The True Tom Clancy Squad

Off the shores in key points along sections of the entirety of New York masked individuals emerged from the water before climbing, swimming, or walking to shore. A tiger in armor following one of the masked individuals as they led thirty others ashore with guns or melee at the ready.

"This is Chimera, Hunt Zero is now ashore. Commencing with deployment, are we clear Echelon Three?"

{The Wolf Lambs are clear, set up your outposts Wolf Lambs. Little Fire out.}

"Roger Echelon Three."

Signaling my Hunters they move quietly and deftly with a supernatural level of stealth as we invade New York near Lower Manhattan around the Liberty Bridge. Looking at Alexia I whistled as I mounted the tiger, she chuffs excitedly before taking off the armor she was wearing muffling all sound of her paws beating on the ground. Claws covered in a multipurpose weapon tool for climbing and mauling working excellently as she scaled some buildings to follow after the Hunters. A lot of the area is already abandoned as it's been a few days since this began and so far it's only getting worse meaning Agents will be getting deployed soon.

After a while of traveling we found the abandoned Hyatt Centric Hotel along Wall Street all of my group outside the front doors. As we approached Sam Fisher, the legend of Echelon Three, now a member of Fourth Echelon, the man looked at us with his green eyes looking at us neutrally. As I led the Hunters while riding my cub the spy chuckled softly before smirking at me and Alexia.

"Ah there's the pipsqueak and her father, how you been Ghost? Last I saw you was when we ran into each other in India. Back then though pipsqueak was just as big as a medium sized dog."

"Leo, it's been a few years since we last met in person. How's your little brat?"

"Sarah… has been better but safe I'm making sure of it. Now come I believe you'll want to meet everyone you'll be working with given you requested them. Although Rainbow Six invited themselves so they'll be attending as well."

Grunting I shook my head as I dismounted Alexia and jogged up to Fisher as he began walking with Alexia on my heels. My Gunters scattering to set up shop as they seemingly vanished into thin air as if the world glitched around them. As we walked, me and Fisher caught up with Alexia complaining about him calling her pipsqueak so much as she is, "A big girl and a good girl not a mean cub anymore." as she so whiningly put it. Fisher was surprised but shrugged it off as if talking Tigers aren't that out there given everything we've seen and done. As we walked and talked we eventually came upon the doors to a large hall which we wasted no time in entering. As we did so a group of thirty soldiers all suddenly stood up and saluted.



"At ease soldiers, we got much to talk about. Who is your commanding officer?"

"That'd be me sir! Call sign Nomad, good to meet you."

As Nomad spoke his boys and girls sat down or leaned on something watching everyone while Nomad himself sat back down in a chair resting his arms on the back rest as he watched everyone. Sam went and stood by a seemingly empty table, but ISAC detected six others there and one is Little Fire, they were all currently cloaked with something I gifted Sam back in twenty thirteen after a way to give him some permanent squad members. At another table was Rainbow Six or REACT, Ash was repping them as her red hair shone slightly in the hall's lights, sunglasses facing my direction.

"Rainbow Six reporting for duty, ready to help with the outbreak as when it comes to this we have some of the best of the best doctors. They also can break someone over their knees."

"Alright then lets get it out of the way on who all is here. Chimera and Tiger are ready to hunt and kill."

"Nomad ready to roll with Zero, Dusk, Salvo, Imp, Wolf, Savage, Carnage,Hellcat, Clankster, Humpty, Gator, Frankenstein, Rats, Gangster, Cookie, Hellhound, Cerberus, Milkman, Dumpster, Polar Bear, Fox, Blast, Joker, Riot, Bobcat, Pufferfish, Hammerhead, and Pikachu. Before you ask, yes we have colorful call signs, and yes one is a Pokemon because a certain someone likes shocking everything in her way."

"Fisher, Little Fire, Drone, Artemis, Angel, Phoenix, and GroundHog reporting for Echelon Four."

"Ash, Sledge, Mute, Castle, Pulse, Thermite, Doc, Tachanka, Glaz, Blitz, Jäger, Buck, Valkyrie, Caveira, Hibana, Jackal, Lesion, Ela, Vigil, Finka, Maestro, Maverick, Clash, Nomad, Mozzie, Nøkk, Warden, Amaru, Wamai, Lana, Ace, Melusi, Aruni, Osa, Azami, Grim, Solis, and Brava are here on behalf of Rainbow Six while our other operatives are investigating a strange object heading towards Earth, specifically New Mexico, while looking into some sightings of a strange goo like substance in Russia and Alaska."

