Chapter 2

A Year later

Erwin, Tomoyuki and Varian stood outside the grad academy while standing in awe, Erwin was thinking of the told of both resources and manpower, Tomoyuki was thinking of the immense prestige it projected, and Varian thought of it as a waste of money and resources to satisfy the high nobles, when they could have been used for research.

Well, boys, we have to go too the welcome ceremony

At the ceremony, we sat down and saw the director of the school, Sir Cato von Athenum

Director Cato ended his speech with" We are proud of you because you have made it this school, but that doesn't mean that you are ready for the real world, therefore I order you to study hard, but also to make everlasting friendships".

There are three different classes, and I'm placed in the same class as Erwin and Tomoyuki. We are in class 3, due to us being in the lower social status.

The classes are divided into three, class three with viscounts, barons and rich families, class two with counts, and at last in class one are marquees, dukes and royalty.

Our teacher Sir Frodi von Windsor, when we all have taken our seats he introduces himself" My name is Frodi von Windsor, my type is water magic if you have any questions during classes just ask them, there aren't too many of you in this class."

When the bell rang for lunch, Sir Frodi told his class that when the break was done, there was going to be a test of various subjects.

"Varian, can't you help us out?" asked Tomoyuki,

"Do you want to get us expelled on the first day?" answered Varian,

"well no" replied Tomoyuki

"Don't bother Tomo, you know how Varian is with that" replied Erwin to Tomoyuki

"Well, we can make a short crash course on what might come" said Varian to both of them

"We shall heed your words Teacher Bonaparte" replied Erwin with a teasing voice

"Do you want it or not?" - Varian

"Sorry, yes" Said Erwin with Tomoyuki saying "I'll be glad too"

As they came to the cafeteria of the school, the quickly began their rush study.

"So when you do some exercise, you start to get warm, this is due to the release of energy, just like when you start a fire, so when you do something, you use energy, think of it like elemental mana, when you consume some of it, you can do something with it like making a fireball, raise the earth, move the water etc. this process within the body is called metabolism, as it takes the energy from the food" - Varian explained seriously, while some 2nd and 3th years came,

"Oh, so you are studying before the first exam, well, good luck, because you'll need it" said the 3rd year student

" Thanks" replied Erwin and Tomoyuki

"do you have any business with us?" asked Erwin right after

"No" - 3rd Year

"then please leave us to our devices so we can prepare for the exam" - Varian

As they couldn't say much against that since they also were from the 3rd class.

After the exams that went from 12 til 16

The subjects were Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math and History

The following day, the scores were on display at the entrance.

1. Varian Bonaparte Total score 99 - Class 3 - 1st Year

2. Enzo Bourbon Total score 85 - Class 1 - 3rd Year

3. Qiaohui Tzu Total score 80 - Class 1 - 1st Year

4.??? total score 79 - Class 1


Math Biology Chemistry Physics History

1. Varian Varian Varian Varian Enzo

2. Enzo Enzo Enzo Enzo Varian

"Did you fail the last one on purpose?" asked Tomoyuki

"If that's how you see it, sure mate" - Varian

"Then we will go with that" - Erwin

On the training fields inside the academy

Teacher Alexander asked Varian to go into the ring together with Enzo

"Sir, can I concede?" asked Varian

"Why, are you really just a coward?" - Enzo

"Yes" - Varian

when Varian said that, Enzo was completely stunned with Varian's reply

"Why do you want to concede Varian?" - Alexander

"Because I can't match the crown prince's combat abilities, that are said to be exceptionally high, so I have few to none ways to win against him" - Varian

"That is true" - Enzo

Looks like we are reinforcing his image that he is superior to me, well that's for the best, for now, that just means he won't come after me.

After the class little happened till 1 month later, where the most had relaxed about Varian's score on the exams, seeing him so weak in battle, although some still found him interesting, like Qiaohui Tzu

1 month into the school year, Varian was invited to Qiaohui's personal room

"Is there something you want from me miss?" asked Varian with a sceptical look

"Isn't fine to just play chess one a while?" responded Qiaohui with a teasing look

"Well, I wouldn't mind a game of chess, just not against someone how can end my life with a snap of her fingers" - Varian

"Don't worry, I'm don't fancy those kinds of ways, they are only good against confirmed enemies, and not potential allies" - Qiaohui

"Allies?" asked Varian in a confused manner

"Yes, You are clearly more able than what you are showing" - Qiaohui

I killed her tower with my bishop without retaliation

"Especially in the warfare department" - Qiaohui

"Well, I haven't read your father's book for nothing" replied Varian

from that reply, Qiaohui giggle a little bit, before regaining her composure

"That's a young lady for you" said Varian

"What do you mean?" asked Qiaohui

"Always staying composed, and remember, don't look away from your opponent" replied Varian to her

As he had placed her into chess mate

"Well, thank you for inviting me, although I have some business to take care of, and I will think about the friendship of yours" said Varian and left Qiaohui room

"What an interesting guy" mumbled Qiaohui to herself