Simple Meeting, Hunters Like Those

As the morning rolled around I sat in the shower washing Alexia's fur. My fingers digging into her fur to get the suds out of it. The Tiger let out a low groaning chuff as I finally got the last bit out. After the water shut off we got dried off and suited up once more after I fought with the big baby to brush her teeth. When she bit me I slapped her head getting a whine from her as I brushed her teeth and had her rinse her mouth out.

Seriously raising a Tiger is more work than anything else I've done that I refuse to raise a Human. Capital FUCK no I'm fine with just my Tiger, no hormonal Human children that barely make sense. Exiting our room a Hunter in a Walrus mask greeted us holding some Division watches. Looking at the watches there were clear blood splatters on them.




"Black Tusk. Last Man Battalion."

"Understood, keep them."

"Yes sir."

With that extremely simple talk the Hunter left as they started decorating themself with their trophies. A true Hunter, that one, already murdering problems like a good rabid killer. Although they left an arm for Alexia to gnaw on, how thoughtful as she already was carrying it like a dog would a stick. Unsurprisingly it's a Hunter joke being hinted at here as we use anything to kill, even dismembered limbs. But this one is more towards the big cub as she likes bitch slapping people with their own arm.

I mean when a Tiger rips your own arm off and beats you with it, it's just hilarious to watch. Me and Hunter team Archangel gruntingly chanted at that as that was just Hunter worthy violence. Those Italian drug runners though were shitting themselves, except that one who died of a heart attack he pissed himself. After a while of reminiscing on past events with training Hunters the two of us grabbed some grub before going to the meeting between me, Leo, Nomad, and Ash as we're the leads for the four groups here. As we entered a random bombed out room that had been repaired to be usable I saw Leo, and Nomad pouring over some maps marking locations, Ash was at a computer tracking infection rates in different parts of New York.

"Gents, lady… how are things looking?"

Leo didn't even look up a map as he rattled off some information he's gathered so far.

"Sections of the city are already being sealed off into "Dark Zones" due to the infection becoming high enough it's killing anyone without a gas mask, those still alive in them are showing strange signs. Otherwise I have growing intel on enemy hideouts, Division Safehouses, Enemy Headquarters, and information on those establishing themselves as top dogs of various cropping up factions."

Nomad tiredly rubbed his face as he growled at something while answering me.

"The police, national guard, and civilian militia are being pushed back in areas and if they get caught, they either die quickly or get played with before death. The situation is dire sir and if we don't give them some help they'll lose ground rapidly in key sectors that could keep communities fed and everything."

Ash turned around in the chair she was using and spoke with a tone that broke up at times but was still hardened as this is a job we MUST not falter with.

"The infection rates are climbing steadily in some areas, however, some spiked as if something triggered a mass infection. Someone may be playing a small-time bioterrorist alongside the main bioterrorist and they're effective Chimera. We need to deploy who we can and start holding the line and hunting down the cause for these events."

Taking their attitudes so far into consideration and Ash's opinion I start rattling off orders for ISAC.

"ISAC, deployment of all Hunters is authorized. Orders are as follows: Search for bioweapons and destroy them, Pick off the opposition in heavily contested areas to allow the local defenders to hold the line, Hunt any Rogue or traitorous Division Agents as they come online. I shall be joining the hunt soon with Alexia, Time Square will be our haunt."


Leo nodded at me before handing me a tablet with all the information he was getting, an E4 in the top right corner with an E3 in the top left, as the screen had a mix of reports marked in green for E3 or blue for E4. Nomad looked at me before pulling his side arm free and checking it as he touched his ear piece and gave an order to his Ghost.

"Ghosts, Hunt Command have started their role and objectives. Ours is to reinforce the police, national guard, and militia, recapture key buildings, and keep the peace with no hesitation against all opposition."

Leo just tilted his head as chuckled.

"I don't need to say anything. I'm already doing my job and soon I shall be personally joining the field to do some of the harder jobs."

Seeing us all just decide our roles and objectives as if that was natural Ash looked a bit lost before she looked at us with brows furrowed.

"That leaves Rainbow to be support for Ghosts and Hunters and to tag in on jobs which involve areas of our varying skill sets. That can work even though I'd prefer to have my people doing more of the higher end jobs. I'll leave it to those who can tackle those with no issue."

"A simple meeting that had concluded after talking about what was going on. Just how a Hunter likes it. Well I'll be seeing you around Rainbow, Ghost, Echelon Four it's time me and my cub get a move on."