Murong Lanying

Seeing this scary scene, Sun Wenyan took a deep breath, exchanged glances with Yun Mingzhu, a deep fear could be seen in the other's eyes.

"How did this happen?" Yun Mingzhu asked in a slightly shaky voice, trying to suppress the nervousness in his heart. This catastrophe, how many casualties have there been? Where was everyone?

To avoid those rocks, everyone ran. But now, they couldn't see a single shadow in the neighborhood. The atmosphere was deadly still.

On their return, there was only the two. Realizing that the place was not safe, they quickly started moving towards a safe place.

Even after surviving this disaster, they could not let their guard down. If there was another disaster and they were a few steps behind, they could die without a doubt!

As they ran, Sun Wenyan asked "Senior Sister Yun, did you see Hongyi Qian right now in the tent?" Sun Wenyan was very concerned about his safety.

"Hongyi Qian must be fine, he was the one who told me to find you. He went out to look for Mong Yusheng!" Yun Mingzhu said.

"So he's fine, great!" Sun Wenyan was much more relaxed, he hoped that Hongyi Qian would not have an accident.

"Wenyan, who do you think did all this?" Yun Mingzhu was silent at that moment, his pupils contained color of concern.

"I don't know ..." Sun Wenyan actually had some suspicions, but he didn't dare say such irresponsibility without proof, so he kept those thoughts to himself.

"Could it be Professor Chun Xianxia? Of the various options for camp sites, he chose just that region, right under a ravine. That wasn't just a coincidence, was it?" Yun Mingzhu hesitated for a moment and then said.

Yun Mingzhu's idea was exactly the same as Sun Wenyan who kept it in his heart. The slide this time was absolutely not just a coincidence, the camp site was an extremely dangerous place! And all decisions were made by Professor Chun Xianxia!

If it was really Chun Xianxia, ​​why would he have done all this?

Yun Mingzhu and Sun Wenyan looked at each other with a startled look. This slide caused everyone, including teachers, to disperse. No matter who the killer is, in these dense forest woods, if he is strong enough, it was absolutely possible for him to ambush and massacre them completely!

Wasn't the goal of that person who destroyed the plank bridge not only to kill Linghu Jian, but also to eliminate them all?

"Wenyan, we don't know if Professor Chun Xianxia is alone in this crime, there may be other people involved. So we need to pay attention to protect ourselves, and we absolutely cannot trust anyone easily!" Yun Mingzhu honestly said his thoughts, she didn't know the bearing, but she had a deep, almost instinctive confidence in Sun Wenyan.

"En." Sun Wenyan agreed.

Sun Wenyan thought that the ones he could trust were just Yun Mingzhu, Hongyi Qian and Mong Yusheng. He didn't know where Hongyi Qian and Mong Yusheng had gone, so he just hoped that they would find no danger.

Yun Mingzhu and Sun Wenyan escaped from the landslide devastated by the landslide and ran wildly.

"Wenyan, look over there!" Yun Mingzhu looked away and said in a shocked tone.

Following the direction that Yun Mingzhu pointed out, Sun Wenyan looked and his heart was shocked. He saw that in a distance, in an open area were three bodies lying in silence, all of them were students, a girl and two boys. The girl was a little familiar to him ...

That girl was Ming Feng, the one who spoke to him earlier on the trip!

These three people died together!

There was a strange feeling in his heart that could not be described. Although he did not know most of his colleagues, and he did not even have a good first impression of Ming Feng, when he saw the other group dead in the middle of the jungle, a spontaneous sadness arose in his heart.

These students had just joined the Academia do Dragão da Geada, each one of them must have countless possibilities and an excellent future. But they, in the end, died in these wild mountain forests, with no one to gather and care for their remains.

Sun Wenyan and Yun Mingzhu approached these bodies and examined the wounds present. They discovered that the wounds were the same as those found on Linghu Jian's corpse, they were wounds that appeared to be made by the sharp claws of demonic beasts.

The strength of these three students was less than that of Linghu Jian, so there were not many signs of resistance, as if they had been directly and clearly butchered!

Sun Wenyan and Yun Mingzhu barely finished examining the corpses when three shadows came close to them, the person in front had a golden outfit. And the person was unexpectedly Murong Lanying. The two people behind them were Linghu Yu and another student named Wuxia Long.

Since the landslide happened, Linghu Yu and Wuxia Long had followed Murong Lanying. Wuxia Long was Linghu Yu's personal servant, incomparably loyal to Linghu Yu.

