
Murong Lanying's long, slender legs swept Sun Wenyan's two hands vigorously. Hit by this heavy kick, Sun Wenyan was thrown into the air with irresistible force, before hitting a large tree 9-10 meters behind.

Resisting this force, almost all the leaves of the great tree fell and spread on the ground.

Suffering that heavy kick, Sun Wenyan struggled to his feet, leaned on the tree trunk to keep his body straight. He felt all of his internal organs turned upside down, both arms trembling continuously, and feeling the piercing pain in his mind all over his body.

Really a terrifying Force!

Compared to him, Murong Lanying's strength was on a completely different level!

Was this the true strength of a Celestial Dragon Martial Artist of the fifth Layer of Spiritual Ancestry?

Sun Wenyan was really shocked inwardly, thinking about before, he really was like a young bull who did not fear the tiger, never knowing how big the difference between the two tier levels of Spiritual Ancestry was. So far, he finally understood that the strength of someone whose cultivation was higher was that much stronger!

Murong Lanying's gaze fell on Sun Wenyan, his pupils shone a color of astonishment, the strength that Sun Wenyan just showed, left her a little surprised. This guy must have grown to the top of the realm of the 3rd Layer Spiritual Ancestry, but a Celestial Sovereign Martial Artist was never known for his ability to fight. However, Sun Wenyan's strength was no less than a Celestial Dragon Martial Artist or Scarlet Dawn Martial Artist at the 3rd peak of the Celestial Layer!

Naturally Murong Lanying was also holding on, otherwise he feared that when his kick hit Sun Wenyan's hands, both hands would surely break directly.

The Celestial Dragon Martial Artist was famous for his formidable deadly bodily strength. A Celestial Dragon Martial Artist of the 5th Layer of Spiritual Ancestry was able to bend the refined steel staff with just one kick.

Furthermore, Murong Lanying had also not shown extremely formidable martial skills, because those martial skills might not be something that Sun Wenyan could support.

Expert of the 3rd peak of the Spiritual Ancestry layer, if you found someone classified in the 4th Layer of Spiritual Ancestry, you might be able to switch several moves, but against an expert in the Realm of the 5th Layer of Spiritual Ancestry, you would not have a single chance to succeed.

"Sun Wenyan, let me take a look at your fighting skills. This older sister is particularly interested in the skills that defeated Linghu Yu!" Murong Lanying smiled slightly and spoke as he walked towards Sun Wenyan.

Since she was wearing such a tight leather outfit, Murong Lanying's shape made others feel an imposing force, mixed with an irresistible seduction that could not be explained in words.

Sun Wenyan was clearly understanding, Murong Lanying just didn't use all his strength in this training, and she just wanted to take a look at her martial skills. This behavior, just not putting it in the eyes of the latter! That understood, Sun Wenyan was furious in his heart, not wanting to be despised by Murong Lanying!

If he cringes and retreats when facing Murong Lanying in a mere blow, what right did he have to talk about protecting his family? In the future, the enemy he will face will be the incomparably huge Black Sun Family!

Because of one day, leading his family completely and escaping his miserable destiny under the oppression of the Black Sun Family, no matter how formidable his opponent, Sun Wenyan would not back down!

Sun Wenyan screamed softly, angrily urging his dantian to move the condensed star power inward, hurrying and gathering in his two pupils. Suddenly, in those pairs of black pupils, two bright golden lights shone.

[Heavenly Visions], open!

After showing the stellar eyes, Sun Wenyan's gaze fixed on Murong Lanying. He immediately had a strange feeling, his vision was incomparably bright and clear, also very sharp. He just saw through the tight leather suit, the body of Murong Lanying, was now slightly visible in his eyes ...

However, Sun Wenyan's focus was not on that paradise, but he could see that Murong Lanying's breathing and pulse rotation, most notably Qi in his dantian, was the most vigorous. Qi flows from your dantian to your meridians before it is circulated throughout your body. The thickness of Qi, the path of rotation on its meridians, was unexpectedly clearly discernible!

