Trash of trash

[Congratulations You have acquired Fishing Skill]

[Your prey has escaped]


Acewill fell down and his fishing rod got destroyed, he got so frustrated, while the audience started paying their bets with each other.

"Better luck next time" Said an Old Man said then left.

"That was probably big right?" A player talked with another.

Acewill calmed himself down and went back to buy a new Fishing rod, while he was passing by the street he saw a shop that was selling wood logs, Acewill remembered the sculpting skill, so he went to buy many small wood logs.

Acewill went back to the lake and stayed in his original position After Acewill finished preparing his fishing rod, it didn't get catch a fish this time, Acewill had to wait.

Acewill leaned in the tree trunk and relaxed, it took for a few minutes for Acewill to catch fishes, he caught some milkfish and common carps. Acewill took out a wooden log in his bag which was 7 inches big (A/N: I don't know many fish :D).

Acewill also took out the dagger of Arts.

Dagger Of Arts[Legacy]

Used by famous artist ??? in his early stages of being an artist.

+10 Artistic Merit

+20 Dexterity

Passive Skill: God of Arts Blessings

Every work that has been made will be blessed by the God of Art and have an extra effect and random buff for a period of time.

[You have unlocked a hidden stat]

[You have unlocked a hidden stat]

Name: Shadow

Level: 7

Class: None

LifeStyle Job: None

Health: 250/250 Mana: 125/125

Strength: 16(40)

Vitality: 16(40)

Agility: 41(40)

Intelligence: 11(40)

Dexterity: 15(40)

[Bonus stats are not applicable to this stats]

Fortitude: 12

Artistic Merit: 10

Stat points: 20

Cultivation Stage 0

Cultivation Technique: None


Spear Arts(Technique)

Weapon: Gungnir

Equipment: Coarse Cloth Clothes, Cloth shoes, Coarse Cloth Pants

[Dexterity - Hand-eye coordination, skill in performing tasks, especially with the hands.]

[Artistic Merit - the artistic quality or value of any given work of art, music, film, literature, sculpture or painting that have been created](A/N: That's what she said :D).

Acewill was about to start but he remembered something "What will I sculpt?", he had zero knowledge on sculpting and Arts, for christ sake he was a battle maniac.

Acewill turned his gaze on the scenery found the beautiful crystal kingdom in front of him, he then closed his eyes and started to imagine, he may have zero knowledge on it but he saw many shops selling their works.

"let's try first," Acewill said as he opened his eyes, he then started carving on the wooden log, it was slowly taking form, after an hour he finished making it, and all he can say was 'Wow'.

Crystal Kingdom Sculpture

Created by Shadow

Grade Trash of trash(it became cursed)


The most trash work that has been done, has an effect to hurt someone's eyes who had seen it, possible to blind someone, burn it ASAP so there won't be casualties.

The sculpture looked like it was a demon castle that was randomly made with sand, it was probably uglier than a sludge monster.

Acewill then stored it in his inventory and turned to look around, "No one saw it, Nice", he then took out another wooden log and tried again to carve the Crystal Kingdom.(A/N: I only made him OP on fighting but not on other things, just to balance it.)

After 3 hours, Acewill caught 5 more fishes and had made multiple sculptures and his recent work became better and better.

Crystal Kingdom Sculpture

Creator Shadow

Grade Trash of trash


A slightly better only side effect is to make someone nauseous when they see it.

Acewill hid it in his inventory and looked around to see if someone saw it, after checking there was no one who saw it, he pondered "am I really bad on making sculptures?".

after contemplating for a while "Maybe it's just too difficult, that's it! ill look for other things to sculpt, but" Acewill looked at the sky, it was already dark and no players were on the lake.

Acewill sighed and decided to grind for the night, he stood up and patted the dust away, At the fields, many players were hunting and Acewill saw a 5 man party of players who were fighting wolves.

They had a standard positioning which was the tank in front and the others were behind, But their coordination was so bad, the archer doing friendly fire, the healer healing to their full health teammate and the mage spamming spell making the aggro turn to him they shouted at each other.

"Who the f*ck attacked me" shouted the tank who got hit by the arrow

"Tank help the monster is chasing me" shouted the mage who was running away from the wolves

They were so chaotic, Acewill even saw a swordsman shouted "Grandson!" as he charges in the pack of wolves, Acewill tried not to laugh, but he still can't help but smile as he was looking at them.

Even though the players can choose too many different kinds of classes many players still chose the common classes, Acewill just remembered that the other class has some requirements Hidden class for example Unlike common classes, whose requirements are known to the public, and are relatively easy to obtain, hidden classes can only be obtained through specific quests.

Because the conditions for the quest to appear are very complicated and not well known, they are hard to obtain. However, due to the special skills exclusive to them, many users try to get these classes.

