The Bridge Was Destroyed!!

Yun Mingzhu looked at Murong Lanying with gratitude, if she hadn't helped them, maybe they would have been successfully framed by Linghu Yu.

Sun Wenyan was also filled with gratitude for this girl in the golden robe, although he knew that Murong Lanying only helped him to save Yun Mingzhu's reputation.

At that moment, Linghu Yu's face went dark, he had not imagined that Murong Lanying would also side with Sun Wenyan, that was out of his calculations. Although he still wanted to hit Sun Wenyan again, after Murong Lanying said those words he was not willing to say anything else. After all Murong Lanying was the woman he had liked for a long time.

"Since Lanying said, so for now we won't be talking about it again, but you're still not free like that. When the headmaster arrives, we'll let him judge that right!" Linghu Yu snorted and said coldly.

Upon hearing this, Sun Wenyan frowned. Seeing how calm Linghu Yu seemed to be, Sun Wenyan had the small impression that Linghu Yu shouldn't have killed Linghu Jian, otherwise he wouldn't be so at peace, leaving the case aside when some girls argued a little and didn't press again . But then who did this?

"Wenyan, come here! Look at this scene, it doesn't look like something a human could do!" Hongyi Qian said carefully.

Hearing Hongyi Qian's words, Sun Wenyan noticed Linghu Jian's corpse again. The scars on his body didn't really look like something inflicted by humans, they looked more like something caused by claws or sharp teeth.

The students were arguing fervently about the identity of the killer.

Professor Chun Xianxia made everyone silent and then said, "Linghu Yu, we can understand how much you want to find the killer, but we cannot be hurried in this matter. Everything must be proved by evidence. Currently we are unable to determine who was the murderer of Linghu Jian, but looking at the condition of Linghu Jian's corpse, his death should not have been caused by a human, he must have been killed by an attack of demonic beasts! "

"Killed by demonic beasts?"

Hearing Chun Xianxia's words shook all the students.

If Linghu Jian had not been killed by a human, then Sun Wenyan would definitely avoid suspicion!

When they carefully observed the scene, they realized that it was unlikely to be caused by a human. The scars inflicted on the large trees around them were several inches deep!


"So why did my youngest cousin walk so much that he ended up here in the middle of the night?" Linghu Yu frowned. He was not about to let Sun Wenyan escape all suspicion so easily.

"About that, we're not sure. Maybe some demonic beast that causes illusions?" Professor Chun Xianxia shook his head and said, "Just wait for the director to arrive, so let's discuss this again. To be able to kill Linghu Jian and cause all this damage, it would probably be a demonic beast at least from the 3rd Layer of Ancestry Spiritual. So everyone should be careful and be alert, it is possible that he will come again to attack us! "

When they heard Professor Chun Xianxia's words, most of the students were pale with fear. After all, they had no experience fighting demonic beasts with greater cultivation. If there was even a demonic beast hiding, ready to ambush him at any moment of carelessness, that would be very scary!

Sun Wenyan still frowned at that moment. While it was true that there were traces of animal attacks on the scene, had Linghu Jian really been killed by demonic beasts? Why did Linghu Jian, so late at night, go into an open space a few hundred meters away from the camp?

"Everyone, stay calm and don't panic ... Although this demonic beast had the strength of the 3rd Layer of Spiritual Ancestry, as long as you are close to the teachers, we will definitely protect you at all costs!" Chun Xianxia said to comfort all students.

When everyone was still talking about what had happened, a teacher was running towards them in a hurry. This teacher was the one who had been sent two hours earlier to report this to the principal.

"How are you back already? Have you reported everything to Mr. Director?" teacher Chun Xianxia asked that teacher in doubt. After all, the Dragon Frost Academy was several hours' drive from the smelting test site!

That professor's face was pale, he was horrified. He whispered several words in Chun Xianxia's ear.

Professor Chun Xianxia immediately changed, he was completely shocked and accidentally shouted "What did you say? The bridge that was our only way back was destroyed?"

