Go Quietly Into The Night 2 of 2

When the Rikers had all been dealt with, I stared at Noble Squad, before turning around and walking away. Noble Squad in their battered state as some bullets did strike them, and cuts and bruises from the various melee weapons used. The Riker who lost control of their lower half was crawling away, but I couldn't have that, after all, I needed information from them. Walking over to them, I deployed a Hunter version of the Healing Hive, the Prey Hive.

As soon as the little drone bee's deployed and started healing the Riker, the screaming started. Four in every ten drone bee deployed from a Prey Hive is a Torture Bee Drone that doesn't heal. It burrows into the wound and begins getting the target nice and ready for interrogation. Since their spine was essentially severed, the drones are having a heyday with that as they target sensitive or important area's for maximum torture affect.

Picking the suffering Riker up like a sack of potatoes, I kept on walking. The Hive magnetically returns to its spot on my person after a certain distance was met. Noble Squad not really saying anything, but their shifting postures told me they weren't comfortable. Can't blame them, they're civilized killers, I'm not, so this is just fine with me.

Carrying the screaming Riker, who eventually passed out from pain, I took Noble Squad to an abandoned unlooted clinic. When everything started getting ditched, some Hunters and Echelon members scouted out and secured hospital sites. For both our use and that of any civilian in the area, even hostile people, as sometimes a member would just leave their faction. So with a lot of paranoid caution when they used one such site, they were under the clear impression. Fucking try anything and you'll die.

As we entered the clinic, a Hunter at the reception desk grunted. Eyeing Noble Squad, with some intense blood shot eyes, seeing the Agents entering the site. Thankfully, me being present and an Echelon member standing nearby nodding that they informed the Hunters here. The Hunter didn't immediately jump the counter to murder the Agents. They behaved like a rabid dog, frothing at the mouth waiting for a reason to fuck them up. Alexia returned to my side, eventually, just pulling a dumpster along with her.

Tiger plus exo suite hidden under armour which helps them sneak and kill is a strong combination. The dumpster contained the last member of Noble Squad, a civilian named April Kelleher, a dog named Bucky, and a sex doll with the name Betsy written on it. All while the dumpster had blood smears and a half dead LMB private stuck under it twitching. I stomped the poor souls head in with a sickening crunch as their head popped under my exo enhanced strength. As soon as everyone got out of the dumpster, but Betsy, I sent it rolling down the street after kicking it.

I did hear a boom as if something or someone collided with the dumpster. Must've been a Cleaner, now there's likely a rolling flaming dumpster down the streets of New York. Honestly… that sounds perfectly normal for this state and city. If it was Florida that'd just be another casual everyday thing to see. Because if someone can think of making a rocket lawn chair to go to the moon. Then Florida is a formidable state of crazy, but amusing ideas.

With the injured being tended to I decided to have fun with my prisoner. Alexia being the helpful cub she is, was eager to assist me. So taking them to a soundproofed room already coated in blood with a chair in it. I hummed as I strapped the Riker to the chair and pulled an injector with green glowing serum in it out.

Stabbing it in their spine as the Torture Drones crawled out of them. I watched their spine reconnect then flesh and muscle mend. The Hive serum to heal wounded Agents was such a fucking cheat, even if it causes small temporary tumors of mending flesh. With certainty that they could now use their lower half once more, after stabbing their legs with surgical knives. I began my question and answer session.

"Now I'll ask you something, you be truthful and I won't maim you, further. Be rude or lie then ffff you're going to wish to die. As frankly I'll horribly torture you with my assistant here."

Motioning to Alexia who flashed her fangs with a smile and playful energy in her eyes. I watched the Riker struggle before grabbing a hammer from my belt, raising it, I swung down breaking a knee cap.


"Stop struggling, you're not getting out of this so easily unless you answer my questions truthfully."


Alexia didn't like that. So, our guest may have half his left leg torn off at the calf. Patting Alexia as she spat out the flesh, commenting on it tasting horrible. I idly commented on that.

"When a Tiger doesn't even want to swallow the chunk they took from you. Then you either taste horrible or have something wrong with your body. If you give my Tiger AIDS I'm going to torture you, kill you, chop you up, feed to your friends, murder them by starting a fire as I trap them all inside a building, and then take a piss on your graves."

"W-wha-what is wrong with you, man?!"

"The rapist who fucked a man into a wall then gutted him, stabbed out his eyes, and when they died fucked their guts before burning their corpse and face fucking the remains, is asking me, what's wrong with me? That's irony there, my dear worthless prisoner."

"I-I won't say shit because I know nothing…."

"Oh, you know NOTHING? Alright then, that means you're useless to me. You're a sick fucker, so let's have you experience some of your own medicine…."


When I said a taste of his own medicine, the idle SHD crates stored in the room popped open, ejecting four turrets out each. So, all around the room, even on the ceiling as the turret legs dug into it or stuck their legs to it using adhesives. Turrets with red canisters, all around the room, pointed at the Riker. The good thing about gutting a hospital/clinic room for interrogations is you can seal it off and make it a nice concrete room. The Riker looking at this sight tried so hard to change his words when ISAC already helped prove he knew nothing, as Echelon Three and Four gave reports on what I wanted to know. However, before he could be cooked, I disemboweled him.

"W-wait, I know something!! I know someth- AHA! *FWOOOSH* AAAHHHAAHH!!"

He went into shock seeing his guts spill out then being burnt alive snapped him out of it. I didn't leave the room, nor did Alexia. We watched the criminal become a charred skeleton with bits of clothes and flesh melted to its frame. Even with how toasty it got in the room we watched silently for a simple reason. To watch him and study ways to increase the incineration rate.

"Needs more Napalm and it's still not odorless completely, ISAC increase twelve by the needed amount to kill the odor of burning flesh."

"Da too much remains. More heat?"


Leaving the room with Alexia on my heels. I got together a plan to study the Division First Wave up close and personal. I set that plan into motion as soon as Noble Squad left the clinic having been patched up. Alexia honestly was excited for the plan because she kept yelling Larping. Fuckin dad….