So you'll notice in this chapter when exactly this whole story is starting, as we meet one specific Agent Squad
After the meeting, Alexia and I had left and deployed to Time Square, where we stood in an alleyway observing the area. Currently, some scavenging families returning from procuring food and water, we're having trouble with Rikers. Clicking my tongue, Alexia and I seemingly vanished as we lightly walked towards the Rikers from behind. Once we were essentially right behind them, I drew a chain dagger from a sheath.
Pressing a button slowly to get the blade moving, I wound up a swing and swung as the blade fully came to life. A moderately loud whirring buzz sounded as flesh, guts, and bones were torn asunder. The Riker I was behind being disemboweled and cut in two at the waist as his gore and blood splattered his companions. Who, might I add, screamed like little bitches while a second one was disemboweled, normally, by Alexia clawing their stomach open.
Before, she started making them a chewy toy and beating the nearest Riker with their dying friend. As soon as we had attacked, our cloaks had gone down, but the fear and surprise were effective at keeping the Rikers still. Pulling my side arm from its holster, I began executing the Rikers as I cut another one down. Alexia having beaten two to death with the disemboweled now dead one. Only after six had died did they wake up and, unsurprisingly, like the escaped convicts drunk on power they were.
Locking blades with one carrying an axe, I shot him in the stomach, causing him to stumble back. My blade cleaving through his face when I swung it as his axe was no longer locked with it. As the Riker died, I kicked him into the line of fire from an MP5 that they either stole from a cop or soldier. To further confuse them, I decided to troll them with some Warhammer.
Looking at the Riker who responded, I blinked before pointing to a wall.
"Go there or be purged like a heretic."
"Yes sir!"
"Da… don't pick up a stray Human…."
In response to getting told to not pick up a stray, by the first stray I've picked up and raised, I shot a Riker in the dick. Now that may seem rude, but he was a registered pedophile. Letting the dickless Riker bleed out, I pounced a female Riker, plunging my blade through her stomach before sawing upwards, cleaving her open as her guts spilled out.
The only ones left tried to run, so I chucked my blade through one's head as they ran. Pulling a Door Knocker from its holster, I blew holes in the fleeing Rikers backs, killing them. Alexia tackled one and started mauling them to death. Anti-tank weaponry against Humans is fun to use as it's usually an instant kill. Now I've always committed several war crimes, but I have permission to do so, so fuck the whiners!
Turning to face the one, Riker, who obediently waited as if in timeout by a store window. I clapped my hands as I holstered my guns. Alexia handed me my blade that I sheathed quickly. Then I remembered the still stiffly standing civilians watching us, looking at the Riker, then them. I grabbed the Riker and ran off as my cloak covered us, Alexia following suit. I have just blatantly kidnapped a person and I shall induct them into the Hunter's after some training and mind breaking.
They shall become the first Human sized Space Marine! Or Necron looking Human, either or, as they clearly know some culture and not eugh normal boring culture. Like, how can someone find watching a man fake beat the shit out of someone entertaining?! If you're going to fight, do it right… fight until one is dead or comatose.
[Three hours later]
I send the newest on their merry way as they snarl God Emperor. All while looking like a Necron Space Marine mixed with a Hunter, with a Great Chain Sword, and a Super Shotgun. As they left to murder some of their old criminal friends, getting their weapons was easy, I just fished it out of Hunter cache crates. Since they are weapons to slaughter heavy hitting armored Division Agents, BTSU, Rainbow Six Operatives, and whoever pissed a Hunter off. Did I need to include Rainbow into the potential kill list? Yes. Yes, I did because they could be bought out or something, and thus if they go rogue…well, their lives are forfeit.
But I think that's all for today. Time for some sleep. When I woke up, ISAC gave me a notification.
I notified the Ghosts, Rainbow Six, and Echelon Four teams about the First Wave about to drop in, if they hadn't done so already. Although it seems some are already here as I spot four agents walking into Time Square, meaning they were likely local Agents. So, that means anyone who could hoof it as they were just right outside the state also are already coming in by land, while the rest will be coming in by air or sea. For now, let's see who you all are, shall we?
Noble Squad? Interesting files and records… I see… I see now why you why are dubbed such and your current objective is suicidal for you. You're thinking this is simple and that'll get you killed, can't have such worthwhile Agents dying like that. Looking towards my cub, I whistle lowly while readying my fusion HK417, the Division may have fancy tech, but we have fancy weapons and armor, and making sure It's operational before opening a window nearby and jumping out. Alexia following me, the two of us tailing the Agents silently and in the shadows, with the four none the wiser to the situation. As we followed them, I noticed Doug splitting off, looking at Alexia, I made a hand sign and motioned for her to tail him. She chuffed at me in disagreement but did so anyway as I followed the rest with some heightened caution if they just did so.
Cloaking up, I began moving carefully with light steps at a quicker pace until I'm right behind the remaining three at a distance of forty feet. The three remaining Agents eventually came up to some Rikers and tried to interrogate them about a gang of specific Rikers, that was when I noticed the unusual amount of foot traffic that although covered is still there. Flicking the safety off on my gun, I get into cover and prep my gun along the hood of an abandoned car as I watched the surroundings. That when I noticed the Rikers creeping out from their hiding spots and I realized what happened. In these nine hours the Division who were already on site had already made a name for themselves and the factions are hunting them not knowing more will come, or they do… need information so one of the Rikers will be coming paralyzed permanent from the waist down.
As the Rikers focused on the three, and they realized what was happening as one of the Rikers aimed to shoot Akil in the knees, I lined up a shot. Squeezing the trigger gently, a shot goes off, searing a hole through a Rikers left ear and out their skull into a street sign. As my cloak dropped, I shot once more, dropping another Riker as the Agents and convicts processed what just happened. Tony seemed to pick up fast as he hefted his SAW up and opened fire, filling three Rikers with holes. Which set the wheels of pandemonium in motion as Agents fired upon Rikers, Rikers fired or swung at Agents, any trying to come close to me were dropped with a round through the heart and head. The fact there are thirty Rikers here is stating that they planned this, but how, is something to be learned.
Stowing my gun, I drew my side arm and chain dagger, vaulting over my cover and charged into the fray bellowing a war cry. It causes the Rikers and Agents to flinch, opening an opportunity up which I seized by the balls as my blade tore through a Riker, side arm blowing the majority of another's head into mist. While the bodies dropped, my blade found purchase, cutting through one Rikers spine just enough to take their ability to walk from them for the foreseeable future. A Riker with dual fire axes tried striking me, but I used my weapons to block their axes.
Screaming in their face, my right leg shot up and kicked the convict in the chest, sending them flying as their axes dropped to the ground. The Riker struck some debris with rebar sticking out of it, the rebar impaling them through the stomach and killing them slowly if they weren't already dead. Noble Squad was picking off Rikers, with some running for the hills given that they weren't winning this fight. Some thought so, wrongfully, and they didn't survive long as either I or the Agents dropped them quicker than their parents when they were just born and a child.