Although Murong Lanying detested these two extremely much, but in any case three was better than one, so she let them follow her.

When they reached this long open area, they looked at the three corpses and also at Yun Mingzhu and Sun Wenyan standing nearby, which surprised them. They never expected to see such a scene, where there were three corpses lying on the floor and Sun Wenyan and Yun Mingzhu on them, making these two the biggest suspects without a doubt!

Murong Lanying's delicate eyebrows furrowed as she silently looked at Sun Wenyan and Yun Mingzhu.

Linghu Yu's features suddenly went dark, he pointed at Sun Wenyan and shouted in an alarmed voice, "It was really you! Immoral and adulterous bitch! All these strange events were caused by you! I need to kill you to bring justice!"

The sound of sonic explosion came from Linghu Yu's body, the force of endless roaring flames gathered like a storm around him.


Linghu Yu attacked suddenly, six fireballs flew across the sky in a beautiful arc, and roared towards Sun Wenyan and Yun Mingzhu. These six fireballs were filled with the strength of wild fire.

"Lanying, we also just arrived, these three people were not killed by us!" Yun Mingzhu shouted in distress, which Linghu Yu thought didn't matter, but if Murong Lanying misinterpreted them too, then she would really be sad, after all Murong Lanying was one of her close friends.

As soon as she said those words, the six fireballs didn't stop, and covered the distance between them in an instant, almost reaching her and Sun Wenyan

[Smash Heavenly Assassin!]

Sun Wenyan coldly and mentally screamed, from his pupils blue light exploded towards those fireballs.

Bang bang bang!

These six fireballs explode in mid-air, the flame spread in all directions in the collision.

The shockwave caused by the explosion blew Sun Wenyan's clothes into a 'flap flap' sound. As the wave dissipated, Sun Wenyan's face remained solemn, he knew that no matter how much he explained himself, Linghu Yu would not believe him. However Linghu Yu had already attacked, his heart was already infinitely angry.

As he saw his own attack being easily undone by Sun Wenyan, Linghu Yu stared in bewilderment, his eyes discredited.

"This ... This is impossible! How could it be?" Linghu Yu's heart was trembling madly, he had put all his strength into that attack, showing all the strength of the peak of the 3rd Layer of Spiritual Ancestry, moreover what he used was the Martial Arts battle skill of the Scarlet Aurora [Burst of Fire] , most specialists of the 3rd Layer of Spiritual Ancestry were unable to receive this blow.

However Sun Wenyan had completely disintegrated his attack with ease!

He didn't even see how Sun Wenyan moved to deal with his attack!

How did Sun Wenyan have such a formidable strength? Had he already started to cultivate in the 4th layer of the realm of Spiritual Ancestry?

Initially, when he had just entered the Frost Dragon Academy, Sun Wenyan was really small and weak, someone he could step on casually, but now Sun Wenyan's strength was no less than his, even exceeding his!

His heart was really reluctant, Linghu Yu thought angrily, "why? Why did such an insignificant commoner among young people, in such a short time, manage to acquire this strength?" He was the acclaimed young genius in his family!

Sun Wenyan coldly looked at Linghu Yu, said aloud, "I don't care if you believe me or not, but I still say it again. These three people were not killed by us! If you still insist on attacking us, so come! "

"Hah, hilarious! Right now, the thief and the stolen objects being caught right away! Your excuse is too weak, you won't be able to escape your responsibility today!" Linghu Yu originally looked fierce on the outside, but on the inside he was weak-hearted. Even after shouting this, after seeing how Sun Wenyan disintegrated his [Fire Explosion] easily a moment ago, in his heart he felt a deep fear of the strength of Sun Wenyan.

Sun Wenyan's strength was probably already greater than his, if they really fought he wasn't sure he had a chance!

However, Sun Wenyan's technique was very strange, he didn't see Sun Wenyan move at all, but he directly dealt with his [Fire Explosion]. This unknown factor made him deeply afraid of Sun Wenyan!

Murong Lanying's gaze fell on Sun Wenyan too, there was a trace of surprise in his pupils. She never expected that Sun Wenyan could break Linghu Yu's attack so easily in such a calm way.

Sun Wenyan's cultivation actually used which technique? Murong Lanying started to get more and more curious about Sun Wenyan. With such an ability it was reasonable for Sun Wenyan to gain Yun Mingzhu's attention.