Because the news was too shocking, Professor Chun Xianxia lost control and unconsciously released the words out loud.

Upon hearing this news, the faces of all the students present revealed an alarmed and frightened color, their features paled in an instant. This bridge was the only path that connected this smelting test site with the outside world, the only way back. But that important bridge had been destroyed, which means that they were trapped there and therefore unable to send any messages out!

First, they did not know where the demonic beast was hiding, prepared to ambush and kill them at any time. Now, as far as the bridge, their only exit from this hunting ground had been destroyed, leaving them trapped here with the fierce demonic beast.

Facing this difficult situation, everyone cannot help but shit in fear.

Sun Wenyan was extremely shocked. He and Hongyi Qian exchanged looks, in Hongyi Qian's pupils there was also a trace of surprise.

Are we stuck and unable to get out of here?

Who did all this? And what did they want?

Yun Mingzhu also never thought the situation was going to get that bad. His delicate eyebrows were tight. Murong Lanying in a place a little distant also showed a serious expression.

Professor Chun Xianxia calmed down first. After considering carefully, he gave the instruction to everyone.

"Everyone, follow my instructions! Here we have a total of six teachers, so each teacher will be responsible for protecting five or six students! Students, organize your groups among yourselves!" after saying this, Chun Xianxia was silent. He understood that the most important thing that they could do in this type of situation was to protect the remaining students, in order to prevent the same accident from happening again.

"Lanying, come to my team! I will keep you safe!" Linghu Yu looked at Murong Lanying and said it out loud.

"No need! I will be fine with Yun Mingzhu!" Murong Lanying rejected him immediately and then walked towards Yun Mingzhu.

Murong Lanying's expression of indifference made Linghu Yu's eyes shine with the color of anger. All this time he had tried in every way to approach Murong Lanying, but each time he was outright rejected by her. His blood boiled with rage, he swore in his heart that one day he would absolutely make Murong Lanying his wife!

Yun Mingzhu looked at Sun Wenyan, then understood what she meant, Sun Wenyan nodded.

In the end Yun Mingzhu, Sun Wenyan, Murong Lanying, Hongyi Qian and Mong Yusheng came together in a group, under the protection of a teacher named Hong Xuan.

Shan Huan and Ming Feng wanted to join the same group as Sun Wenyan, but when they saw him together with Yun Mingzhu and Murong Lanying, they did not approach them and went looking for another group to join. Looking at Yun Mingzhu's magnificent back, Shan Huan sighed. This Yun Mingzhu really has no shame as a woman, she was obviously already engaged, but she unexpectedly had an affair with another lover openly. On the outside she looked like a cold noble girl, but on the inside she was just an immoral woman!

"For the Academia do Dragão da Geada to realize that we are stuck in this place it will take between 1 and 2 days, and to fix the plank bridge it would need another 3 to 5 days. All this time we will be stuck here, so we need to pay extra attention to grain consumption. We will hunt and kill some flaming birds to eat, although their meat is bitter and hard, but it is still acceptable and will relieve hunger and give energy! " Having said that, Chun Xianxia was a little sad. Food, while important, was not the most urgent matter. The most important thing was to avoid being hunted and killed by that demonic beast!

Professor Chun Xianxia turned to look at Linghu Jian's corpse. Then he solemnly said, "We need to bury him first. On those days we will focus all our attention on defending ourselves from the demonic beast, so it will be impossible to divide our attention to guard this corpse. Furthermore, if the corpse is not buried, it will inevitably attract demonic beasts to eat it! "

Hearing Chun Xianxia's words made Sun Wenyan's mind work quickly. Okay, if Linghu Jian was really attacked by a demonic beast, then why was the corpse still here? Why hadn't he been eaten?

"Please wait a minute!" Linghu Yu's voice was heard, and the tone was extremely reluctant, "Professor Chun Xianxia, ​​if my younger nephew's body is buried, won't that erase all the killer's features?"