That was very surprising!

Sun Wenyan never thought that his [Celestial Visions] had this kind of 'special vision' unexpectedly, he could clearly see the activity of the other party's meridians!

Sun Wenyan was also still in a deep shock, when in his mind, a loud voice could be heard clearly, as if transmitted in his own mind.

The second [Celestial Eye] style, [Breaking the Celestial Eye]!

While this battle skill is not the type that offers offensive capabilities, it can actually see through the other party's movement!

Murong Lanying was walking towards Sun Wenyan, when suddenly she saw that trace of blue light shining in Sun Wenyan's eyes, that penetrating look, as if she could see through everything, it shocked her deeply, the battle skill of Sun Wenyan was really mysterious!

Under the keen eye of Sun Wenyan, Murong Lanying felt as if she were being looked at in naked body conditions, without a single thread to hide. It made her feel cold from the bottom of her heart.

Suddenly, she remembered, earlier, when Sun Wenyan dissolved Linghu Yu's [Fire Explosion], her pupils also emitted traces of blue lights.

She was unable to see through this strange battle skill that Sun Wenyan exhibited, but her heart could feel a slight trail of danger from those blue lights.

Yun Mingzhu had been watching all this time, although Sun Wenyan was impressed by Murong Lanying's kick, she clearly understood that Murong Lanying was holding on all the time, as was the case, there was no need for her to be worried. When she saw blue lights in Sun Wenyan's pupils, traces of amazement were visible on her pretty face, because she was also curious about Sun Wenyan's cultivation method since a long time ago.

"Let this older sister prove a little, how powerful her battle skill really is!" Finally, Murong Lanying was unable to restrain his curiosity, his right leg pressed lightly against the ground, dashed towards Sun Wenyan.

[Scarlet Dragon's Aura Fist]!

Murong Lanying's fists resounded, that inexhaustible Aura Qi, fiercely hurled towards Sun Wenyan with an extremely terrifying force.

What an amazing Aura Qi!

Sun Wenyan could see, Murong Lanying was serious this time, the aura in his dantian suddenly erupted, almost like a sun, his breathing and pulse also suddenly accelerated.

According to the way her breathing and pulse worked, Sun Wenyan felt similar wonderful feelings, as if he knew exactly the trajectory of Murong Lanying's fist. Furthermore, according to the way Murong Lanying advanced, he was able to feel a wonderful understanding of his own movement.

Sun Wenyan stepped aside, and Murong Lanying's Scarlet Dragon Aura Fist brushed the spot where his body was just a second ago, almost scratching it. Even though the fist missed his body, the sharp Aura Qi of that terrifying blow fell on his body, almost like a knife that cut through his skin completely, making his skin transmit a sharp and intermittent pain.


The fist of Murong Lanying's dragon aura hit a large tree behind Sun Wenyan, the tree had its trunk broken directly in the collision, making the earth tremble when the broken trunk fell to the ground.

Murong Lanying was taken aback. She simply hadn't thought that Sun Wenyan could escape her fist. Furthermore, the movement he used unexpectedly could not be followed by his vision.

If this were a confrontation between specialists in the same category, perhaps only from that moment that she was distracted, she would have already lost!

Seeing Sun Wenyan managed to avoid falling to the ground, Murong Lanying's leg swept maliciously towards his abdomen with a howling sound.

Sun Wenyan's two legs stepped on the floor, producing a movement that resembled Coelho's jump. Murong Lanying's sweeping kick almost hit Sun Wenyan in the abdomen, but in reality it just brushed his clothes. Unexpectedly, another wrong move!

After stepping on the ground, Sun Wenyan fell several times, before falling three meters from his starting position.

In fact, what was that movement? It looked like the movements of a rabbit!

In Sun Wenyan's pupils, the divine light continued to shine incessantly.

Although the rabbit was at the bottom of the food chain, sometimes, in a certain condition, it could still attack hunters!