Linghu Yu turned to Murong Lanying, "Lanying, let's join hands to capture these two people, so that this adulterous couple does not deceive us again!", Murong Lanying's cultivation was much bigger than theirs, if she attacked both of them , Sun Wenyan could forget any idea of ​​escaping!

Murong Lanying calmly looked at him and said quietly, "These three people were not killed by them."

Linghu Yu stared blankly, immediately said anxiously. "Lanying, you shouldn't let these two confuse you. Although the wounds of these three bodies don't appear to have been inflicted by them, but they appear here just now, just when we found the bodies, don't you think it's too much of a coincidence? Maybe they have hidden methods! "

"I naturally have my own reason and judgment!" Murong Lanying smiled sweetly and said lightly, then walked over to Sun Wenyan and Yun Mingzhu calmly.

Looking at Murong Lanying's back, Linghu Yu's face went dark. He had no idea why Murong Lanying trusted Yun Mingzhu so much. Yun Mingzhu and Sun Wenyan were formidable, now that Murong Lanying has joined them, he and Wuxia Long simply had no ruse to guarantee success in opposing them!

He was already in a deep conflict with Sun Wenyan, so it was impossible to be together with him, as he could be killed by Sun Wenyan when he was careless.

Murong Lanying and Yun Mingzhu grew up together to be best friends, almost like sisters! Of course it was impossible for a disagreement to happen between them by just a few words from Linghu Yu.

"Boss, what should we do?" Wuxia Long hesitated and then looked at Linghu Yu.

"Damn… We left!" Linghu Yu looked deeply at Murong Lanying's back and in his pupils shone a malicious spark, then quickly threw himself into the deep forest.

Murong Lanying, I will still make you deeply regret this!

After Linghu Yu and Wuxia Long left, Yun Mingzhu looked at Murong Lanying with gratitude "Lanying, thanks for believing in me!"

"We are good sisters, of course I believe you!" Murong Lanying smiled sweetly, looked at the bodies on the floor, "According to your observations, what happened to them? Who killed them?"

"If we look at their wounds, they look like wounds inflicted by a demonic beast. But I am not convinced of that!" Sun Wenyan frowned and said.

"Whether or not it is the feat of a demonic beast, let's get out of here first, if we stay here, more people will come here and may get it wrong," Murong Lanying said.

"Well, then, let's go."

The three people left the scene quickly.

Since they did not know the location of the other students, and they could not trust anyone, they could only find somewhere to shelter. They were surrounded by mountainous forests, the terrain was very rugged, the rocks were steep, so there was a lot of potential as a possible hiding place.

After another hour, they found a cave, that cave was very deep and hidden, a good place to hide.

"We can stay here for six or seven days. When we leave, the plank bridge should be ready by now!" Sun Wenyan said what he thought

"En" Yun Mingzhu nodded in agreement.

Sun Wenyan continued, "This time we escaped from our ruined camp, we don't have time to bring any supplies. I'm going to hunt some wild animals so we don't have an empty stomach tonight! Girls, stay here."

"If you go hunting alone it will be dangerous! Let's go hunting together!" Yun Mingzhu said.

"It's okay, I'm just going to hunt within a hundred meters of here. If I run into any problems, I'll scream for help, so Senior Sister Yun should rest here with Murong Lanying first." Sun Wenyan smiled sweetly, he could see clearly, Yun Mingzhu and Murong Lanying were somewhat exhausted, but they didn't realize it for themselves.

"Let him go." Murong Lanying said to Yun Mingzhu.

"Okay then… Wenyan, be careful." Yun Mingzhu said softly to Sun Wenyan.

"Yes I know." Sun Wenyan nodded, then ran out to hunt.

Seeing that Sun Wenyan has already left, Murong Lanying took his eyes off him, turned to Yun Mingzhu and smiled, "I don't understand why you care so much for him, Mingzhu, what is his true origin?"

"He is a newcomer to a branch of the Black Sun Family that manages the Vale do Verde Village. He was admitted to the Dragão do Geada Academy this year." Yun Mingzhu summed up what she knew about Sun Wenyan in a few words.

"Only that?" Murong Lanying asked in surprise.

"Yes" Yun Mingzhu waved.

