
At 10 pm, Lai got home, he notices that it seems like no one was home and when he checked every room, no one was home. He begins to call Chin, since it was raining really hard and it was very late, but she didn't pick, Lai begins to panic. He went to check her location but it was off, he calls her only friend that he knows but when he asked, she told him "Well we went to Xujiahui park but when it started to rain we decided that we'll end it there and we all went our own way, that was around 5 pm. Why? What happened," in a concerned tone.

Lai calmly said "Ok but you have to try to stay calm," she hummed, he continues "She's not home," in a panicked tone. She told him that she'll try her best to help, then hung up. He was so scared and nervous that he didn't know what to do, should he call Xaing and Zhe to tell them, should he go make a report, should he go look for her. He quickly grabs his keys and left, when he was at the police station, he told them that he wanted to file a missing person for his sister but the police asked "How long has your sister been missing and when was the last time you heard or saw her?"

Lai answered "Um at least 8 hours, she told me that she went out with some friends but when I asked her friend, her friend said at 5 pm they all went back home but she never came home," trying to say in a calm tone.

The policemen said, "I'm sorry but we can't file a missing person under 48 hours, please come back if your sister has been missing over 48 hours." Lai harshly ruffles his hair, went back to his car, and went to go look for her. When he got to Xujiahui park, he went all over the park, after he searched the whole park she wasn't back there.

By the time he got back to the apartment, it was 12 am, he didn't know what else to do, he just paces back and forth in the dark since the power just went out. Just then Xaing and Zhe came in, Zhe asked "What's wrong? Why are you going back and forth," in a curious tone as he put his slipper on.

Lai looks at them with teary eyes and said "Chin is missing! She's not in her room, her friends' house, I can't find her anywhere," in a frantic tone.

Xaing asked "What do you mean, how did she go missing," in a concerned tone as they went towards Lai.

He answered "This morning when you guys left, she asked she can go to the park with her friends, I thought since she doesn't have anything to do today, she could go out so I told her she can go. When I called her friend to ask if she's at her house, her friend told me that they all went back home since it started to rain. I went to the police station but they said I can't file a missing person if they have been gone less than 48 hours. I went to see if she's still at the park but I looked all over the park she wasn't there. What am I going to do," in a scared tone as he begins to cry?

Zhe hugged him and told him "Shh~ we'll find her, I'm sure she fine. Did you try to call her," in a soft tone as he pats Lai's back. Lai hummed while nodded. "You should go change your clothes or you might get sick, then we can talk to know where she might be," as he sent him to their room.

Zhe asked "Xaing do you have an idea where she could be," in a worried tone but he shook his head, no.

When Lai was done and came out, Xaing asked "Do you have an idea where she could be or do you know a place she could be that you guys like to be," in a nervous tone as Lai sat on the couch.

Lai shook his head, no, but then he answered "Wait! I think there might be a place she's at. Bojing- Bojing's apartment, we went there like a week ago," in a calm tone as he looking at them.

They got a little excited, Zhe asked "Do you remember where their apartment is," in a curious tone. "No, I don't remember plus I don't have his WeChat so I can't call him," he answered in a quiet tone as tears fill his eyes again.

Xaing commented "I have his WeChat, let me try to call him," in a calm tone as he took out his phone and called him. But after few times, Xaing told them that he wasn't picking up, Lai groaned and said "What am I going to do if I can't find her? How or what am I going to tell Jinyu? I should never let her go, then this would never happen. This is all my fault" in a guilty tone as he ruffles his hair harshly.

Xaing pats his shoulder while Zhe was rubbing his back, Xaing said "It's not your fault, you didn't know this would happen," in an assured tone. At 3 am, Xaing and Zhe were trying to still awake but they kept falling asleep while Lai couldn't relax as he waits for Chin's return. He looked at Xaing and Zhe, they were asleep while sitting up, he tapped them both. They both bolted up with a startled face as they looked around, Lai said "You guys should go to sleep since you guys are tired, I'll be fine," in an assured tone as he looks at them.

Xaing sighed and apologized "I'm sorry that I can't stay up," in an apologetic tone, then he begins to stretch. Lai told him "No need to be sorry, I'm sure you have a lot to do at work so you should sleep," in a soft voice. "Sorry again but I'm going to sleep, goodnight," he apologizes again with a sleepy tone as he got up to go to his room.

Zhe said "It's fine, I can stay up with you. I don't want you to feel lonely," in a calm tone.

"No, it's fine, you should go to sleep too. I won't be lonely, I'll be fine so don't worry," Lai reassured him. Zhe sighed and replied "I'm sorry too that I won't be accompanying you, goodnight," with an apologetic tone as he went to their room. He waited and waited for Chin to come back home while planning what to tell Jinyu if Chin doesn't come home. Lai felt a tap on his shoulder when he looked, he saw that it was Zhe so he asked "Why are you still awake," in a quiet, confused tone.

Zhe looked at him with a confused face as he said "What do you mean? The sun is already up, it's 6 am," in a confused tone as he points out the window. Lai looked and saw that the sun is up. He quietly mumbled "Oh you're right. I should go find Chin now since it's bright and stopped raining," in a calm tone as he got up.

Xaing interrupted "Wait for me, I'll help you. I'll just go to work later," in a calm tone walk toward them from leaning against the wall. Zhe told Lai that same thing as he nodded, as they went to go get ready, Zhe and Xaing heard a loud thud, they looked behind and saw that Lai fainted. They both quickly ran to him, Zhe shouted "Lai! Lai, are you okay," in a frightened tone as he gently slaps him. Xaing touched his forehead and said "He's burning, he probably has a fever and fainted from stress and lack of sleep," in a calm tone.