Having attacked twice and continually failed, Murong Lanying's eyebrows twitched a little, his curiosity was getting more intense, his lips curved up and showed a slight smile. It seemed that she still didn't take Sun Wenyan, she clearly knew that Sun Wenyan's strength was well below her, but he could continually evade his attack.

Those strange eyes and that wonderful, strange movement.

In fact, in that boy's body, what kind of secret was hidden?

At this moment, unexpectedly, Murong Lanying felt a slight emotion in his heart.

Murong Lanying screamed coldly, jumped to attack Sun Wenyan, continually delivering terrible blows.

Bang bang bang!

The collision of Qi in the air resulted in continuous explosions.

Murong Lanying's speed continued to increase and approach his peak, attacking quickly and fiercely with incomparable power. Sun Wenyan simply had no opportunity to counterattack, he could only concentrate on defending himself and evading his attacks.

While facing a terrible danger every time Murong Lanying attacked, Sun Wenyan successfully avoided his attack, after he displayed [Celestial Visions], Sun Wenyan continued to fight while studying Murong Lanying's patterns of movement and attack style.

Murong Lanying's movement was continuously sculpted in Sun Wenyan's mind, giving him an endless supply of inspiration and contemplation.

Murong Lanying was deeply frightened in her heart, although Sun Wenyan's strength was clearly less than hers, all this time she continued to be repressed by her without any chance of breathing, but she really felt that Sun Wenyan could know in advance about her attacks. direction, therefore, could avoid it ahead of time. Even though his speed was much slower than hers, but he could face his attack style head on.

In fact, this country boy, what kind of fund?

[Explosion of the Scarlet Dragon's Aura]!

Murong Lanying screamed coldly, a formidable imposing shape was centered on his body, and in the next moment, it suddenly exploded in all directions.

Sun Wenyan just avoided Murong Lanying's previous attack, when suddenly he felt an infinite force swept through him, it looked like a thick and resistant wall, he hit him directly on the surface.


The strength of that level was not something that Sun Wenyan could resist, Sun Wenyan was hit directly, making him fly, before falling flat on his face.

Sun Wenyan's face hardened, a forced smile appeared on his face.

In the end, the 3rd Layer of Spiritual Ancestry and the 5th Layer of Spiritual Ancestry had a great disparity of strength. Although Sun Wenyan could use [Celestial Vision] to avoid most of Murong Lanying's attack style, but when he encountered [Scarlet Dragon's Aura Blast], a long-range multi-instrumental battle skill, he absolutely did not. he had ways to resist.

Because against this battle skill, it was impossible to hide!

Murong Lanying's mouth curved upward, revealing a satisfied and contented face. She said with a smile, "I finally defeated you!"

"My cultivation is well below yours." Sun Wenyan covered his chest and crawled slowly, Murong Lanying did not fight with his full strength, if she was not holding on, relying on this force that was two layers above him, he would not be able to resist for so long.

"You are also very good, with your strength in the 3rd Layer of Spiritual Ancestry, able to last so long under my attacks, it really exceeded my expectations!" Murong Lanying said sincerely, with both hands holding his chest, he looked with interest at Sun Wenyan: "Actually, what was the battle skill you used before? Being able to see through my movements and attack unexpectedly, how does it work?"

Sun Wenyan was silent for a long time, did not answer his question.

"Since you are not willing to answer, then forget about it!" Murong Lanying smiled.

Seeing that Sun Wenyan and Murong Lanying stopped, Yun Mingzhu's mind relaxed a little. She didn't know why, but when Sun Wenyan fought Murong Lanying now, when he was about to be hit by Murong Lanying, his mood was being affected a little…

Yun Mingzhu's cheeks were slightly red, but he was thinking about his own situation, not knowing when he could follow his own destiny. Yun Mingzhu sighed gently in his heart.

"Let's go back to the cave." Murong Lanying really wanted to unearth the secret of Sun Wenyan, but now with the fight ending sooner, because he had an indescribable sense of crisis, although he did not know the reason, but his intuition said that they should go back to the cave.