Murong Lanying was a little shocked in his heart, Sun Wenyan was just an ordinary young man, and with such an amazing talent! All this time, from the slide in the morning until now, she and Yun Mingzhu had already lost their breath, were almost exhausted and almost unable to continue walking. But Wenyan was actually still relaxed and comfortable, as if he didn't feel tired at all!

Sun Wenyan had a great breath and pulse, his stamina and stamina far outweighed them ...

If a young man from a certain aristocratic family with a super heritage was able to do things like that, it was normal. But Sun Wenyan was a mere commoner of an ordinary family.

As for Sun Wenyan's cultivation method, Murong Lanying was also curious, particularly with the martial skill he used to defeat Linghu Yu, it was extremely amazing.

"Mingzhu, do you like this boy Sun Wenyan?" Murong Lanying looked at Yun Mingzhu with a meaningful look and asked.

"Wha ... what did you say?" Yun Mingzhu's cheeks were flushing.

"Anyway, I'm still going to remind you of that. Even if you like him, you shouldn't let yourself fall in love with him. If not, whether it's for you or him, nothing good will come of it.", The silence after saying that Murong Lanying recalled Yun Mingzhu. Now Yun Mingzhu already had an engagement, and the other family was an aristocratic super family in the Imperial Capital. If Yun Mingzhu cannot restrain his feelings and this reaches someone from the aristocratic super family, then not only would Sun Wenyan die without a doubt, but the Jade Seal Family would also be completely destroyed.

Hearing Murong Lanying's words made Yun Mingzhu feel sad and reluctant. Could it be that she could only reluctantly accept this fact? Yun Mingzhu sighed silently, his eyes revealed the color of deep pain.

In those hundred meters that surrounded the cave in fact lived a lot of wild animals. Of these various animals, Sun Wenyan looked in particular for a small beast called Coelho Leveling.

According to some information that Sun Wenyan recalled, this type of rabbit had soft and tasty meat, the type that was offered as an unusual delicacy. Not only that, but this type of meat also had a certain nutritional value, it had some medicinal properties that could make your body more resilient and healthy!

However, the speed of this little animal was really extraordinary. He can run extremely fast, as fast as lightning.

When he finally found a Leveling Rabbit, Sun Wenyan jumped on him and immediately started chasing him.

'Whiz whiz whiz', this Leveling Rabbit ran wildly, quickly opened the distance between him and Sun Wenyan and disappeared from his sight.

Sun Wenyan was paralyzed, he never expected that such a small creature could run at such a frightening speed, almost twice its own running speed.

More than twenty minutes passed and he continued to hunt. Sun Wenyan has not achieved any results yet.

"I can't believe I couldn't get you!" In his heart, Sun Wenyan was not convinced on this subject, he continued pondering over and over about a method of catching that Rabbit Leveling.

First he observed the way these leveling rabbits ran, although they had very short legs, each stride was extremely fast, changing their direction at will without any sign, leaving him unable to track his position.

As he saw the Rabbit Leveling in front of him running, Sun Wenyan's pupils glowed with blue light. Suddenly he felt a form of inspiration in his mind, a glow of pure understanding. Following this wonderful feeling, his steps began to change incessantly.

"I understood!" Sun Wenyan felt excited inside, following his change in stride, his speed kept increasing rapidly.

Sun Wenyan felt that after cultivating the power of the stars, particularly after cultivating the [Celestial Visions], his cultivation speed was proceeding with great strides. Also, when he saw some martial art, he was going to have some unusual thoughts, like now with this Bunny Leveling. As he observed the way that Coelho Leveling ran, he understood the mysteries of his movement.

With that understanding alone, he was able to increase his speed by more than 30%. But if he wanted to evolve that understanding into some form of martial skill, perhaps he would have to spend more time.

After understanding this movement, he was still deep in thought. He realized that today, despite the [Smash Celestial Assassin], he had no method of attack.

Celestial Dragon martial artists had formidable body strength and excellent hand-to-hand martial skills, Scarlet Dawn martial artists had various ranged martial skills such as [Blades of Scarlet Fire] and [Fire Explosion], therefore excelling in long-distance combat, but Celestial Sovereign Martial Artists were neither specialized in skills nor in combat!

Sun Wenyan carefully remembered the [Fire Explosion] and [Scarlet Fire Blade] battle skills demonstrated by Linghu Yu and Linghu Jian respectively. The two had some similarities, before being able to release six fireballs or two blades of fire the user had to complete some strange movements and seal arts. All of this clearly appears in your mind.

