Shocking a Deity

Sun Wenyan stared at the Jade sign with serious eyes and blew out a stubborn sigh.

Sun Wenyan's star energy began to circulate abnormally.

"Must I be going crazy trying to forcefully understand the seventh, eighth and ninth stages of the [Celestial Canon of the Ice Phoenix]? I really must be going crazy! ... But a lifetime chance has been put in front of me. If I don't try, I will regret it forever! " Sun Wenyan replied with his eyes closed. His conscience was completely submerged in the impression of the soul of the jade rock. This [Celestial Canon of the Ice Phoenix] was recorded using a soul impression, so a person had to use soul power to read. If a person could understand it, it would then be genuinely registered within the person's own soul. And if someone were unable to understand him, after leaving the field of testing, the words, images and methods for circulating the energy that were registered in the jade stone would be completely erased from his memory. Therefore, for Sun Wenyan, who had only one "month" to understand the remaining portion of that fragment, it was fundamentally impossible for him to keep the seventh, eighth and ninth stages in memory as a temporary solution and then find the first six stages to understand in the future.

"Without the first six stages, how am I going to understand the seventh, eighth and ninth? Should I be trying to go straight to the fruits when I don't even have the seeds? If I try to force and go the opposite way, the most likely result will be the distortion of your veins, messing up your channels, and even my meridians that I had fully opened will close one after another ".

"Since I don't have the foundation from the first to the sixth stage, I will build my own foundation!" Sun Wenyan replied in a mocking tone.

Then, he cut off all other parts of his consciousness, and completely submerged himself within the soul impression of the [Ice Phoenix Celestial Canon]….

However, at that moment, not even Sun Wenyan realized that under his clothes, an eccentric glow suddenly radiated from his left hand ... which was extinguished in an instant.

"This really is unbelievable, you were currently able to understand the Phoenix Ice Techniques of the seventh, eighth and ninth stages of the [Celestial Canon of the Ice Phoenix] using your strength with extreme affinity with the Celestial Dao, even under the situation where the concept of the phoenix's ice power was severely lacking! Human, you surprise me ".

"The core of power in these three great domains rests on increasing the physical strength of the body by a large margin, and yet all I did was merely to understand the three great ice techniques; that really was not at all impressive." Sun Wenyan said calmly.

"No! The Ice Techniques of the three great domains, 'Celestial Dance of the Immortal Ice Wings', 'Mirrors of the Illusory Freezing Mist' and 'Blast of Absolute Nitrogen', are closely related to the concepts of ice energy and are put together as one. To fully understand these three great techniques under these circumstances, I believe that even if the True Ice Phoenix were here in the mortal world, it would certainly also be extremely amazed. Admittedly, this is related to the fact that you own the Core Spiritual of the Diabolic Emperor of Ancestral Calamity and you also have an extremely strong affinity with the Celestial Dao ... Even if the Diabolic Emperor was here, it would basically be impossible for him to do that in this short period of a month. to be crowned with the best in Primordial Chaos today ".

That was the Phoenix Spirit's assessment of Sun Wenyan. Being the spirit of a Divine Beast superior to the mortal world, he had never expected to give such a rating to a human one day.

The jade that recorded the [Celestial Canon of the Ice Phoenix] slowly disappeared into Sun Wenyan's hand, and the Phoenix Spirit's voice rang out again: "Your time in this proving ground is coming to an end, it's time for me to send it but before I do it, maybe I should give it a special gift ".

Within the pitch black world, a golden light suddenly flew by and touched Sun Wenyan on his forehead. And instantly, the pale phoenix mark on its mark disappeared. But the color had become a pure golden color from the previous pale color! Just like a cluster, of golden colored snow.

"This is…" Feeling the phoenix mark on his forehead change color, Sun Wenyan subconsciously touched his forehead and asked confusedly.

"This is a special power that I can use only once in my life, but I never thought that the day I would use it would come. However, as the person who carries the Spiritual Essence of the Diabolic Emperor, his future is destined to be extraordinary, and granting that power to you is more than appropriate. As for what kind of power that is, when the time comes to use it, you'll naturally know ".

"Now then, let me send you out. Currently you have been in here for a few months, but outside at most it has only been ten minutes, your friends are in great danger and only you can save them now ... Now go…"

"... So the [Phoenix Blade] and the key to enter that personal dimension, put your family members to train and then send them here to try to pass the test field ... Currently I still have a lot of blood and pills available ... Hehehehe … "

When the Phoenix's voice weakened, the pair of big eyes disappeared into the darkness, and the space in front of Sun Wenyan's eyes immediately distorted ...


