grinned "You haven't heard, huh? Have you heard about The Red & White demons!?"

King Helyot replied "I heard of them, The news of them recently spread all over the continent. They are the first one who killed Rank E Demonic beasts in the past century. Right? I remembered from them, what is the situation of the Kingdom of Ocawyth. If you need anything just ask us. Don't hesitate." Other kings also nodded except King Bartlet.

King Ebrardus replied to them "Thank you for your consideration. The situation is good. There are casualties, It is sad but it could have been a lot worse."

King Helyot said to King Ebrardus "Good, Yes what about The Red and White demons?"

King Ebrardus replied while smiling "Well, let me introduce them again. Meet the king of Kingdom of Etherac The White demon and commander of the Army of the kingdom of Etherac The Red demon."

Everyone was speechless. Their mouth was wide open after hearing King Ebrardus.

King Helyot asked King Ebrardus "Y...You are saying that these young men who are not even 20 are that famous The White and Red demons? Unbelievable"