He didn't know why, but after looking at his opponents with [Celestial Visions], every little change in their auras, every little movement they made, was deeply etched in his mind, not a single detail escaped.

Sun Wenyan was deep in thought, he trained this process in his mind over and over.

Could he use stellar power to create some long-range battle skills as scarlet dawn martial artists?

Although he had no certainty of success, Sun Wenyan started trying immediately. His two hands moved, made seals quickly, stamp art appeared all around his body. When a martial artist from the scarlet dawns showed his stamp art, that stamp art around their bodies looked like red and bright flames, but when Sun Wenyan tried, the stamp art around him was blue.


These stamp arts were only formed for an instant, but in the next they all died out quickly. He failed!

However Sun Wenyan was stubborn, never giving up easily. The structure of the power of the flames was different from the power of the stars. So he needed to make some changes to be able to use them properly.

Staying immersed in his thoughts until that moment, he started training. As he used his hand movements he tried to remember to finish the stamps quickly, he failed over and over again. But he was never discouraged, after hundreds of attempts ending in failure, he finally managed to adjust the stamp art.

Eight seal arts were floating around Sun Wenyan, the air in front of him suddenly trembled, and following his gaze, two blades of indigo-colored flame suddenly condensed.

These blades of fire were condensed with stellar power, rather than the "genuine" power of the flames.


Sun Wenyan shouted, the two blades of blue fire cut towards a large tree nearby, resulting in a small explosion with a huge "Bang!" When the explosion dissipated, he left behind two deep marks on the trunk of that tree.

"Compared to the genuine [Scarlet Fire Blade], the difference is quite big ... If I'm correct, is it only about 50% of the original's strength?" Sun Wenyan shook his head, looking dissatisfied with this result. But he continued to train this new skill, while thinking about how to increase the power of this martial skill at the same time.

After continually training and adjusting the ability, although his strength was still unmatched with the [Scarlet Fire Blade]. but the progress was quite apparent, its power was not much less than the original.

"This martial skill is my own creation, what should I call it?" Sun Wenyan was excited, his heart was racing. After some careful thought, "That's it! I'm going to call it [Blade of Heavenly Will]!"

Sun Wenyan was really excited at that point, he finally had his first Celestial Sovereign Martial Arts battle skill!

It was said that before the celestial sovereign martial artist reached the strength of the 6th Layer of Spiritual Ancestry, he would have no martial skills to use, his only use was to help others to treat his injuries. However, today, Sun Wenyan had already taken a different path from other celestial sovereign martial artists.

After finishing studying the [Blade of Heavenly Will], he could now learn to simulate the [Fire Explosion]!

Again, Sun Wenyan thought deeply, he was completely immersed in the cultivation of martial arts.

When he met another Leveling Rabbit, Sun Wenyan used his unique movement ability that he had just understood to immediately chase him. As he chased the little creature, his hands quickly drew seals, showing the [Blade of Heavenly Will] to cut towards the fugitive Leveling Rabbit.


The [Blade of Heavenly Will] he demonstrated left behind some marks on the ground, but it didn't really hit the Bunny Leveling. Seeing this, Sun Wenyan did not give up, he continued to track and follow that Rabbit Leveling, while he used the [Blade of Heavenly Will] repeatedly to attack him.

When Sun Wenyan was chasing this little Rabbit Leveling, in the middle of the forest in a distant place, a mysterious person covered in black was watching his actions intently, a profound surprise could be seen in his eyes. A celestial sovereign martial artist could unexpectedly use long-range attacks as the battle skills of scarlet dawn martial artists, that was unexpected and really shocking!

He saw with his own eyes how Sun Wenyan was improving his use of this combat ability, from clearly not being familiar at first, to slowly mastering its use, growing more skilled with each repeated use of the ability.

This speed of progression that could be seen with the naked eye gave the mysterious person an even greater shock, this boy's comprehension ability was a little too strong, wasn't it? If he were given a few years, what kinds of achievements would he have in the martial arts world? Perhaps he would become an unimaginable expert.

"Who?" Sun Wenyan screamed coldly, blue light emerged from his pupils, his hands made seals quickly, two [Blades of Heavenly Will] were thrown towards the distant forest


Bang! Bang!

Sun Wenyan ran carefully in that direction, looking around. There was no person in sight, was it possible that he had made a mistake in the situation?

