The Hidden Truth About the Ice Phoenix Spiritual Palace (2)

"So, you are saying, the first six stages of the [Ice Phoenix Celestial Canon] are located in the divine ice Phoenix Imperial Earth proving ground, and only the Seventh, Eighth and Ninth stages are located here?"

Sun Wenyan simply wanted to gain power through this Phoenix test and never thought to discover this type of confidential information. With a power that shocked all the Royal Imperial Kingdoms, it was well known to everyone, that the reason for the domination and power of the Spiritual Palace of the Ice Phoenix was due to their possession of the Blood of the Ice Phoenix and to have the power of the Phoenix of Ice on their own bodies. However, no one knew that there would be such a secret behind them.

"No! The first six stages of the [Ice Phoenix Celestial Canon] are not located in the testing grounds of the Divine Hail Empire; they are in the hands of the Ice Phoenix Spiritual Palace. The [Ice Phoenix Celestial Canon] became the scissors of the Spiritual Palace of the Phoenix of Ice, after the rebellion that Spirit of the Phoenix gave it to them, and assisted in their domination in the Imperial Lands. The testing grounds of the Divine Hail Empire are preserved and used to grant Essence Original Blood and Frozen Essence Pills for the Ice Phoenix Spiritual Palace disciples who have passed the test, because just passing through the tests and the only way to receive the original blood essence is spiritual essence pills.

The Ice Phoenix originally laid down this rule, and even we Spiritual Remnants cannot change it. This rule also applies to the [Celestial Canon of the Ice Phoenix] ".

"So why was the Phoenix Spirit of the Divine Hail Empire able to deliver the [Celestial Canon of the Ice Phoenix] to the Spiritual Palace of the Divine Phoenix? And also, why are only the seventh, eighth and ninth stages here, it is impossible to cultivate the [Celestial Canon of the Ice Phoenix] without the first six stages. You are the Spirit of the Phoenix, so you must know the power inscriptions for the first six stages, right? " Sun Wenyan asked.

"No, I don't know. Although we are Spirits of the Phoenix, we do not have the authority to read the [Celestial Canon of the Ice Phoenix] and furthermore, we cannot give it to others. The only authority we have is to grant it. to the beings that passed the test, allow them to study the [Celestial Canon of the Ice Phoenix] for a month, however, in our vicious battle, my Jade Column that recorded the [Celestial Canon of the Ice Phoenix] was destroyed and his was also fractured, which made the printed rules that the phoenix had useless put in. So he won that piece of jade stone that was also the complete authority over the first six stages. The final half also landed in my hands and "I can also manage it freely. However, I will never go against the will of the Phoenix. As for the first six stages, I have no knowledge of them. So your desire to get the first six stages here is completely it's impossible".

"So this is how it is." Sun Wenyan's heart was broken. The inscriptions of the [Heavenly Ice Phoenix] were fractured, but at any rate, with the first six stages of the [Heavenly Ice Phoenix] in the hands of the Spiritual Palace of the Divine Phoenix, even if a person started training from the first stage without the slightest delay, she would eventually be stuck in the sixth stage. The seventh, eighth and ninth stages of the [Celestial Canon of the Ice Phoenix] that it currently possessed were the three most powerful stages of the Spiritual Palace of the Phoenix. But at that moment, he was just as useful when not having it ... Without the knowledge of the first six stages, how would anyone even begin to learn the seventh, eighth and ninth stages?

If a building did not have the ground floor built, how could it have the first and second floors? Even if the building was suspended in the air, there would still be support structures supporting the building.

"You can consume this Frozen Essence Pill right away, and with its current deep strength, you should need three days to refine the pill. Fortunately the time is different compared to the outside.

As for the [Celestial Canon of the Ice Phoenix], although we only have one fragment, you can still try to understand it through the rules and regulations that the Phoenix left behind the following month. Of course, if you feel that this is a waste of time, you can leave right after refining the pill. But although you cannot cultivate with this fragment of the [Celestial Canon of the Ice Phoenix], it still remains one of the Eternal Books of the Frozen World to shake the world in the Pre-Divine Era. In that month, you should read it and maybe learn something from it. It's all up to you".

"Lastly, I will leave you a warning. Once you leave, you cannot say a word about this evidence to anyone. If you go to the Divine Hail Empire in the future, at least you have enough power, you should cover any signs of your Aura and Phoenix Mark. If someone from the Divine Hail Empire discovers the original Blood Phoenix bloodline on your body, you are about to face a great calamity since you are not a disciple of the Spiritual Palace of the Divine Phoenix ... Remember that! "

The voice resonated in Sun Wenyan's head and the large pair of golden pupils slowly disappeared.

Holding the jade that contained the fragments of the [Celestial Canon of the Ice Phoenix], it was impossible for Sun Wenyan not to be confused and hesitant. What kind of existence was the Spiritual Palace of the Divine Phoenix?

Only the Spiritual Palaces of other Royal Imperial Kingdoms, had the power to face them head on. The Royal Palace possessed a strength simply unimaginable with hundreds of specialists of the Holy and Venerable level, only a madman like Sun Wenyan would fight with them. The Royal Palaces were so formidable because they had at their disposal Blood Essence of Origin, of divine beasts and as well as the proper Martial Techniques and Cultivation Techniques, as well as the [Celestial Canon of the Ice Phoenix], which they had acquired from the Spirit of the Phoenix.

And the portion of the [Celestial Canon of the Ice Phoenix] in his hands surpassed that of the Spiritual Palace of the Divine Phoenix by three stages. What kind of scary concept was that?