"So you want to stay here and protect that corpse? Even if you protect it from demonic beasts, I'm pretty sure that in 5 or 6 days it will start to decompose now!" Chun Xianxia's voice became softer. "I understand your feelings, but we have no better option for now."

"We will do as Professor Chun Xianxia said!" Linghu Yu looked at Linghu Jian's corpse again, his face did not contain a trace of sadness. Before, he only showed a sadness to incriminate Sun Wenyan. Linghu Jian, although he was actually his youngest cousin, they were not close and the feelings between them were mild. He basically didn't care about Linghu Jian's death.

Under Professor Chun Xianxia's orders, Linghu Jian was buried.

All the students followed their respective teachers closely, no one dared to wander alone. After all, there was a possibility that the demonic beast might be watching them ambitiously in secret.

Because it was highly possible that that demonic beast was nearby, for security reasons, Professor Chun Xianxia made them dismantle their tents and move their camp to another open area several kilometers away from the old site. Perhaps that way they could avoid being attacked by the same demonic beast.

The new camp was in a long open area on the mountain. The ravines surrounding the mountain were steep, the scenery was really beautiful. This open space was very spacious, there was a river running through the middle.

Professor Chun Xianxia was leading some relatively strong students hunting demonic birds for their food supply. After all, when they arrived, they had not brought much food, their original plan was to stay in this hunting area for only three days before returning. But now they were stuck there for who knows how many days!

In one of the tents.

"Wenyan, who do you think did all this?" Hongyi Qian looked and asked Sun Wenyan with a serious expression.

"I don't know who did it either. But I'm sure it wasn't a demonic beast. If it was a demonic beast that hunted and killed Linghu Jian, would she have left the body behind?" Sun Wenyan hesitated for a moment, then said, "Maybe Linghu Jian has offended someone, so that someone killed him out of revenge!"

"If their motive was merely revenge, why did they destroy the plank bridge, leaving us unable to return?" Yun Mingzhu asked.

"This is easy to imagine. If the plank bridge is broken, all the clues left in the body would disappear, whether the body was buried or rot, and would not be discovered!" Murong Lanying said as he smiled.

What Murong Lanying said was indeed reasonable.

"You mean the person is going to attack again?" Hongyi Qian frowned and asked as his gaze scanned Murong Lanying's body. Sun Wenyan noticed that Hongyi Qian paid a little more attention to Murong Lanying than to the others, most of the time he looked at her. But Murong Lanying was really beautiful, really attractive, so that fascination was quite normal ...

"This is hard to say. We only know that this person had a grudge against Linghu Jian, but we don't know if he had an enmity with someone else." Murong Lanying said after hesitating for a moment.

Like the daughter of the Northern Guardian Lord Murong Lanying, although he seemed arrogant and cold at first, it was not that difficult to talk.

Sun Wenyan thought deeply, would that person attack again? And if he really did attack, who would be his next target?

Sun Wenyan, Yun Mingzhu, Murong Lanying, Hongyi Qian and Mong Yusheng, the tents of these five people were set up in the same place, forming a circle, with Professor Hong Xian's tent set up in the middle of the circle. That way, they could support each other, once one of them was attacked, another person nearby could immediately run to the rescue, which made them feel more secure than before.

That night, as the surroundings began to become quiet, Sun Wenyan began to cultivate in his tent. He took the [Celestial Crystals] that were given to him by Hongyi Qian. Then it began to absorb the star power contained within them.

Generally, the stellar power contained within a [Celestial Crystal] was sufficient for a Celestial Sovereign Martial Artist of the 3rd Layer of Spiritual Ancestry to cultivate for 5 or 6 days.

Sun Wenyan was cultivating with the Heavenly Sky Technique, the stellar power contained in the [Celestial Crystal] flowed into Sun Wenyan's body at a frightening speed. The brightness of the [Celestial Crystal] decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye. The stellar power circled a complete loop through its meridians, then entered its dantian, causing the two stars inside to spin at a greater speed and releasing countless rays of light.

A moment later, Sun Wenyan felt that something exploded in his dantian, causing his dantian to expand several times in the blink of an eye.