Looking at Rainbow Six I narrow my eyes as Alexia chuffs, Sam and his lot calmly look at them, the Ghost each looked calm but they were ready to light them up with their sidearms. The ones to defuse the tension from Rainbow essentially sending every operative here were Sledge, Doc, Finka, and Tachanka, or should I say Lord Tachanka, a member of a high ranking military family in the Soviet Union. Russia admittedly has tried some things but I've made some friends there and collected information on a few noticeable soldiers or politicians. Tachanka is one of them ironically and the fact he works with Rainbow Six now and seems to genuinely want to help I won't nag the man. Plus if the man's kids still adored him after everything he's done in secret, then he's not so bad honestly because how kids respond to you is one very sure way to have your personality and trustworthiness sold.

"Calm down ya wankers! Ash I'll admit this is a bit excessive. It's like declaring you're taking over the show when we know nothing about this. If this was Ireland, sure this would be normal and some fist fighting would settle it, but it's not and we're surrounded by highly trained killers willing to kick our teeth in."

"Chimera, Fisher, Nomad I have no intentions of taking over anything I just wish to help those affected. Point me in the right direction and I shall save all I can as that's why I am a doctor in the first place, combat medic second."

"Gents this is a biohazard kicking everyone's shit in, if Lion was here we'd be already in the thick of it to find a cure as we collected samples. Ash may seem like she's being controlling, but she just wants to help. Although she could deal with taking the stick out of her ass that your FBI shoved up it."

"Behave or I shall teach you children why I used to be a wrestler that could hit above his weight class. Understood Rainbow?! Yebanyy Esh delayet eto i razdrazhayet amerikanskiye podstanovochnyye znaki."

Looking at Tachanka and Finka before looking at Doc and Sledge. Addressing the two ex-spetsnaz before the other two.

"Spasibo vam oboim za vashi slova, oni pomogayut, i da, lord Tachanka, vash ryzhevolosyy lider vedet sebya chrezmerno. Eto razdrazhayet nas, potomu chto deystvitel'no kazhetsya, chto ona beret na sebya shou. Yesli ona popytayetsya chto-to sdelat' s moimi Okhotnikami, oni ne budut dobry, oni vzbesyatsya i napadut na tovarishchey."

The two chuckled before nodding as they got to checking their equipment before I finally addressed the other two that spoke up.

"Thank you Doc and Sledge for your assistance in trying to defuse the tension. From what you probably caught from what I told Finka and Tachanka I will give this warning upfront here and now. If you're not a Hunter or even recognized as one DON'T order a Hunter around they will go ballistic and no longer care for friendlies they'll move to kill. Because I'll be frank a lot of them are death row inmates broken and trained to be killing machines and to only follow orders from one command or take suggestions from those they recognize. If you want to try ordering one then be ready to be dismembered or killed outright."

My warning seemed to make Rainbow tense, but those who were either cocky in their abilities or those who would seek to actively work with my Hunters to be recognized as someone worth not killing. Ash's eyebrows scrunched up but she nodded tensely ready to say something when Sam spoke up.

"Echelon Four acknowledges, and I don't think we have much to worry about with them going berserk since your Hunters listened to our intel so far as we don't care to order them around. Ash, I would stop what you wanted to say. You run your crew and we'll work with you well, try ordering everyone else around and you'll become a liability more than a help."

"Ghost acknowledge, your Hunters and my boys and girls will get along just fine because we enjoy a good brawl or shoot out. Could even spar with them if it'll help keep them sharp and lethal Colonel Cartson."

Clapping as Ash's shoulders sagged meaning she relented on not being in charge of this show as we all have different objectives and goals to complete. But they all link up thus why I called them all here and let Sam's people pick the meet up point for this talk as to get everything out of the way. Alexia though finally decided to pipe up and it made Rainbow jump while the Ghost all looked ready to admittedly mess with the talking Tiger.

"Da can I sleep yet? This is booooring."

"For today things should be done as we've all met and introduced ourselves, tomorrow though we must talk about objectives so yes little one I believe we're done so you can go to sleep."

Alexia, hearing she could go to sleep, climbed onto my back and began getting comfortable like a damn Koala Bear except she's a Bengal Tiger. Feeling the weight of an armored Tiger added onto the weight of my armor causes the exo within it to audibly whirr as it adjusted to accommodate the new weight. With my sight cut off due to a Tigers upper half covering my face as she drooped and clung to me I sighed loudly. Sam chuckling, Nomad cackles loudly and wheezed at the sight, some of Rainbow cooing and jesting at me before I left with ISAC guiding me to the Hunter area.

While from what ISAC is letting me know everyone in the meeting hall were enjoying the sight of Alexia being a big baby still. However, Tachanka spoke some sage-like advice with a nod, getting those who had kids to also nod. Everyone else was just confused as they didn't fully understand, as the sage advice was thus.

"Ah even when a different species they're still bratty and clingy, reminds me of when I had to walk like that. He'll learn the pain of such every step of the way."