
It's been two days, Xia and Yu notice that Xiu Ying and Hong weren't talking, they just kept their distance. Xia asked "What happened between Hong and my brother? Why aren't they bickering and hanging out together like usual," in a concerned tone as they were walking to a cafe.

"I don't know, they stop talking when we met them at the park but after that, they just stopped," Yu answered in a quiet, stressed tone.

Xia asked "What happened while you guys were a the park," in a curious tone as she looked at her.

Yu answered "We were at the basketball courts for like 20 minutes, then Hong got a call from someone by the name, Prince. When she picked up, she called him "darling" I kinda listened, it was a guy's voice so I was guessing who he could be as Hong went somewhere. But then I got a tap, I saw that it was Xiu Ying and some other colleagues so I asked them why they were there, he told me that they were playing basketball. When Hong was about to tell me that she wants to go somewhere, she saw Xiu Ying, she told the person on-call "I got to go now, I miss you a lot, I can't wait to see you. Bye, sweetheart," with a sweet voice. Then she urged us to leave, as we were leaving, Xiu Ying asked Hong if the person on the phone was her boyfriend. Hong replied that it wasn't his business to know who she was talking to and told him goodbye, then left with me," as they got their drinks and desserts.

Xia was speechless for a few minutes, she said "Does that mean Hong already has a boyfriend? The reason why she's keeping her distance because she can finally admit that she has a boyfriend," in an assumed tone with a shocked face.

Yu continues "And Xiu Ying is keeping his distance because he thinks Hong already has a boyfriend. But we can't assume that she has a boyfriend, I mean the guy could be her friend or someone close to her that she likes to nickname. I don't know who's suffering more, Hong or Xiu Ying," in a quiet tone.

"Me too, I kinda miss hearing their bickering. You think we should do something to get them on the same page," she commented with a small sad tone as Yu agreed with her. "I don't think we should do anything, for now. We'll see as we go on if it seems worst then we'll do something," in a calm tone as Xia nodded. When they got to their room, they saw that Hong was sitting in bed, looking bored, Xia asked "You guys want to go to the mall," in a curious tone with an excited face.

Yu replied "Yeah sure, let's go," in an excited tone as they looked at Hong.

She answered "Sure, it's not like I have anyone to hang out with or to bother me," with a dead voice as she got out of bed to get ready. She was wearing a t-shirt that wrote "I Was Too Lazy To Wear An Actual Outfit" on it with black leggings, Yu asked "Hong, are you sure you want to wear that? Do you know what it says on it," in a curious tone.

She answered "I'm sure, I can read what it says on here," with no emotions. Xia said "Ok, let's get going," in a calm tone, then they left. When they got on the elevator, Xiu Ying and Bingwen enter with them, everything was awkward so Xia asked "Where are you guys going," in a curious tone with a smile.

Bingwen answered "We're going to find a place to eat. What about you guys," in a cheerful tone as he smiles back.

She said, "We're going to the mall to wander around and probably buy things," as they walked out of the hotel

"Ah, ok. Look like we're here so bye," in a calm tone as they wave goodbye to each other. Hong and Xia looked at the big mall as Yu paid for the taxi fee, "Wohh~ this mall looks so cool," Xia noted in amazement, she added "Come on, let's go in," in an excited tone as she drags Yu and Hong in. As they when to the 2nd floor, where all the clothes and shoes are, Xia said "You guys look at this cute dress. I think I would look cute in it, what do you guys think," in an excited tone as she came out with a white flowy dress with the sleeves off the shoulders.

"I think you look good, you should get it," Yu answered in a cheerful voice with a smile as she softly claps her hands. Xia looks at Hong, she looks like she was spaced out, Yu tugs on her shirt, "Huh!? What," in a startled tone as she looked at them.

Xia repeats her question, Hong replied "You look good in that dress, you should get it," in a calm tone as she had a small smile on her face with her thumbs up.

"Hong, are you okay? You're not acting much like yourself, are you sick," Xia asked in a concerned voice as she went near her.

They both looked at her with worried faces, she looks at them and, lied, answered "I'm fine, I'm not sick, I was just thinking about work," in a calm tone with a calm face. They hummed, trusting her words, Xia said "I think I'll buy it, you guys should try some things here. The clothes here are quite pretty," in a calm tone as she went back to the changing room to change.

Yu and Hong went to look around while Xia was changing, Yu saw a black, ruffle, short sleeve off-shoulder dress that buttons in front, she asked "Hong, this would look so good on you. You should totally get it," in an assured tone as she showed it to her.

Hong looked at it for a minute, looked at the price tag, and answered "It's cute but it's too expensive for my budget," in a calm tone as she took it and put it back on the rack. "I can buy it for you as a small gift or you can pay me back if you really want to," in a generous tone as she grabs the dress.

Hong declines a few times but Yu keeps insisting so she accepts, Xia went next to them and asked "Did you guys find anything you guys like," in a curious tone as she looks down. She commented, "Ooo~ that's pretty, who is that for?"

"We're still looking and that is for Yu," Hong answered in a calm tone, then they continue to look at clothes. After a few hours of shopping, Xia suggests "You guys, let's go eat somewhere, I'm kinda getting hungry," in a joyful tone as she rubs her belly with a pouting face. Yu hummed, agreeing, as they looked at Hong for her answered.

