Blood Cobra Gang

A series of notifications rang in Acewill, as he finished his training.

[Congratulations for being the first player to finish the training]


You have acquired 5 silvers

You have acquired +10000 experience

You have acquired Gungnir (A/N: let me know if Gungnir or Rhongomyniad)

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have leveled up]

[You have acquired a title - Fundamental of Battle Arts]

Fundamental of Battle Arts

Arts is the fundamental of Battle itself.

Title Effects: +20 All Attributes. +15 All Resistances, +15% Attack Power, +20% Attack Speed, +30% All Attributes.

[You have a created a unique spear technique]

[Spear Arts]

Countless Spear techniques created with the elements of battle and the Art of War, The God of War acknowledge this technique himself.

Technique Effects 1: Damage and attack speed is increased by threefold when wielding a spear. lasts for 10 seconds

Technique Effects 2: Every successful attack can increase the attack speed by 1%. lasts for 10 seconds

Technique Effects 3: Extra +5 permanent on all attributes every level up.

(Create your own description)

Acewill looked at all descriptions with a wide eye, he was shocked on the multiple notifications he received, The first player to finish the training, he got to admit the rewards are bountiful, but what shocked him the most was the title and the technique.

He had never seen this on the game's forums, Is this a hidden reward? Acewill thought as he stared at the notifications, he got excited for a few minutes luckily there was no one around, the game has been running for a while so not many players stayed at the training grounds, Only Acewill was left as he was too absorbed on wielding his spear.

After a while, he finally calmed down and checked again what he received, this time he analyzed it carefully.

Fundamental of Battle Arts

Arts is the fundamental of Battle itself.

Title Effects: +20 All Attributes. +15 Fortitude, +15% Attack Power, +20% Attack Speed, +30% All Attributes.

First one was the title, it came out of nowhere and the title effects were definitely overpowered right now, the +20 on all attributes was already good enough but there was still more +15 fortitude !, take note that players cannot add stat points unto fortitude, this became a big help to Acewill, Then Acewill checked the technique next.

[Spear Arts]

Countless Spear techniques created with the elements of battle and the Art of War, The God of War acknowledge this technique himself.

Technique Effects 1: Damage and attack speed is increased by threefold when wielding a spear. lasts for 10 seconds

Technique Effects 2: Every successful attack can increase the attack speed by 1%. lasts for 10 seconds

Technique Effects 3: Extra +5 permanent on all attributes every level up.

(Create your description)

Acewill checked it all and found it the same as the title effects, and the thing intrigued him the most was the create your description, He pondered for a while and a sentence popped into his head, he immediately wrote it onto the description.

After he finished he marveled at the description he made, it was one of his favorite quotes.

[Spear Arts]

Countless Spear techniques created with the elements of battle and the Art of War, The God of War acknowledge this technique himself.

Technique Effects 1: Damage and attack speed is increased by threefold when wielding a spear. lasts for 10 seconds

Technique Effects 2: Every successful attack can increase the attack speed by 1%. lasts for 10 seconds

Technique Effects 3: Extra +5 permanent on all attributes every level up.


If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected ."

After everything was finished Acewill checked the Gungnir he received(pronounced "GUNG-neer").

It looked like a trident with a reddish color its hilt looked cool, Acewill checked its stats.

Gungnir(Soul-Bound Item)

[Do you wish to bind with the weapon? (Y/N)]

"Soul-Bound Item? What does it mean?" Acewill was lost, the information about the game was too few, Acewill just clicked "Y" and the spear in his hand glowed making a blinding light, thankfully there was no one around, it glowed making Acewill close his eyes, it glowed for a few seconds before subsiding.

When Acewill opened his eyes he discovered that the spear changed its color to golden and it gave a majestic aura, Acewill felt a strong urge to swung the spear and following his urge, he waved the spear around, whenever he waved his spear around, a ripple of wind was created.

Acewill turned his head to a dummy and attacked it



A loud sound was created and the dummy was slashed in half making the other half flew up. (A/N: its a wooden dummy, so of course)

Acewill turned his head at the flying half of the dummy which was 2 meters away from him, he then thrust his spear from his position and then he reappeared behind the dummy and slashed it 3 times before falling down.

Boom-- The poor the dummy was slammed into the ground, Acewill looked at the dummy dazedly and after a few seconds he came back to his senses, he then stared at the spear in his hands, it felt like the spear was one with him.

It felt like he had used it for many years not bearing to part with it, Acewill then checked its stats again.

Gungnir(Soul-Bound Item, The Only Origin Spear, Growth item)

[Soul-Bound with Shadow]

Item Grows with the user.

Attack Power 175

All Attributes +10

Attack Speed +25

Ignore the monster's Level by 10. Attacks have a 30% chance to cause 2x damage, 5% chance to trigger King's Might, Boosting all stats by 40%, lasting 20 seconds.

The wielders all skill level +2. Increase Free Ability Points received by 4 points for every increase in level.