Not a minute had passed the party got wiped out, Acewill sighed and went to a different spot, 5 minutes later he found an isolated place where many wolves have spawn, it was 7 wolves per pack and they were even close to each other.

It was probably the reason why players didn't hunt at this place, Acewill smiled as he looked at the pattern of the monsters, then he found something in the middle which was a wolf different from the others its size was much bigger and its color was pure white, its fangs were also 2 times bigger.

Acewill took out his spear and was about to charge.


Someone called out to him, Acewill turned his head and saw a group of 4 players was looking at him.

Acewill stopped and the one who called out to him was an Assassin, "Are you gonna grind here? I suggest you do not, many monsters are bundled around here" the assassin said.

Acewill got a good impression on this player, The party noticed Acewill not answering, "Want to party with us? it is much safer" said the swordsman or should I say a swordswoman who was part of their group.

Acewill got startled a little bit, it was rare for players to invite someone they don't know, after thinking for a while Acewill decided to join, "Okay" he just said, it was not a bad experience to join a party, and if they were bad he can just leave them and go back to solo.

They all smiled at each other and invited Acewill the party, the group has 3 females and 2 males who were the assassin and the other was a tank. The assassin was Zthu while the tank is Keht, the swordswoman was Eve, the mage was Olivia, then the last was the healer Sophia (A/N: It took me a long time to think about the female names please appreciate 🤣🤣🤣 and the two males were my fans <3).

They have 1 support 1 range and 2 melees and a tank.

[Support - Usually assistor and healing class]

[Ranged attacker - They keep a distance from the monsters and attack them. They're in responsible for dealing damage]

[Melee Attacker - unlike ranged attackers, they close in on monsters to damage them. also responsible for damage.]

[Tank - Those who take monsters' attacks instead of the other party members. they have huge health points and good defense]

they were all level 5 and they didn't notice Acewill's level because they were busy talking to each other.

They went to another spot, Acewill didn't insist that spot because he wants to see their play style first.

A little while later, Acewill liked their party, their moves were pretty decent and made little mistakes their coordination was good and they follow instructions obediently, he was thinking on inviting them on his future guild, they also got to know each other, Acewill was good at discerning other people and he liked this party so there was no problem inviting them to his guild.

But now he's lost, the field boss was in front of him, they were just normally grinding in the fields when something suddenly appeared out of nowhere and jumped on their tank Keht.

The girls panicked and yelled when they saw the boss jumped on Keht


"Old man!"

"Who the heck shouted old man come out!" Keht roared

Keht was facing the wolves so he didn't notice something jumped on him, he only noticed when it was closing.


The attack got blocked thankfully Acewill reacted fast and stopped the attack on the last second, The attacker got bounced back and landed 3 meters away from them.

It was the wolf Acewill saw on the previous spot last time, it was the white wolf.

Alpha(Field Boss)

Level 10

HP: 1000/1000

Everyone gasped when they saw it was the field boss, it had 1000 HP, and it's level 10 everyone was getting nervous while Acewill was still facing the boss, "Shadow, lets run!" shouted Eve.

Keht was busy tanking the wolves so he can't help Acewill, and the others were also busy helping Keht.

"Help Keht first!," Acewill shouted as Alpha slashed it claws to him, Acewill sidestepped, he evaded the claws which made some claw marks on the ground, Acewill countered by stabbing its neck.


red numbers came out of its head, Acewill damage was huge, he also attacked the vital spot which caused the bleeding effect to trigger, Alpha will lose 5 hp per second.

Alpha got enraged and started its frenzied attacks, Only Acewill was facing the boss, he dodged the attacks as he gets closer to Alpha, when Acewill got close, he spun his spear which blocked the attacks of Alpha.

Alpha got more enraged and tried to bite Acewill, Its bite was fast, Acewill immediately used Last Breath.

He crouched down and he dashed at a great speed, he then reappeared behind Alpha, his dash was so fast it looked like he teleported.




Acewill slashed 3 times which caused -789 damage, Alpha's health bottomed out, he roared before falling to the ground.

Notifications came out notifying they leveled up

3 doppelgangers of Acewill appeared and charged to help the others, it didn't take a long time before they cleared the wolves out, Everyone cheered as they went to Acewill.

Eve saw everything and she looked at Acewill, "he looked cool" she thought then she joined the others, it was a great feat for them to saw someone to solo a field boss, Acewill received some damage trying to dodge the attacks, Sophia healed him.

"Are you fine Shadow?" Olivia asked.

"Yes, im fine shall we start hunting again?" Acewill said as he stretches his body around

"Okay" Olivia said.

Zthu and Keht just smiled while looking at the girls flocking at Acewill, Then they spent the night grinding.

In the morning Acewill logged off, he also turned on his 3D hologram TV.