Although he was still in the 3rd Layer of the Kingdom of Spiritual Ancestry, his current cultivation had increased by leaps and bounds. Sun Wenyan could sense that he was not far from entering the 4th Layer of the Kingdom of Spiritual Ancestry.

After cultivating for more than a few hours, the stellar power contained in those two [Celestial Crystal] was completely absorbed by Sun Wenyan.

The blue light in Sun Wenyan's pupils became clearer and denser, as if they were on fire. Finally, your pupils emit a bright, deep blue light.

This dark golden glow was like a nebula, as if there was a mystical talisman that shone within your eyes.

Sun Wenyan felt that the strength of his pupils had grown in stride.

Suddenly he felt that his pupils were going to explode, the pain was extremely unbearable. His pupils emitted rays of dark golden light, and when he felt that his body was floating in a vacuum, the dark blue light became a thick fog.

Within that fog was the shadow of a mysterious person. This shadow was demonstrating a martial skill.

[Celestial Eye of Infinity]

First Style: [Smash Heavenly Assassin]

The mundane power called strength, most often referred to the strength of the mortal body and the strength of the elements. Compared to stellar power, power that had several stars that came together to create. It was invisible, but at the same time visible. Invisible because it was something that could not be seen with the naked eye, and could only be felt if someone put their full attention on it. Visible because as long as someone cultivated [Celestial Vision] to the peak, he would discover that star power is everywhere.

The [Smash Celestial Assassin] used his own energy to completely disintegrate an opponent's energy attack.

Before, when Sun Wenyan dealt with Linghu Jian's [Scarlet Fire Blades], he basically used the [Smash Celestial Assassin], but only at the most superficial level. Now, after he truly cultivated that style, Sun Wenyan could disintegrate the attack energy of someone of the same rank, or even battle skills of someone a rank above him!

This ability was absolutely very practical in a fight, when someone suddenly disintegrating the energy of the opponent's attack in a fight, could give the opportunity to attack freely, turning the tide of the fight in one move!

After cultivating for who knows how long, Sun Wenyan slowly opened his eyes. His lips showed a small satisfied smile. [Smash Heavenly Assassin]. Such a useful battle skill could be considered your asset.

The more cards he had in his hand, the better his chance of surviving in this world! Sun Wenyan felt that the function of the [Celestial Eye of Infinity] was not just that. When he cultivated more in the future, he would surely have a second, third or even more styles.

He finally started to cultivate when, suddenly the earth started to shake.


A sudden earthquake!

"What's that? What's going on?" Sun Wenyan was paralyzed, quickly got up and jumped out.

"Slip! Everyone runs!" He heard the desperate scream from outside.

Sun Wenyan took his things from his tent and saw that the summit of a nearby mountain, had round boulders that were rolling towards them. These stones were really big, the more they rolled, the faster they got. Even specialists from the 8th or 9th layer of the realm of Spiritual Ancestry could be unable to prevent the fall of these giant stones.

If these stones reached the camp, it would definitely leave the camp in pieces!

The students were in a panic, they couldn't think of joining the other students first, they all ran in all directions to the nearby forests.

The situation was urgent, if they did not hurry to escape, they would be crushed by those stones, completely crushed to the bone!

Sun Wenyan couldn't just think about his safety, he turned to Hongyi Qian's tent and found that he was not there. Then he turned to Yun Mingzhu and found that she was running towards him.

"Everyone has already escaped, Wenyan, quickly, let's get out of here!" Yun Mingzhu anxiously shouted.

"En!" Sun Wenyan hurried to go in a hurry.

Shortly after they leave, the giant stones crush the camp. The crashes could be heard, the places through which the stones passed immediately were made flat. Some students who failed to escape in time were crushed by those giant stones, blood-chilling screams could be heard, followed by a morbid silence. They were instantly transformed into crushed flesh and pulp of deadly waste. Their blood was scattered everywhere.

Their small forces near those giant stones were unworthy of even being mentioned.