
Chin was on her bed, bored out of her mind since it was 4 am and no one was awake yet so she just watched random videos on Youku Tudou and Douyin. After a few minutes, Chin decided that she could make a video on Douyin, she got out of her pajama into black, long sleeves, t-shirt dress with a black belt. She put her phone on the phone stand that is connected to her ring light, she put a black mask and cap on, so nobody can see her face before she started filming. After she filmed it, she edited it a bit, then she posted it.

She went on Moments to see if her friends posted anything since she hasn't checked in a few days, they just posted pictures of themselves or places. Chin went on Weibo to see if there's anything news, she saw people, idols, and other things but a video caught her eye, it was a fight between a girl and two guys. After watching the 18-minute video, Chin was so impressed by the girl but too bad she was covered by a mask and a cap, she went to see the comments and they praised her.

At 9 am, the guys were getting ready, Chin asked "Where are you guys going," in a curious tone as she was sitting on the couch, watching them running around.

Xaing said "I have a little work to finish," in a calm tone as he puts his shoes on, she nods as he left.

Zhe answered "There is an emergency at the company, I have to go see," in a casual voice as he put on his shoes and quickly left.

"I just have to finish up my sculpture before we have to send it to the client tomorrow. If you need anything just call or text me," in a rushed tone as he quickly left before she could say goodbye. Chin realizes that she's home alone, she just watches TV to keep herself busy. An hour later she got a text from her friend "Chin, do you want to hang out with the others?"

She answered "Let me asked my brother." and her friend replied with an ok. Chin texted "Brother Lai, can I go out with my friends and can I have some money to spend?"

He answered "Fine and I'll send you $148 and make sure you stick with your friends. Just be careful and have fun if anything happens call me."

She messages back "Ok, thank you." with smiley emojis, then she receives his money so she messages her friend that her brother agreed.

Her friend texted "Ok, let's meet at Xujiahui park to have a picnic so please bring something." with smiley emojis, then she went to get ready. Chin was wearing a black, loose, t-shirt that has "Bad Girl" in the front, that is tucked in the front, with blue, ripped, jeans shorts, along with a small, black purse. In the purse, she put keys, lip balm, and earbuds with her phone in her hand, and before she left, she put a bit of makeup on and directions to the park.

Hong woke up, she only saw Yu that was still in the room when she looked around the room. Hong asked "Where did the other girls go? Don't tell me that they went to drink again, it's only 9 am plus I don't want to fight again," in a tired tone as she slowly sat up.

Yu answered "No, they went out for breakfast, I hope they're not going to drink since it's still morning. But anyway since you're awake, let's go fill our stomachs," in a calm tone.

"Okay just let me get dress, then we can go," she replied with a calm tone as she grabs clothes and went into the bathroom. Yu was in a simple outfit and mask with not much makeup, waiting for Hong, she texted Chin. When she heard the door open, she looked and saw Hong with makeup, in a beautiful outfit, with her hair curled, and sneakers. Yu commented "You look beautiful! Where have you been hiding this girl," in an impressed tone as look Hong up and down.

Hong answered "I just didn't feel like dressing up so you have never seen this side of me, I guess. I guess today I felt like dressing up but anyways let's go get food" in a calm tone. Yu nodded so they went to get food, on their way out, they saw Bai. "Oh hi, where are you guys going," he asked in a calm tone.

Yu said "Hong and I are going out for food, what about you," in a cheerful tone with a smile.

"I'm also going to get some food, you guys want to join me, it'll be on me," with a curious tone as he looks at both of them.

"I mean if it's free food then I'm in," Yu answered in an excited tone, he looks at Hong, she was nodding, yes. When they got to a restaurant, Hong texted Yu "I'm going to the bathroom, just order whatever you want, I'm not picky." then she left. "Where is she going," Bai asked confused.

"She went to the bathroom but let's go find a table first, she can find us when she comes back," she said as she went to a table and sat down. As Hong was sitting down, the food came, without realizing it, Hong smiled at the sight of her favorite food. Bai gasps and said "Did Hong just smiled," in an excited tone as they both looked at him, Hong stopped smiling.

Yu answered "Yeah," in a calm tone with a face that isn't surprised. Bai was surprised by her answer, he continues "What do mean be "yeah"? Hong rarely shows emotions, let alone talk. Why are you not surprised," in a confused tone.