The three people returned to the cave, while the day gradually disappeared over the horizon, being replaced by darkness.

Sun Wenyan had placed piles of wood, and about to ask Yun Mingzhu to help light the fire, Murong Lanying immediately stopped Sun Wenyan from doing so, sincerely said, "Don't light the fire!"

Sun Wenyan looked at Murong Lanying, immediately understood his intentions.

In this immense mountain jungle, there was a terrible enemy lurking, waiting for a chance to ambush them. If they light the fire, they would be exposing their own position to the enemy, drawing their attention to themselves. The end result of this foolish action could be imagined.

Sun Wenyan was slightly startled: "If other people build a fire, then ..."

Murong Lanying nodded, his expression was solemn.

Next too Yun Mingzhu revealed a sad expression. If that were the case, there would be many casualties!

"There is no choice, we can only wish them luck." Murong Lanying said with some regret, and continued: "I also felt that there was a danger hidden nearby, so we must be careful, we must take turns to be on guard, paying attention at the entrance to the cave".

"I will be responsible for staying on the night watch here, you don't have to worry, just rest well. Even if I stay up all night, I won't get tired." Sun Wenyan said immediately.

"Sun Wenyan, don't forget that you have not yet come out of suspicion. If Yun Mingzhu and I have fallen asleep, then you make a move against us, will we not suffer a great loss for you?" Murong Lanying curved his lips softly.

Sun Wenyan was silent, he really wanted to make Murong Lanying trust himself, but it was not easy.

"Lanying, you…" Yun Mingzhu frowned, what Murong Lanying said to Sun Wenyan, was a little excessive.

"Okay, if I keep talking, someone will be angry." Murong Lanying waved his hand and lay down on a flat rock. "Ignore what I just said. Since you are so determined to stay on the night watch, then I will rest first."

"Wenyan, Lanying is just kidding, please don't mind too much ... she is a person who says bad things outside, but actually has a soft heart." Yun Mingzhu explained to Sun Wenyan.

"It's okay. What she just said was right anyway, I didn't really get suspicious." Sun Wenyan said that, but regarding Yun Mingzhu's confidence, he was very grateful.

As time went on, Sun Wenyan's impression on Yun Mingzhu, that kind and loving young woman, was really supportive, but when he thought again that Yun Mingzhu had a fiance, Sun Wenyan was silent.

Gradually night fell, the neighborhood was covered by darkness.

This region was a plateau, during the day, because of the sunlight, the weather was also a little hot, but after night fell, during the endless night, there was an abnormal sensation, as if there were intermittent cold that rose in the air, the cold was penetrating the bones.

Sun Wenyan could feel that the air he exhaled was instantly frozen, as if frozen.

How could it be so cold?

This coldness simply surpassed Sun Wenyan's imagination. They didn't light the fire, so in that kind of weather, it was hard to avoid being frozen to death!

How will Yun Mingzhu and Murong Lanying be? He was getting worried about them. After all, they went to rest a long time ago, before the weather got cold.

However, in the darkness of the cave, even when he looked at his hand, he could not see his five fingers. So Sun Wenyan could only put his hand in the darkness, suddenly, he felt something warm, soft and delicious.

A clear "Pa" sound was resonating in the middle of the cave.

Sun Wenyan felt that his own face had been hit by a palm.

"Perverted!" From the darkness, Murong Lanying's low cry could be heard.

"Sorry, it wasn't intentional!" Sun Wenyan immediately felt strange, because it was very dark here, he couldn't see anything. He never thought he would touch Murong Lanying's body so unexpectedly, hadn't she gone to rest on a rock too far away?

"Tonight, the air is very cold!" Yun Mingzhu is also shivering. In such a cold weather, she couldn't even condense the strength of her Scarlet Dawn Martial Art.

It was still early evening, the dawn would still be long! Could they survive this extreme cold?