It seemed that he was very paranoid, his mind was overly suspicious. Sun Wenyan turned, continued to chase that Rabbit Leveling. Sun Wenyan managed to discover some pattern in the movement of the beast, once the aim was locked with [Celestial Visions], judging some possible escape routes that the Leveling Rabbit could take, he quickly used the [Blade of Heavenly Will] to strike those possible routes.


One of the blades of energy managed to hit the Rabbit Leveling, killing him with just one blow. The lifeless body was lying on the floor, all the hair that covered his body was burned.

"Finally… Success! '" Sun Wenyan was really happy, finally he managed to hunt one after trying for so long. Upon understanding his movements, he began to hunt Leveling Rabbits incessantly, and in the end he was able to hunt nine Leveling Rabbits.

After the hunt was over, Sun Wenyan ran to return to the cave immediately.

After Sun Wenyan left, behind a large tree in a distant place, a man in black walked, his vision fixed on Sun Wenyan with a deep look.

Soon, in a cave hidden in the middle of the mountain range,

Sun Wenyan had lit the fire in a high pile of wood, and after he cleaned the skin of all the Leveling Rabbits, he started to roast them.

The tasty fragrance continuously emitted from the roasted meat, before spreading immediately.

"Wow, your cooking skills are good!" Murong Lanying said with astonishment, because the spiritual meat was well roasted, the red and tender meat with some golden-yellow appearance, the appearance of overflowing meat juice and fat, stirred her taste buds, made her almost drool unexpectedly.

Murong Lanying, from the viewer's point of view, seemed a little cold, but after being in close contact with her, Sun Wenyan discovered that she was an open and direct young woman. Really not being able to judge a book by its cover!

After everyone took their own share, the three people started eating together.

Murong Lanying was eating in peace, while suddenly she said, "Sun Wenyan, you are a Heavenly Sovereign Martial Artist, right?"

Without knowing why Murong Lanying asked this question, Sun Wenyan nodded and said, "Yes ... Why?"

"As you are a Celestial Sovereign Martial Artist, how do you explain these burnt traits in the skin of the Rabbit Leveling? Can you, for some reason, use the battle skills of the Scarlet Dawn Martial Arts?" Murong Lanying asked with a smile as he continued to eat his rabbit meat.

Murong Lanying's power of observation was really acute!

"This", Sun Wenyan hesitated, he didn't know how to explain it to them. Should he really say that he used Star Power to simulate the battle skill of the Scarlet Dawn Martial Arts?

"Lanying, are you suspecting Wenyan?" Yun Mingzhu stops eating, then looks at Murong Lanying.

"Who said I suspected him? Although his battle ability is actually a little strange, I still don't think he was responsible for these murders, let alone you. I'm just curious about his martial arts, especially the one that he used it before when he defeated Linghu Yu. I've never encountered such a battle skill before! "

"En", Sun Wenyan nodded, he could induce that both Yun Mingzhu and Murong Lanying were very passionate about martial arts, so they were doubting him, it was very normal!

"Sun Wenyan, after we finished eating, how about we practice a little bit? Actually I want to take a look, how strong you really are!" Murong Lanying said sincerely, his gaze fixed on Sun Wenyan.

"Lanying, you are an expert on the 5th Layer of Spiritual Ancestry, but Wenyan is, at most, an expert on the third layer of Spiritual Ancestry! You are simply intimidating him!" Yun Mingzhu said anxiously, after all Sun Wenyan, was absolutely no match for Murong Lanying!

"No need to worry, let's just compare notes!" Murong Lanying smiled at Yun Mingzhu and then turned to Sun Wenyan, "Don't you want to compare notes with me? Maybe that will give your progress in martial arts cultivation an advantage!"

Hearing Murong Lanying's words, Sun Wenyan hesitated a little, before finally nodding his head: "Okay, so please give me some instructions!"

Comparing Notes to someone stronger, in addition to someone with Murong Lanying's strength, should have an extremely big advantage for him. After cultivating these days, Sun Wenyan had some understanding of the martial arts, however his real combat experience was quite non-existent. Being able to challenge Murong Lanying was obviously a very good chance!

"Well, then, let's finish this meal quickly!" Murong Lanying smiled slightly when he heard that Sun Wenyan agreed. So he was not a coward, that's a good thing.

After the three had finished eating, they walked to a stretch of open area near the cave.