Yu giggled and answered "Because I have seen Hong smile many times that I'm kinda used to it,à but she looks even more beautiful with smiles," with a calm tone while Bai had a speechless face as Hong was stuffing her face. She smirks and continues "I know who can make her smile at least once a week and talk at least once a day," with a teasing tone as Hong glares at her while nuging with her elbow.

Bai was shocked, he quietly yells "Tell who this person is, I want to see this person," in a curious voice as he lends in.

Yu giggles and said "You know this person, it no one than-" Hong stuffed Yu's mouth with a meatball. Bai and Yu looked at her, Hong puts a finger over her lips for Yu not to tell him. Hong texted both of them, "Stop talking, just eat or the food will be cold." they all begin to eat.

As they're eating, Yu asked "What are you guys going to do when you go back home," in a curious tone as she looks at them. Hong texted "Probably sleep, do work, and go on the date that Xiu Ying and I agreed on." Yu looks at her and commented, "That sounds like fun, Bai?"

"I'm probably going to work until the movie is released but after that, I'm probably going to visit my mom and maybe sleep for more than 4-5 hours. What about you," he answered with a calm tone.

"Umm, my boyfriend and I are on bad terms so when I go back, I don't know what I will do," in a gloomy tone as her head was down.

Bai looked a little stressed and said "I thought I told you to apologize to him if you did then why are you guys still on bad terms and how long has this last so far," in a worried tone. Hong was so curious about what happened but she didn't want to butt in so she just quietly ate.

"I did but not even 10 minutes he made another argument, he saw the stupid article that claims that we're dating so eventually I just pack my things and left to a hotel until this trip. Even since then we haven't spoken or texted each other in almost 2 months," she told him in a quiet tone.

Bai said "Aya~ it's been so long since you guys talked, I think you should call him or text him something to try to get things going between your relationship," in a soft voice.

Hong commented "Sorry to interrupt but I don't fully agree with your thought, Mr. Li. I think when you go back you guys should find somewhere quiet and talk about the problem, get on the same page, and hug it out. If that's too much then just apologize to each other, saying something sweet to each other, and hug or kiss it out. That's what I think," in a calm tone as she went back to eating.

Yu nodded while Bai quietly asked "Did I just hear Hong speak," in a shocked tone as Yu nodded, he continues "That's more than what she talks to me in a month, I have been working with her for the past 2 years. How did you get her to talk this much?"

Hong texted Bai "The reason why I talk more to Yu is that she looks carefree and more friendly. You look cold and serious when I see you." After he read her message, Bai asked "Do I look that cold and serious," in a curious tone as he looks at her.

She answered "No because I knew you for so long but to others maybe but let's not talk about that," in a calm tone as she went back to eating. Was they were walking out, Bai asked "Where are you guys going next," in a calm, serious tone with a cold look.

Yu answered "We'll going to a park that closes around here. You," in a calm tone.

"I think I might go back to the hotel to do work. Be careful, don't come too late, and goodbye," he answered in a straightforward tone as he waves to them, then he walks away.

As they were walking, Hong whined "I never agreed to go to the park plus I was going to buy something then go back to the hotel," in an upset tone as she points.

"Come on, you can buy it later but for now you'll have to go to the park with me," she comments with a joyful tone, Hong didn't reply.

Hong saw tennis counts as she walking into the park, Yu said "This is called, Victoria Park, there is a swimming pool, tennis courts, basketball courts, football pitches, multiple children's areas, and playgrounds, and a trail that we go for a walk. It's pretty big here," in an excited tone as they begin to look around.

"A pool? Why didn't we go buy swimming suits," Hong asked in an upset tone as her eyes glittered?

Yu replied "I didn't think you would want to do anything else but walk," in a quiet tone, she commented "We can buy swimming suits tomorrow and come back here if you really want to go swimming," in an assured tone.

Hong asked "What should we do first," in a calm tone as she looks around."Let's go watch people play at the courts, then we can go on a walk at the trail and explore," Yu answered in an excited tone as she drags Hong to watch people play tennis.

After a few minutes, Hong commented "It's really sunny, I'm going to go buy some drinks and an umbrella," in a quiet tone as Yu nodded, then she separated from Yu. When Hong came back, she stood next to Yu but it seems like she didn't notice her since she was hiding under the umbrella. When the people that we're playing a game of tennis stopped playing, Hong commented "Let's go somewhere else, I'm getting kinda bored here," with a straightforward tone.

Yu got startled and said "Hong, when did you get there," in an alarmed voice as she stared at Hong.