But they were just fragments, and it was impossible to train without the foundation of the first six levels! To have such a treasure but not be able to use it, one could only imagine how frustrating it would be. Sun Wenyan wished that the Spirit of the Phoenix had not revealed the existence of the fragments; then he would be happy and not in his current state of hesitation.

Sun Wenyan sat on the floor and took the Frozen Essence Pill from the jade bottle. The entire color of the Frozen Essence Pill was as white as snow and freezing as liquid nitrogen. Anyone could clearly feel the immense power contained within that small pill. Sun Wenyan adjusted his breathing, placed the pill in the mouth, and swallowed it with a single sip.

Whoosh !!

Suddenly, a crystalline mist was rising from Sun Wenyan's body, and they shot to a height of no less than three meters while it enveloped Sun Wenyan's entire body. At the same time, every pore in your body has expanded by a substantial amount; blood rushed frantically around his body at three times normal speed, and the spiritual energy in his body swept violently like a storm.

The pill's refinement process was supposed to be quite difficult and painful, but due to cheating on her body, Sun Wenyan currently felt an indescribably comfortable feeling. He used merely twenty breaths of time to regain the balance between his body, meridians and blood. All the while, his expression was completely calm as he enjoyed the minute changes in his body and the slow thickening of the deep energy.

The fog surrounding their body did not subside even a little while they continued calmly during the process. The purpose of the snow was to physically reshape the pill wearer's body, increasing its resistance to ice, and its affinity with the ice element.

The Phoenix Spirit had said that not only would the Frozen Essence Pill improve control under a person's ice, it would also increase spiritual strength. The Spirit of the Phoenix definitely spoke the truth, as Sun Wenyan could clearly feel the increase in his strength ... This type of growth was very slow, and was completely different from the violent expansion of a Pill of Mortal Ancestry. Instead, the promotion was especially and solidly stable.

An hour later, Sun Wenyan opened his eyes. Approximately one percent of the Frozen Essence Pill had been refined in his body. His strength had originally been placed in a bottleneck on the 3rd Layer of Spiritual Ancestry.

While sitting, Sun Wenyan took the jade with the [Celestial Canon of the Ice Phoenix] inscribed on it. He placed his palm above the jade while feelings like worry and regret filled his heart. Just as he was about to take his hand off the jade and focus on refining the Frozen Essence Pill, the figure of a person suddenly flashed in his mind, and he thought back to the time when that person kindly said those words to him ...

"Master, the healing arts you taught me, are they all from that [Holy Medicinal Scripture]?"

"Hehehe… little Zi is only five years old and is already so smart… good in some areas at least. This is a particularly strange script. Once, when I was still young and beautiful, I was gathering medicinal materials and I was lost while I was well. deep in the Celestial Valleys of Asgard, I accidentally fell into a cave after being chased by a wild animal, and found this [Holy Medicinal Scripture] on a dry demon skeleton. Just, I found out after finding this book that [ Holy Medical Scripture] had a total of three sections, and I found only the third section. I also found that this [Holy Medical Scripture] was not just an ordinary medical book; his medical knowledge was supposed to be a whole, and it was fundamentally impossible to understand the third section without the first two sections ".

"Master… Master, how can you say that you are old and ugly? You are like a goddess who made her appearance in this world, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life."

"... Little Zi, have you seen any other woman besides me? How can you say something like that to this older sister here?"

"More master, you managed to find the other two sections, right?"

"No! Although I spent a considerable amount of time searching, I did not find the previous sections. But Master was not happy with that, so I stopped looking and tried to decipher the third section of [Holy Medical Scripture] by force. Combined with my entire life of reading, knowledge and experience, I gathered them little by little, and in a hundred years, I wrote the two sections for myself… However, the two sections that the Master wrote are definitely not the same as the original sections, but through my own understanding and writing, compared to simply reading another book, maybe what I got was much bigger ".

"Wow! Master, you really are very powerful".

"Hahahahaha, Master is just stubborn and never admits defeat. If others can't understand, why wouldn't I be able to understand him…. Not to mention that I also have the third section as a reference. Zi'er, in terms of perception, you overcome me completely. As long as you have Master's ideas and determination, you'll definitely be able to achieve that, too, maybe even better than Master. "

"Yes, master !!"

"Okay… Now stop moving around and let the mistress finish washing it…"


As if encouraged to study by the morning bell and afternoon drums. Sun Wenyan's eyes suddenly opened wide as his heart trembled heavily.

Each stage of the [Heavenly Ice Phoenix] was exactly a step-by-step progress and all the arts in the world were that way without exception. Without a complete understanding of the second stage, it would be impossible to reach the third stage ... That was a common sense that everyone should know!

But, was it really completely impossible?

Master did it. Through her own understanding of the healing arts, her talent, and the third section of the [Holy Medicinal Scripture], she completely understood the entire [Holy Medicinal Scripture]. I have in my body the Spiritual Core of the Diabolic Emperor of Ancestral Calamity and an unbeatable elemental affinity, so there is absolutely no reason for me not to be able to understand the seventh, eighth or ninth stages of the [Celestial Canon of the Ice Phoenix], moving forward the basic context of the first six stages, and then forcefully cultivate the seventh stage ?!

Thinking about it, Sun Wenyan closed his eyes and suddenly cleared his heart. The only thing his mind was focused on was the mental impression that came from jade ...

And then it started from the seventh stage of the [Heavenly Ice Phoenix] ...

The seventh stage ... In addition to increasing the power of the Phoenix ice, it also contained the Phoenix Ice Technique: Celestial Dance of the Immortal Ice Wings.