"Wenyan, Lanying is a Celestial Dragon Martial Artist. His strength is far above a common expert in the fifth Layer Realm of Spiritual Ancestry. You must be careful!" Yun Mingzhu recalled Sun Wenyan, a trace of concern shown in his tone.

"Lanying, how could you quickly sell your best friend like that, really?" Murong Lanying smiled and teased Yun Mingzhu while she was walking. Then she started to remove her outer garments, after the golden tunic was removed, then exposed the clothes inside, unexpectedly, she was wearing a tight leather suit ...

The material used for tight leather clothing was unknown. Its color was black and covered the entire body in smooth and charming curves.

This piece of leather was very tight, outlined the perfect curve of Murong Lanying, tied tightly those slender and beautiful legs that were the result of cultivation year after year, in addition to the front protuberances that were incredibly abundant, full of infinite attraction for each man.

Before, when Murong Lanying wore the loose robe, Sun Wenyan could not look in detail, just thought that, although a little cold on the outside, she was an ordinary and kind young girl on the inside. But after changing clothes, suddenly all her flavors changed, becoming a much more Tasty girl!

Murong Lanying's left hand grabbed her right wrist, from her bones makes an intermittent cracking sound, she smiled slightly, her voice contained some lazy attraction, "I haven't practiced for a long time! This leather suit is made of leather Black Flood Dragon, the material is very soft and flexible, but swords have not yet managed to cut it in. Also, when it receives a blow, the mesh will naturally reduce some force contained in the blow, although you can say that I am a little vulgar for you, but nothing can be done about it! "

Murong Lanying encouraged his blood to circulate rapidly. When worn [Dragon Body Transformation], ordinary clothes could be torn, but this leather suit from the skin of the Black Flood Dragon could change shapes freely, so it still covered his body perfectly. It was impossible for her to take that suit off to fight Sun Wenyan!

Murong Lanying preparing his posture, a tyrannical aura emanating from his body.

Martial Artist of the Celestial Dragon of the 5º Layer of Spiritual Ancestry, this was absolutely the strongest opponent of Sun Wenyan that he met after starting to cultivate!

Sun Wenyan looked at Murong Lanying on his opposite side, his expression solemn. He began to circulate Star Power inside his body, at any moment ready to attack.

Murong Lanying screamed softly, then an explosion sound could be heard, 'bang!', From his body, a formidable Qi aura had exploded out of his body, the scarlet-red hot thermal energy, launched with Murong Lanying at its center.

"Here I go… Be careful!" The floor his right foot stepped on immediately disintegrated.


Each time his foot stepped, he left numerous cracks. Its shape also changed, flowing slightly, coming into conflict with Sun Wenyan.

Very fast!

Sun Wenyan was very shocked. Its erupting speed was very surprising, much faster than Coelho Leveling!

Yun Mingzhu's chest was tight, Murong Lanying's formidable [Scarlet Dragon Aura] was completely exposed, without giving the impression of someone holding on. But Murong Lanying was an expert on the 5th Layer Realm of Spiritual Ancestry, could Sun Wenyan receive his attack?

Feeling Murong Lanying approaching quickly. Sun Wenyan used the unique movement ability he just understood to hurry away at the same time, both hands making quick seals, exposing the [Blade of Heavenly Will].


Sharp blades of energy had cut in the direction of Murong Lanying!

Murong Lanying's eyebrow wrinkled slightly, his reason for releasing [Scarlet Dragon Aura] without holding back, actually forced Sun Wenyan to show all his cards in his hand! Seeing the two Flaming Blades, their lips curved upwards a little. Sun Wenyan really had this battle ability, this ability was a little bit like [Scarlet Flame Blade], but in reality the strength was completely different!

"It really does have some skill, but only at this level, it is insufficient!" Murong Lanying smiled slightly, she wielded her fists, going forward to receive those [Blade of Heavenly Will].

Bang! Bang!

Both blades of energy were broken by Murong Lanying's fists. These fists were not as simple as they looked, they also contained formidable Aura Qi, and that aura Qi spun at a frightening speed like a storm. If this fist hit a giant stone, it would definitely crush it in one stroke!

Shortly after releasing his fists, one of Murong Lanying's feet swept Sun Wenyan's forehead, the wind caused by the kick produced a howling sound.

Sensing Murong Lanying's swift and ferocious attack, Sun Wenyan simply had no chance to escape or even defend properly, the only thing he could do was to quickly condense Star power in both hands and cover his entire body, ready to vigorously receive Murong Lanying's attack!