Hong said "I want to go buy something so you guys can go ahead and I'll catch up with you guys," in a calm tone. They hummed then they wave to each other, then Xia and Yu went to the first floor while Hong went to the 3rd floor. She went into a jewelry store, which she saw earlier when she was with Yu and Xia, when she went in and begin to look around. A worker came up to her and asked "Do you need help," in a kind tone.

Hong asked "Do you guys have matching rings," in a quiet tone.

"Yeah, we do. Is it for a friendship, family, or dating," in a calm tone as she walks somewhere, Hong just followed her, then they were across each other with showcases of matching rings between them.

She hesitated and answered "It's not for family, we're not friends nor dating," in a tad nervous tone as she looks at the lady then the rings. Hong could tell the lady was confused so continues "Let's just say this, I want to buy matching rings for this guy and me but we're not dating nor friends."

The lady took out a few matching rings, she asked "Ma'am does any of these rings is to your liking or what you kind of want," in a calm tone.

Hong looked at them for a minute, she answered "Um~ not quite. Do you guys have matching rings that are simple and aren't too noticeable that there matching until you see both rings," in a calm tone.

"Um~," the lady said with a flustered face but then her face lit up, she added "Wait, I think there's some matching right that just came today but we're going to put up later today. Let me go get them," in a realization tone, then she went to the back.

When she came back, she had three boxes, there was a ring that was missing a part, which was in the shape of a heart, but the other ring has the missing heart. The other two boxes were the same but a teddy bear and a dinosaur, the lady asked "Do you like any of these, plus these are limited edition," in a calm tone as she looked at Hong.

When Hong saw them her eyes kinda glittered, she answered "These are perfect, I don't know which one to buy, I like them all. What would you chose," in an amazed tone as she looks at them, then the lady.

The lady replied "Oof~ I don't think I could choose too," in a flustered tone as she looked at them, then she whispers "How about you buy two, get one free since you're that first one to see or even buy them," in a sneaky voice.

She whispers "You mean if I buy two sets of these matching rings, I'll get one set for free," in a curious tone, the lady nodded. Hong told her "I'll buy one set of the teddy bear and dinosaur, you know about the heart set," in a quiet voice, the lady nodded as she went to the checkout with all three boxes.

The lady said "Your total comes to $35," in a kind voice as she was put the rings in a small bag. Hong scans their QR code, confirms the payment, then took her bag and left. When she got to the first floor, she called Yu "Where are you guys," in a calm tone.

"Oh we're at The Spring & Autumn Period Restaurant, just go left until you see the restaurant, I can come to get you or you can come by yourself," Yu said in a calm tone.

"I think I'll come by myself," she answered in a calm tone, then hung up. There were so many people around that she was being squeezed into the crowd when she saw the restaurant, she pushes herself into the restaurant that's when she saw Yu. Yu leads them into the room that they're eating in, Hong saw Xiu Ying and Bingwen sitting at the table, eating and talking, she texted "Why are they here?"

Yu texted back "We met them when we came down here and invited them to come to eat with us since they were finding something to eat too."

"Ah, ok." she messages back as they sat down. Everything went quiet when Hong entered, everyone was just eating, except Hong, no one was going to talk. It was like that for a few minutes until Yu asked "What is everyone going to do after this," in a cheerful tone as she looks at them.

Xia answered "I don't know, probably hang out with Yu and Hong," in a quiet tone.

"I'm going to do a little shopping," Bingwen said in a calm tone as he looks around.

Hong texted "I'm probably just going to go back to the hotel and sleep or just lay in bed but I'm most likely to be forced to go somewhere with you guys."

Xiu Ying replied "Probably go shopping with Bingwen since I have no one to bother," with an emotionless tone as he glances at Hong, then back to eating.

After a few more minutes, Yu asked "Hong why are you not eating," in a concerned tone as she looked at her. Hong texted "I'm not hungry, I'm kinda thirsty so I'm going to buy something to drink at a cafe." she kinda looked around and saw Xiu Ying staring at her, then stood up.

Yu accidentally blurted "Again!?" when she realized what she said out loud, she looks at them, they were staring at her with concern and confusion, she apologized and texted Hong "You can't be doing this, you're going to get sick." Hong looked back at her, she just left without replying to her.

Xia whispers "Is she doing it again," in a curious tone as she lends close to Yu, she nodded, Xia continues "She going to be sick if continues, I'm worried," in a nervous tone, she nods again.

They had nervous and frustrated faces, Xiu Ying asked "What are you guys whispering about? Who's doing what again and might get sick," in a curious tone as Bingwen and he looks at them, then Bingwen went back to eating.

Xia answered "Oh it's just one of our friends, she does some exercises beyond her capacity," in a calm tone.

"Oh ok," in an apathetic tone as he went back to eat, Xia looked back at Yu as they shook their head. A few minutes passed, "By the way how is Hong doing these days," Xiu Ying asked in a quiet, curious tone before stuffing his face while looking down.

Before Xia and Yu said anything, Hong came and answered "I'm doing fine, I feel more relaxed," in a cold tone as she down, then took a sip of her drink. Xiu Ying commented "That's good," in a voice that was trying to sound happy but that was sadness too as he tries to look happy. After eating and saying goodbye, Xia, Hong, and Yu went back to the hotel as Bing and Xiu Ying went to the 2nd floor.