Leaving the cave quickly, Wenyan spotted Mingzhu one with an expression of distress on his beautiful and charming face.

"What is it? Where's Lanying? Where did she go?"

"Lanying saw a man in black and followed him, but she made me stay here and wait for you. She told us to follow the trail she left on the way!" Mingzhu said in a hurry.

Wenyan was thoughtful, "Who is this man in black? Is he responsible for the deaths?" Thought. However, Lanying was very careless in following a stranger without calculating the danger that this might create for herself and those who are by her side.

"Let's get going!" Wenyan spoke quickly because he feared the worst, even though Lanying is the strongest woman he knew in this life he still cared about her. The two left in a hurry. After dozens of meters heard the sound of a fight going on.

"This is not good, be careful!" Sun Wenyan spotted two people lying near this site. They were both surprised by an attack by the man in black. He quickly advanced to where Sun Wenyan and Mingzhu were.

"Be careful!" Mingzhu quickly summoned two fireballs and launched at the man in black.

* Paaa *

* Paaa *

The fireballs hit the man and exploded, burning his outer clothing. He roared wildly and started an attack again towards Sun Wenyan who was closest to him.

He was a Celestial Dragon Martial Art User !!

Sun Wenyan saw this quickly and dodged it quickly. A reasonable amount of star power was quickly concentrated on his feet and started kicking the man in black.

The man in black was on the 5th Layer of the Kingdom of Spiritual Ancestry !!

Sun Wenyan's feet hurt a little with the series of strokes he had just delivered, but he noticed that even though his opponent was on the 5th Layer of the Kingdom of Spiritual Ancestry, he was weaker than Lanying.

Preparing for the next sequence of kicks, a beam of light illuminated the man's face in black and Sun Wenyan had a good view of his face. His gaze soon became cold.

"So is it you? ..." Sun Wenyan clenched his fist tightly. Previously both Sun Wenyan, Yun Mingzhu and Murong Lanying suspected him, but now it is totally clear!

"So I was recognized by you!" The man said smiling, "Your eyes are very good" This person was simply the teacher who led his group, Professor Chun Xianxia!

Mingzhu forced his eyes to recognize the face he had seen many times. She asked, still not believing, "How can you do all this, Professor Chun Xianxia? You are a professor at the Frost Dragon Academy, how can you kill your own students?"

"Hahahahahahaha…" Professor Chun Xianxia laughed, immediately stared at Mingzhu coldly "... Even if I told you, you wouldn't understand. A noble girl like you, always obedient to her family, should know that outside here is very dangerous. It's common people die! "

Sun Wenyan was glaring at Professor Chun Xianxia, ​​did his own teacher set a trap to kill his students? What reason would he have? If there is a reason other than the sheer desire to kill.

"So your goal was to kill Murong Lanying?" Sun Wenyan asked the professor seriously. Murong Lanying ran and hasn't come back yet. The fact that Chun Xianxia appears here may be so that they are unable to rescue Murong Lanying!

If there is a reason, Murong Lanying is most likely a part, she is the family of the City Lord and the only child of the Lord Keeper of the North.

"Wenyan, you are really smart ... Can you find out even that? You are correct again. Murong Lanying never leaves his family's mansion and a direct attack is very difficult to do with this situation ...", Chun Xianxia stopped to think about a moment and continued, "... It is really difficult to ambush if the person in question does not leave the house, but now he is alone and I certainly will not miss this golden opportunity!"

In the opinion of everyone, this field class is a strictly safe place. The entrance is exited from this area can only be made by a wooden road. And their access is restricted only to teachers and students. It would be as safe a place as the Mansion of the Lord of the City. However, after Murong Lanying entered this area, several students died.

"If your goal is Lanying, why kill so many innocent people?" Yun Mingzhu asked looking furiously at Chun Xianxia.

"People ... Innocent? Hahahahahaha !! Chun Xianxia laughed hard ...

"How will a girl from the Aristocratic Family really know the reality of the world? Do you know what people's lives are like that the people that your family oppress every day? We often see rich families taking everything of value that subordinate families they do it by working hard. They treat us like pigs like we're alive just for your kindness! " Chun Xianxia's eyes were red. "You brat is from the Jade Seal Family, you will grow up peacefully with all your rights, now girls from subordinate families when they are beautiful they are soon raped by the main families. People call it" Nightlife Initiation ". Hehehe, that is not is it funny? Now I ask you, why do you do that? " Chun Xianxia increasingly expressed more disgust on his face and looks coldly at Yun Mingzhu.