Additional Skill 1: Eclipse

summons an eclipse that suppresses the enemies in a wide area reducing all their stats by 30%, lasting 20 seconds.

Cooldown 5 minutes

Additional Skill 2: Searing Strike.

Attacks will deal extra damage, inflicting burn damage making targets lose 1% hp per second. It lasts for 5 seconds.

Cooldown 1 minute

Additional Skill 3: Last Breath

Dash behind the target at fast speed and striking three times behind dealing 75% Critical Damage, and Creating 3 doppelgangers. Doppelganger will have 70% of the original body's attributes and skills.

Cooldown 5 minutes

Gungnir, which means 'swaying' in Old Norse, belonged to Odin and was made by the dwarves, the master craftsmen of Norse mythology. According to one story, the dwarves made the spear for Odin specially and forged it from sunlight.

Unable to be dropped.

Unable to be traded.

Acewill eyes widened as he stared at the Gungnir stats, he doesn't know what items ranks are so he didn't what rank this items are, seeing such attributes and these many additional skills, the Gungnir lived up by its name as the spear wielded by Odin, and the one skill Acewill used on the dummy was Last Breath it was a new experience to do that, After checking everything up Acewill left the training ground.

Walking on the streets the Crystal Kingdom was really a big place many NPC and Players were on the streets, it was lively, Acewill looked around and found that the players were still level 2 and most of them were level 3, he was a little shocked it was almost a half-day since the game started (A/N: In real life).

Acewill opened the game's forum, Players can access to the game's forum even if they were still playing, it became convenient for the players, What Acewill saw was many complaints such as it was hard to level up, the monsters were so hard to fight and it was also to earn in-game currency.

Dragondeckon: This game is so hard!

LeonardoDavinci: They even added friendly fire? Please help!

Shyver: Help! im willing to pay 10 Dollars per level. Contact me!


"Was it really that hard?" Acewill muttered as he continued walking,

A few minutes later--

"I think this is the place" Acewill looked at the big building in front of him in its sign, what written was Quest Administration, As he was about to enter he noticed a silhouette on an alley.

He then turned and went to that alley, what he saw was an Old man weakened and was laying on the ground, the old man noticed Acewill and tried his best to get up.

With the weakened state of the old man he fell again, Acewill saw this and tried to help the old man "Sir, Are you okay?"Acewill asked (A/N: Maybe the old man is fine?).

"Yes, Thank you lad," the old man said as Acewill supported him to sit.

The old man looked at Acewill eye's then he started to tremble, Acewill noticed this and was panicking a little bit, who knows maybe this old man will die instantly or something.

Tears were coming out of the Old man eye's as he grasped Acewill hands firmly and then he made a serious face "Young man, please help this old man" the Old man begged.

"Okay, what do you need?" Acewill said then he thought "Damn, NPC looked like a real human, as expected of the game I fancied".

"Please defeat the notorious gang of this Kingdom, the blood cobra"The old man said.


[Main Story Plot Quest triggered]

Defeat the Notorious gang Blood Cobra

Time Limit None

Rewards: ???

Quest Penalty: 90% Of All Attributes will be reduced permanently

[Do you wish to accept the quest?]

Acewill looked at the and made some reasons to reject the Old man and was about click no when the Old man said "you can do it, young man"


[Quest Accepted]

"Forced Quest? what the f*ck" Acewill cursed inside his head and his face turned pale, then the Old man also disappeared, the alley became silent and Acewill just stood there like a statue.

Acewill woke up from his shock and started running around the Kingdom, "This damn quest" Acewill cursed many times inside his head, and then he noticed a bald NPC with a red cobra tattoo on his arms, Acewill then turned to an alley and followed the NPC sneakily.

After 5 minutes of following the NPC turned to an alley and there Acewill saw many more members of the blood cobra, A big house was behind them and there were many members outside.

Acewill took out his Gungnir and checked his stats.

Name: Shadow

Level: 3

Class: None

LifeStyle Job: None

Health: 250/250 Mana: 125/125

Strength: 16(40)

Vitality: 16(40)

Agility: 26(40)

Intelligence: 11(40)

Fortitude: 12(27)

Stat points: 15

Cultivation Stage 0

Cultivation Technique: None


Spear Arts(Technique)

Weapon: Gungnir

Equipment: Coarse Cloth Clothes, Cloth shoes, Coarse Cloth Pants

"My stats...." Acewill stared at his stats for a few seconds before waking up from his stupor, this was not a stat of a level 3 this was more like level 20+, Acewill then turned his head and looked on a blood cobra member.

Blood Cobra Member

Level 8

HP: 150/150

"One hit each huh?" this time Acewill didn't get shocked he already lowered his expectations then Acewill added all of his stat points to agility.

He took a deep breath and then walked to the Blood Cobra base, The Blood Cobra immediately noticed him and shouted at him, but Acewill ignored all of them.

The Blood Cobra Members seems got irritated, they unsheathed their weapons and charged at Acewill, the moment a member of the Blood Cobra got close he felt his sides hurt, then the next thing he knew was he was sent flying and smashed onto the wall.