Zhe carried him, bridal style, to their room as Xaing went to go get a bowl of cold water with a small towel. Zhe place their blanket over him, he dabs the cold towel on Lai's forehead and neck, then he soaks the towel in the water, squeezes the extra water, then places it on his forehead. Zhe sat next to Xaing and asked "What are we going to do? Lai is sick and Chin is missing, like how are we supposed to find her," in a stressed tone.

Xaing just sighed and answered "I don't know but let's just hope she's safe. You think we should go find her on our own," in a quiet tone. "I'll stay home to take care of Lai and wait to see if Chin comes home," he replied with a calm tone. He nodded and told him to call him if Chin does come home and like that he left.

Three hours, Xaing came back and saw Lai sleeping on Zhe's lap, Zhe asked "Did you find her," in a curious tone but Xaing shook his head. He sighed and whispers "Where could she be? Lai almost ran out, when he woke up, to go find her," in a pressured tone.

Xaing came to sit next to him as he sighs, he said "I looked almost everywhere but she wasn't there, I don't know where else to find her. I feel so bad for Lai, how long has he been sleeping here," in a quiet tone as he looks at Lai.

"I just got him to sleep for an hour now, I don't know what to do except to wait. I feel so bad that I can't help him find Chin," in a guilty tone as he gently pats Lai's hair.

Lai said "You guys are already helping me a lot," in a quiet tone as he sat up with an emotionless face. Just then the door opens, they all looked and saw Chin as Bojing was behind her. When she saw them, she made a nervous face as she turns around and slowly walked sideways, like a crab, out of the door frame, "Qing Chin, come over here," Lai yelled. Bojing grabs her and went into the apartment, she looked at them with a nervous smile and said "Brother Lai, what do you want from me," in a nervous tone.

"Where have you been all night!? You know how worried I was," He yelled in a furious voice as they stood up.

Bojing interrupted "She was at my place since it startled to rain and my apartment was that closest so I thought I'll let her stay at my place-" in an apologetic tone. then Lai said "Bojing, don't interfere. I want to hear it from Chin, not you," in an upset tone.

Chin answered "Like what he said, it was raining so he took me to his place, he told me that I could leave after it stops raining, and don't worry we didn't do anything bad if you're thinking about that. I know what you're going to ask, my phone died and I didn't bring my portable charger so that why I didn't call or text you and why my location was off. You guys are probably thinking why I'm wearing his clothes, it's because my clothes were all wet so he had me change before I get sick," in an assured tone as she just stood there.

Xaing, Zhe, and Lai just breathe a sigh of relief, Xaing commented "Chin, you have no clue how worried he was-" Lai stopped him before he could say anything else.

Bojing bumps her, she looks at him, he mouthed something, they ended up bickering, Xaing said "You guys, stop bickering and spill it," in a serious tone as they stopped bickering. Bojing noted "I'm sorry that I took Chin to my place causing you guys to worry," in an apologetic tone.

"I know you guys probably waited for me over an hour, and you guys got really worried because I wasn't answering my phone. I'm sorry for making you guys worry about me, especially you, brother Lai," Chin said in a guilty voice as Bojing and her bow, 90 degrees.

Lai hugged her and whispered "As long as you're okay," in a calm tone as Xaing and Zhe was looking at Bojing as he was doing the same. Chin hugged him back, then his body turned into jelly, Chin said "Lai, are you okay? Can you stop putting all your weight on me," in a nervous tone as she pats him. When Bojing looked at her, he said "Omg, I think he fainted," in a shocked tone as he helps hold Lai, then Xaing and Zhe quickly went to them.

Xaing said "Not again," as they lightly tap him, after a few minutes, Lai woke up and asked "Did I faint again," in a calm tone as he got up, they all nodded.

Zhe told him "Lai, you should be resting since you have a fever and you didn't sleep at all last night. Come on, let's get you back to bed," in a calm tone as Lai agreed. Lai said goodbye to Bojing then they went to their room, Xaing said "Tsk, tsk, you guys have been together lately, you guys are hiding something," in an assured tone as they had a nervous look. "I should be going, bye Chin and Xaing," Bojing blurred, then he left. Before she left, she commented "Bojing and I are only friends, we're probably not even close to friends. It's just that we just keep meeting everywhere," in a nervous tone, then ran away.

After an hour Xaing and Zhe got ready to go to work, Zhe noted "Chin, make sure you take care of your brother while we're gone. Make sure to give him medicine and call us if anything happens," in a cautionary voice. Chin nodded, then they left.

At 7 pm, Zhe came home all excited to see his love and to see how Lai was doing but, to his shock, their room was empty so he went to check Chin's room, she was gone too. Zhe started to panic as he called Lai but he didn't pick up, Zhe calls Chin, "Hello?" she answered.

Zhe asked "Where are you and Lai," in a curious tone with a tad bit of upset. She lied and answered "We're at the mall," in a nervous tone.

"Chin, I wasn't born yesterday, I know you're lying, tell me the truth," he answered in a serious tone.

Chin sighed and replied "Fine, I'll tell you but you can't get upset," in a calm tone as he hummed, she continues "We're at an event to showcase Lai and his partner's sculpture to their client," in a calm tone.

"Aya~ you know Lai is not supposed to go anywhere since he's sick," Zhe said in a disappointed tone. Chin told him that Lai is doing fine and she gives him medicine when he's not feeling too good, he noted "That good to know but come right away when it's done. Anyway I'm going to hang up, call me if anything happens," in a calm tone, then he hung up.