Chapter 3

As dawn rises, Varian sits at his work desk while thinking to himself.

There are many benefits to a friendship with Qiaohui, mostly the part with a secured future and almost unlimited resources; while also having a good backer. But the downside is, she is my boss. Well, I guess one must make a sacrifice in order to receive what they desire, we'll take one hit in order to strike twice.

Well, I might as well go to the altar of Saraswati since I have nothing better to do.

As Varian walked towards the shrine, he to have various thoughts about the future, the safety of his family and family, but also his own.

So many variables, no wonder that so many people procrastinate, but also don't take action, because the outcome is almost completely unknown.

As he entered the small shrine built for the goddess the was school and shrine where named after, Varian had expected at least some people, but not a single one.

"Well, when you think about it, it does make sense, because no one wants a protector who only gives knowledge boost when can't even use it"

after a short prayer, Varian started walking out of the Shrine.

-- Qiaohui's room--

Qiaohui sat at her table, writing a letter

Dear Father,

I have had a fine start to my academic studies, although some of the lectures are tougher than others, I like the difficult challenge it provides.

Father Thou may know about a young man called Varian Bonaparte, the one how scored 99 on his first yearly exam, being the first one to ever score over 95. He is a remarkable man, whom I want to support our family since his own family isn't a noble one.

With love and regards


As she puts the letter into the envelope and seals it with her family crest.

A few moments later, she hears knocks on her door

"You may enter" - Qiaohui

As the door opens Varian walks in

"Pardon, the intrusion" - Varian

" I wouldn't mind, but for what have you come?"- Qiaohui with a light smile

"Well, I have come to inform you, that I have accepted your proposal" - Varian

"You have?" - asked Qiaohui with a surprised expression

"Well, depends on your conditions" - Varian in a calm manner

" Mine are quite simple, you'll support my house and only my house" - Qiaohui

"Oh, so Our little miss has fallen in love, well then it can't be helped" - Varian in a joking manner

"quit the joking" - Qiaohui with a little red blush

"Well milady, I'm glad to be in your service" - Varian while bowing a little

"Great to have you on broad" - Qiaohui with a satisfied look

As they were done talking, Varian started walking towards the door

"Oh yea before I forget, everything you ask/request for shall be compensated with either money or valuable information" - Qiaohui

After Qiaohui's announcement, Varian walked back to his room.

"Well, didn't go quite towards the plan, but it's better than nothing" mumbled Varian to himself

The following day at lunchtime

At one of the tables in the cafeteria sat Erwin, Varian and Tomoyuki

"So, are you making something new?" - Erwin

"Yea, I'm hoping with some newfound supporters, I can start to make aluminium" Varian

"What is that?" - asked Tomoyuki

" Imagen Iron, just 3 times lighter if probably managed"

"WHAT!?" - Erwin and Tomoyuki with shocked expressions

"Calm down will you, it takes some time to make, and it's pretty expensive" - replied Varian

"What are you gentlemen talking about?" asked Qiaohui

"Lady Tzu, we are talking boys business" - said Varian

"Well, you wouldn't mind that I take a seat right?"- asked Qiaohui

"I wouldn't mind milady" - Varian while pulling Qiaohui's chair back, so she can sit

"Me neither" said Erwin nervously and the same with Tomoyuki

"Well, Milady what brings you here?" - Varian

"Well, can't I meet my partner in breaks?" - replied Qiaohui

(Varian thoughts; So that's why, well let's just play along)

"Well, I would rather meet you when I can take my sweet time with you" - Said Varian with a slight blush and looking at Qiaohui who also started to blush

Erwin and Tomoyuki looked at each other and nodded.

"Well, lovebirds, we will take our leaves" said Tomoyuki and walked away with Erwin

(Varian Thoughts; Betrayers)

(Erwin thoughts; we will see you later, betrayer)

(Tomoyuki thoughts; This is the treatment of betrayers)

As they walked away Varian and Qiaohui sat besides each other

"Is this what you wanted, showing everyone that I'm with you?" - Varian

"Well yes, but you took it further than I had expected" - Qiaohui

After that, they sat in silence for some minutes.

"Ohh yeah, do you have some small pieces of silver?" - Varian

Qiaohui took a bite from her bread

"why?" asked she

"An experiment" said Varian

"For what?" Qiaohui

"it's related to what I spoke about with Erwin and Tomoyuki" - Varian

"oh, well I might be able to, if you share the results, see it as a mutual benefit, you get something and me too" - Qiaohui

"Well, if it works I want 20 small silver pieces" Varian

After school, Qiaohui had a small silver coin in her to do the experiment

"Her, your silver piece" - Qiaohui said while throwing the coin towards Varian

"Thanks" - Varian

when he grabbed the coin, he sat at her table while pouring mana into the coin

"Why are you pouring mana into it?" - asked Qiaohui with a weird look on her face

Varian took his finger off and the coin started to move according to the commands he gave via his mana

"So they really are connected" - Varian said with a curious look

"What are, and why is the coin flying" - Asked Qiaohui in an extremely confused look

"Well, Mana is a form of energy, and yet not one, something like light, but the Mana has the ability to gain some of the electrical abilities (conductivity), so when we push Mana into the coin, the Mana returns without electrical energy, so when it comes back it gains the energy again, and goes back to the coin in a circular manner" - Explained Varian

"So you use Mana to control the silver coin right, then why produce aluminium?" - Asked Qiaohui

"To make it lighter, while still have some decent conductivity of Mana, you see, if we rank conductivity out of 100, silver has 100 conductivity while aluminium has about 40, but it's about 4-5 times lighter" - Replied Varian

"So, you are going to make weapons of this?" - Asked Qiaohui while realising its insane impacts on the battlefield

"Yes, but it has a major downside, you need a big Mana-pool/manipulation as it consumes a lot of the energy, and the more it weighs, the more energy you need to make it float, so that's where aluminium comes in, it sorta has the same weakness as battlesuits, only that they have limited number and our new weapon is something few can control" - Varian replied with an exciting look, with all of the opportunities to create wonders

(The weapons the made are called "Flying Blades")

After 2 months where Qiaohui has been ridiculed because of her frequent talks with Varian, a commoner. Where Varian has told her numerous times that he could win a duel if she wanted to initiate one, but she frequently declined. She asked if she could get a set too, of the flying blades and got one for her and her Father, to show why she chose to be with him, and Sun Tzu was beyond pleased with his daughter's deeds with seeing the capabilities of the weapons, Over those 2 months, Varian and Qiaohui became more and more entangled with each other as the wanted the others attention more and more, while trying to stay composed, Erwin and Tomoyuki saw this development between them and wanted to help them out with their love life.

"Students of the first year, its time for your first time into the dungeon with our school" - Cato von Athenum told the students standing on the training fields of the schools