"There was an accident this morning, a house collapsed and a man got buried with it, he got rescued this morning and was sent on the hospital in critical condition. We interviewed the Hospital.

Reporter: Greetings doctor, can you tell the man's condition?

Doctor: The patient just got admitted, his heart was not properly functioning so we fixed it, The patient was now on a stable condition, and was able to rest.

Reporter: When will he be discharged?

Doctor: He is able to be discharged soon. We have contacted the funeral parlor

Reporter: Good, Thank you for your responses, let us wish the man a healthy good health


Acewill turned off the 3D hologram TV Playing Multi-cosmos Online provided sleep so he didn't feel lack of energy, except feeling his body being stiff, Acewill started his regular exercise, after that he took a shower and logged back in.

The others were not Online in the Morning, They said they were still highschoolers so they mostly go online at night.

Acewill went back to the lake and continued his fishing, he had decided to grind night, he just learned last night that grinding in the night gives 30% more experience, so he decided to use this time to improve his sculpting.

He just hates being bad at anything, after preparing his fishing rod, Acewill took out a small wooden log from his inventory and started sculpting, this time he didn't sculpt the Crystal Kingdom, he tried to sculpt Alpha.

After 5 minutes the wooden log started to form, and another 5 minutes to add more details, it took him a total of 15 minutes to finish.

Sculpture of Alpha.

Creator Shadow

Grade Normal


A work that was roughly made, it can get better

"The description got better," Acewill said as he looked at his work.


[Sculpting leveled up by 1]

"Oh, a level up" Acewill was delighted as he continued making more sculptures.

Acewill spent his days grinding at night and making sculptures at the morning.

2 days later--

Acewill didn't go back to his village but he kept on tabs with it, he sometimes told the villagers some work to do, the party also saw it and loved it.

It was said that only a few players had acquired a village if a player wanted his own village he had to raid a village and take its village core, that way the village will be theirs.

They had also created a guild, Which they named Eternal Emperors, but they are still the members. (A/N: Im bad at naming)

Today Acewill was sitting on the Kingdom's plaza he was creating his sculptures, while he was creating a female asked him.

"Sir are you selling this" She pointed on the Alpha Sculpture.

"huh? oh yes" Acewill said, this was the first time someone bought a sculpture from him, but it was normal he didn't show his sculpture to anyone and this was the first time he showed his sculpture at the public.

"How much? This one! it's so cute" She said as she picked up a sculpture

"This much" Acewill said as he made a 3 fingers sign(A/N: I don't know how to describe it)

"3 silver coins! so cheap! I will buy two" She said as she handed 6 silver coins to Acewill, then she took another one and left.

Acewill was bewildered he meant to 3 copper coins but instead got 3 silver coins, that female was an NPC.

Many more customers came to Acewill and bought sculptures from him, of course, Acewill was delighted, he was earning money selling off his sculptures.

Some players also bought from him, Acewill still doesn't have a class so he decided to have one later.

After selling off all his sculptures Acewill went to the Class Hall, there were not many players in the hall, Acewill entered inside and went to the registration.

When Acewill got to the registrar he was welcome with "Sorry, we can't give you class", Acewill was baffled but he didn't get angry, "Why?" he asked.

The Male clerk got a complex look, he just got instructed and doesn't know what's happening, so he just what they instructed him to do "Please go to this address to know more and also take this" the male clerk said and handed a letter.

Acewill followed the instructions and didn't stay anymore, it took him 15 minutes to reach the place on the address and what surprised him was a big castle.

It was the Royal Castle of Crystal Kingdom when he reached the doors, he met up with some Royal Knights, Acewill showed the letter that was given to him.

The Royal Knights checked the letter and saluted to him and were permitted to enter, The Royal Castle was where the King resided and no player has ever seen him, this was no secret to the game, though there were many Kingdoms, the Crystal Kingdom was one of the well-known Kingdoms and its ruler was the most famous one.

Acewill entered a large hall and was escorted by maids and butlers, they walked through the hall and arrived at a big door.

The maids and the butlers left him and then the big door opened, rows of Royal knights can be seen and the hall was so grandeur.

"Please enter," said the Royal Knight who opened the big door, Acewill nodded and entered the hall, as he gets close, he saw someone sitting on a throne and two females were beside him.

He was the king and beside him was his wife and his daughter, Acewill got a little nervous.

Acewill stopped 5 meters away from the throne and just looked at the King, he doesn't have any intention to kneel and no one stopped him, everyone was respectful to him.

The King looked like he was still in his 40's and had blond hair, he looked valiant and didn't seem to be affected by his age, his wife also has blond hair and was beautiful same for his daughter.

The King was also looking at him, it was dead silent in the hall, "ahem" the queen breaking the silence.

The King's eye's flashed and he excluded a majestic aura that Acewill also felt it.

The King stood up from his throne "Welcome Shadow".