Yun Mingzhu just looked with tears in his eyes at Chun Xianxia. She had no arguments to support these charges.

She always knew about the atrocities they did with subordinate families, but she didn't have the means to change anything.

Sun Wenyan was silent. He remembered his aunt on the part of his father who chose death to have to endure such humiliation, and recalls the old men who starve to leave more food for the young.

Chun Xianxia stopped looking at Yun Mingzhu and started looking at Sun Wenyan who was thoughtful.

"Our children are growing up in the middle of this war that rich families started. Sun Wenyan, I know you carry an intense hatred but you try to bear it alone, join us ... With your talent for cultivation you will soon become a Specialist and will be able to exterminate the Black Sun Family, which has done so much harm to his family, once and for all! What do you think? "

Sun Wenyan kept his fist closed. He really wanted revenge. He really wanted to completely destroy the Black Sun Family. It would be worthy revenge for her aunt and the people of her Guild.

Seeing Sun Wenyan bow his head without saying anything, Yun Mingzhu said nervously, "Sun Wenyan don't be fooled by him!"

"I didn't tell any lies!" Chun Xianxia continued "People from rich families are all the same, because they want us to just accept death and humiliation? Sun Wenyan if you follow me you will be treated like a master, if you have feelings for Yun Mingzhu I tie her up for you ! What do you think? Don't you want to make all the main families pay for what they do? " Chun Xianxia was getting excited.

Yun Mingzhu increasingly lost hope. She had no argument that could convince Sun Wenyan to remain on her side. Yun Mingzhu suddenly discovered that between her and Sun Wenyan there is a great chasm.

Sun Wenyan was silent for a long time thinking. Her eyes gradually began to focus and she looked at Chun Xianxia.

"After taking the Aristocratic Families out of power, what do you intend to do? You will be the new wealthy families! You will humiliate and kill them all, am I wrong? Between the Aristocratic Families and their group it makes no difference. They always treat who does not consider it important as pigs for slaughter. "

"Sun Wenyan, didn't you hear me that you have unlimited prospects with your power? Don't take the wrong path, don't help people who kill the poor for fun and greed." Chun Xianxia said quickly.

"I am not going to work and die for anyone. I have my reasons and that is what really matters to me. Although wealthy families have a lot of trash, there are also many good people like Yun Mingzhu and Murong Lanying. Yun Mingzhu we go, leave this garbage here! " Sun Wenyan said and started to leave.

Listening to Sun Wenyan, the sadness in her heart was gone. She looked at Sun Wenyan and her heart was filled with a feeling that she could not explain.

Chun Xianxia looked down a little sadly but soon recovered, gave a mocking laugh and was soon saying "How can you two still think you will escape? Don't be naive ... Rescuing Murong Lanying from him is impossible for you."

Who is he'? Sun Wenyan thought calmly, Chun Xianxia and his group had captured Murong Lanying. Is it possible that in this team there are people even stronger than Murong Lanying?

Sun Wenyan suddenly had a feeling that he underestimated this anarchist group.

Thinking that Murong Lanying might be dead, Sun Wenyan thought of all sorts of things that they went through yesterday and today. When they left the cave and Murong Lanying yelled at him. How could he not care about his friend's safety?

"I'm going, do you really think you can stop me?" Sun Wenyan was on the alert for any advance by the enemy.

The star power quickly began to travel through Sun Wenyan's body as if it were just waiting to explode.

Generating a large amount of extremely heavy pressure in the environment.

Chun Xianxia felt that pressure and felt a little bit of breathing difficulty. Chun Xianxia was shocked, did not imagine that Sun Wenyan could already have that level of power!

Chun Xianxia wondered how much power he could have in the future and that would be instrumental in ending aristocratic families.

Chun Xianxia was cursing fate and thinking how good it would be if Sun Wenyan had changed sides.

"If you really want to stop us, try. I am absolutely not going to let you out of here!"

Heavenly Perception!

Activating celestial visions, as Sun Wenyan's pupils emitted a very strong blue light. His body became very light and went over Chun Xianxia.

Chun Xianxia was getting furious at being underestimated by a student who was still in the mere 3rd Layer of the Kingdom of Spiritual Ancestry.

Chun Xianxia gathered the energy to strike Sun Wenyan.


The wrong power stroke!

Yun Mingzhu reacted by gathering energy from the flames and condensing them to attack Chun Xianxia.

Even though he was faced by two people who were clearly more grateful than he was, Chun Xianxia was frightened by the power of Sun Wenyan. He is clearly not in the 3rd Layer of the Realm of Spiritual Ancestry and yet is a little inferior to him who is already an Expert in the 5th Layer of the Realm of Spiritual Ancestry.