"I got here like 15 minutes ago," with little interest as she makes an emotionless face.

She asked "How come you didn't say anything but anyways let's go to the basketball courts," in a joyful tone. They begin to walk on the path that leads to the basketball courts but then a guy taps Hong, making her turn around, he asked: "Miss, I think you're really beautiful, can I have your WeChat?"

Hong looked a little shocked, she smiled and kindly answered "Sorry but I'm not interested in a romantic relationship." His face turned a bit sad and said "Oh ok, sorry for bothering you," then he walked back to his friends.

"Hong, see you're so pretty that someone asked you out plus there were so many guys that were staring at you," she teased her with a smirk, Hong just gently bump her. She giggled and asked "Why did you buy so many drinks," in a curious tone as she looks at the bag.

"Oh because we might get thirsty and we might want more than one bottle," Hong answered with a calm tone as she gave her a bottle. Yu thanked her and they took a sip of their drinks, "Is Xiu Ying still in his hotel room," in a quiet tone.

Yu teased "Why? Do you miss him," in a curious tone as she wiggles her eyebrows, Hong declines her question. Yu smiled and answered "No, his friends and he went somewhere, the only reason I know this is because this morning he asked if we wanted to go with them but I told him that you were still sleeping," in a calm tone. They saw a lot of guys playing basketball as many girls were watching them play while drooling over them, Yu noted "So many good looking guys," with an excited voice.

Hong was quickly dragged by Yu, she whined "Yu, stop dragging me, I don't like crowds," in an annoyed tone.

"Don't worry you won't be in the crowd," Yu reassured her and stopped on the other side that the girls are, which was also where guys' stuff is. Yu continues "Instead you'll be on the other side where anyone can see us," in a calm tone as they sat against the fence.

Hong replied "I don't care, they probably don't know me. Let's just watch them play," in an unbothered tone as she watched the players but when she looked she saw a few guys that looked familiar but she can't get her finger on it since she only sees them from the side. She asked "Yu don't some of these guys look familiar," in a curious tone with a confused look.

Yu answered "Yeah but I can't really tell," in a calm tone as she stared at them. They continued watching the guys play as the girl would squeal every time the guys made a basket. Hong complained "Omg, I can't with these girls squeals, Yu, can we go somewhere else," with an annoyed tone as she has an upset face.

"I still want to watch, how about we leave in 10 minutes and we can go somewhere quiet," Yu suggests with a gentle tone as Hong went on her phone. After a few minutes, Hong got a call, Yu peeked at saw that it by a caller name, Prince, she answered "Hi, Darling, how are you," in a sweet tone with a smile, that Yu has never seen before, on her face.

Yu heard a guy's voice but Hong moved, Hong answered "I'm fine, what are you doing?" Yu was so curious about who Hong was talking to that she was so happy, she thought to herself "Who could be this person? Could it be her boyfriend or is it just a friend? Wait if it's her boyfriend then I'll have to tell Xiu Ying or else his feelings might get hurt," as she mentally panicked.

Yu felt someone tapping her so she snaps out of her thoughts, she saw that it was Xiu Ying along with a few guys from the crew, he asked "Are you okay? You look so nervous," with a curious tone.

"I'm fine but are you guys doing here," in a calm tone as she stood up. "We're the ones that we're playing on that court, didn't you guys recognize us," Bingwen answered as he pointed to the court that was in behind them. Yu shook her head with a confused look.

Just then Hong stood up to tell Yu that she wants to leave but she saw Bingwen, Xiu Ying, and some other crew members, she turn to whisper "I got to go now, I miss you a lot, I can't wait to see you. Bye, sweetheart," with a sweet voice, she made kissing sounds, then hung up. Hong turn back around and said "Pretend you guys didn't hear. Come on, Yu, let's go since they're done playing," in a cold tone with no expression as she grabs her umbrella and the bag of drinks.

Xiu Ying was going to say something, she gave the bag to him, "Here, you guys can drink these, I think they're still cold," with no feelings, then she took her drink from Yu.

"Wait before you go, is that your boyfriend that you were just talking to," Xiu Ying asked in a curious tone.

Hong answered "It's none of your business to know who I was talking to, anyways have fun and goodbye," with a cold tone, then she drags Yu. For the rest of the day, Yu and Hong just explore Victoria Park. They went back early since it started to rain, when they got back to their room, they did their own thing until they went to sleep.