The other Blood Cobra Members noticed this and started charging at him, Acewill waved his spear to the Blood Cobra Members that was sent flying when they met up with the spear.

It was like walking in the park for Acewill, this blood cobra was no challenge, even though he was level 3 take note that his stats were on par with a level 20+.

The commotion was noticed by the other members who were inside the building and they all charged outside and attacked Acewill.

Acewill didn't react on the added number of Blood Cobra Members, He was having fun as multiple notifications were ringing,

[You have acquired 50 Exp]

[You have acquired 50 Exp]


The number of Blood Cobra Members were dwindling little by little and Acewill even had the time to yawn, he had been fighting for half an hour and the boss was still not appearing.

And just when he was thinking about the boss, his instincts activated, he ducked and jumped away, then a slash that was aimed at his head came, it created a strong wind as it passed by in Acewill's previous position.

"oh, You dodged that," said a smiling burly man who had big size, he looked like bigfoot and he was wielding a big ax, Acewill didn't reply he checked the burly man's stats.

Corona[Boss of Blood Cobra Gang]

Level 18

Class: Bandit

HP: 300/300

"Ohhhh...." Acewill said as he looked at the Corona's health, he had a class but his health was pitifully low, Corona seemed to notice Acewill had a mocking looking on him, he got enraged and charged at Acewill in a very fast speed.

Acewill smiled and also charged at him, he was expecting something, High leveled NPC of this game just maybe can satisfy his craving.

When they both reached each other Corona swung his ax from above aiming at Acewill's head, Acewill sidestepped and dodged the attack, the ax struck the ground and made a small crater, "What strength!" Acewill exclaimed as he sent an attack to Corona.

Corona despite his big physique he was fast, he raised his ax and blocked Acewill's attack, but that attack of Acewill was packed with strength making Corona step back for 3 steps, Corona raised a brow and stabilized his footing.

Acewill's strength was greater than him, a bandit stats was always contributed to strength and agility, but this young man who has no class was much stronger.

This was new for him, take note that he was an NPC so he doesn't know much about the Players, they the original people of this world, even though that there were 7000 different worlds in Multi-Cosmos Online, players were only distributed to 2 worlds.

Corona became wary on Acewill, his strength was not to be underestimated, Acewill took the advantage to attack first he thrust his spear at greater speed aiming at corona's chest, Corona used his ax to block the attack then suddenly Acewill said "who wishes to fight must first count the cost" .

Acewill turned his body and kick the leg of Corona which made him kneel then Acewill again spoke

"What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins but excels in winning with ease."

2 flash of lights passed by Corona's body depleting his HP to zero, he didn't even got to retaliate, it may look like it was a long battle but it only happened for 30 seconds, The Blood Cobra Members saw their leader going down and they got terrified, their leader was invisible to them but he got done just like that.

Acewill didn't wait long and charged at remaining members of Blood Cobra Gang, A little while later many knights clad in white armor arrived and saw Acewill who was standing on top of many bodies of Blood Cobra Gang members.


[You have completed the Quest]


5 gold coins

+10000 Exp

You have earned the favor of the famous artist ???

You have earned Daggers of Art

[You have earned a skill]

Mystic Hands of Arts

Identification 1(0%)

Able to determine the price of unknown items and their description

MP cost 30

Sculpting 1 (0%)

Able to sculpt

Beautiful sculptures are easier to sell.

Able to attract women easily

Repair 1(0%)

Able to repair weapons or armors. as the ranks get higher you are able to repair higher quality of armors and weapons, and after the 5th level, you are able to produce your own weapons and armors.

Handicraft 1 (10%)

Passive skill enables you to proficiently use your hands, it seems like it'll help tremendously with crafting skills, it also helps your artistic value on things.

Painting 1 (0%)

To make your creations more beautiful, paintings can also sell for a high price especially to nobles.,

"Why is all my skill art related?" Acewill thought as he looked at the skills he got, and the old man was also a famous artist too bad they blocked his name.

The knights took the Blood Cobra Gang Members and asked Acewill a few questions before leaving, Acewill was mentally tired, while he was walking on the streets he noticed a laked not too far away from the kingdom and Acewill went to a fishing shop and bought a fishing rod.

He walked for 5 minutes and reached the lake, there were some players who spent their time to relax here and some were fishing, Acewill sat underneath a big tree, he took out his fishing rod and added some bait to it then he started fishing.

he was about to lie down when his rod started to move, "I caught one already?" Acewill said as he took his fishing rod, he tried to proper procedures of fishing first, when he was young his father loved to talk about fishing that he also liked it.

Acewill pulled the rod slowly but the fish was also retaliating, Acewill pulled and pulled, some nearby players also saw him and surrounded him

"This guy caught a big one eh," said a player

"Let's bet! I bet his rod will break" said another one

"I bet he will get it," said another player


The fishing rod was bending so much and Acewill pulled so hard, just when everyone thought the fishing rod will break, something flew out of the water and landed on the ground