And to worsen this mysterious pressure that is being exhaled by his power makes the fight even more difficult. It is impossible to land just one punch on Sun Wenyan!

Before fighting, Sun Wenyan knew that criteria for fighting someone from the 5th Layer of the Kingdom of Spiritual Ancestry, so while attacking he also stimulated a [Phoenix Blade] mark on his arm, the Ice Phoenix had already warned him that this blade was actually a key, but Sun Wenyan had nothing that could be used as a weapon at that time. If necessary, Sun Wenyan will summon his key weapon at any time.

Not being able to spend much time with Chun Xianxia as Murong Lanying could be in danger right now. In the beginning Chun Xianxia would not use his Martial Arts to fight a small fish like Sun Wenyan, but now it was different, Chun Xianxia gathered all his energy in his strokes. Chun Xianxia gathered a lot of energy and screamed!

"Scarlet Dragon Aura Blast !!"

This was the same blow that Murong Lanying used to defeat him yesterday. A gigantic amount of aura explodes in all directions.

At this very moment, Sun Wenyan stimulated the Phoenix Mark on his arm and a white light started to come out of him ...

"But what…", Chun Xianxia was at a loss for words, as a kind of feathered bird with white feathers and ice-blue eyes approximately three feet long began to form around Sun Wenyan's body.

"... What kind of glow is that?", Chun Xianxia trembled with the icy environment that mysteriously has just formed around him.

The environment around Sun Wenyan, Yun Mingzhu and Chun Xianxia slowly started to freeze, from grass to tree leaves, it seemed that around a radius of 100 meters with Sun Wenyan in the center went through a terrible Spiritual Winter Storm ...

Sun Wenyan first bombarded Chun Xianxia's body with a freezing wind cloud. The terrible freezing ice passed through Chun Xianxia's body, severely limiting his movements.

"What the hell is this?", Chun Xianxia was not seeing Sun Wenyan due to heavy fog covering the entire area. Chun Xianxia simply did not know why Sun Wenyan's attack had such a devastating freezing effect.

"Is that really the power of a Celestial Sovereign Martial Arts user?", Thought Chun Xianxia who was still shocked inside, Chun Xianxia was inexplicably frozen, the dense, cold air was entering his body. Chun Xianxia found it very difficult to move. Chun Xianxia would never have imagined that Sun Wenyan would become so strong in a few weeks, thinking about it envy started to run through his mind, he had trained for more than two decades to reach the 5th Layer of the Kingdom of Spiritual Ancestry and Sun Wenyan in some few weeks already had strength compared to yours !! How could Chun Xianxia not be jealous of Sun Wenyan's amazing talent ... why didn't the gods give him this talent for him?

Sun Wenyan had not yet made his move, Sun Wenyan was only emitting frozen air and creating the effect of fog. Chun Xianxia was quite disoriented so he was obviously losing his battle skills.

After the crash, Sun Wenyan was hit by the Scarlet Dragon's Aura Blast. The impact was so great that it flew off and spit blood after it landed.

Chun Xianxia retreated quickly, the cold environment was making all his limbs numb and he was afraid of losing his movements due to freezing. After retreating, it concentrates energy in its claws, transforming them into hard and resistant blades that could cut anything as if it were nothing.

Chun Xianxia moved quickly towards Sun Wenyan after finishing the preparation. The energy circulating in its claws was taking the form of a spiked drill.

"Since you don't have the courage to not attack, then just die!", Chun Xianxia advanced towards Sun Wenyan at full speed. Sun Wenyan remembered this blow when the teacher demonstrated himself to be a characteristic and widely used power by the Martial Artists of the Celestial Dragon. This blow was called [Perforating Drill] and was able to make a huge hole in a massive boulder.

This was a force that Sun Wenyan could not handle with bare hands. With the battle skills that Sun Wenyan possessed they were not suitable for effectively knocking out an enemy.

Sun Wenyan has [Collapsing Stars Ruining Moons] and [Blade of Heavenly Will] and they would not be as useful in these types of situations. Sun Wenyan could only defend himself with his own physical strength. Feeling the terrible pressure coming in this direction, Sun Wenyan stimulated the star power in his body and concentrated it on his [Phoenix Blade].

The temperature quickly dropped completely. A frozen aura exploded from Sun Wenyan's body and formed a wall of crystalline ice.

"Bomm !!"

Chun Xianxia's attack hit the wall and ended up disintegrating completely in a few moments.