
Xaing heard a knock, it was Mr. Zhao, he said "Xaing, pack your things, we're leaving," in an emotionless tone as he entered his room.

"What?! Why we haven't even been here for a full day," he commented in a confused tone.

Mr. Zhao answered "What do you mean why, Mr. Yange called me and told me that he canceled your tour because of your dating rumors," in a calm tone as he frowned at him.

"When are we going to be leaving," he asked in a calm tone as he sat on the bed.

His manager answered "We'll be leaving in an hour so get ready," in a calm voice as he stood up, Xaing nodded, then he left.

An hour later, Xaing and his manager got on the plane, his manager asked "Did you tell anyone that you're coming back," in a calm tone.

Xaing answered "No," in a calm tone, then he asked "Mr. Zhao, why can't I just write in my apology letter that it was just Qing Lai, not my girlfriend," in a confused tone.

"I have no clue why can't you do that but Mr. Yange just to write an apology letter and you can have a press conference when we get back. Xaing, you have to be extra careful from now on until this situation settles down, try not to go out in public as much, or you know, try not to go out as much," in a serious tone.

Xaing commented "Okay, Okay, I know, it's not like I want to be chased by reporters and paparazzis," assured tone as he has a stressed face.

Mr. Zhao patted his shoulders and said "Good, don't worry this will be gone in no time," in a cheerful tone, Xaing hummed as he slightly nodded. In 3 hours, they got back to shanghai, Mr. Zhao noted "We're going to leave through the back of the airport," in a calm tone as he leads tone to the back of the airport. As they drove off, they could see paparazzis and reporters chasing after the car, Xaing gasps and said "Woa~ I have never seen so many reporters," in an astounded tone as he looked back.

His manager commented "Just wait until you get to a conference, well it depends on how popular you are, which you're already quite famous in China so you're most likely to see many reporters," in a straightforward tone as he looks at the road ahead.

Xaing got a call from Lai, "Hello?" he answered.

"When did I become your girlfriend? I saw your apology letter, you apologized for having a girlfriend and asked them to forgive you, it seems like not many people like me, you know how much hate I'm going to get," Lai said in a serious tone.

Xaing answered "Never, someone made that up, my company had me do that, and no, I don't know how much hate you're going to get but it's might be a lot. All I know is I'm probably going to have a press conference, all because you decided to see me off at the airport," in a fake down tone.

Lai replied "I just wanted to see my cousin's boyfriend one last time before he leaves for 3 weeks, when will you tell everyone that I'm not dating you," in a cold tone

"I will, I will," he told him in an assured tone. After a few seconds of silence, Lai started to laugh so did Xaing, Lai noted "Why is this so funny to us, by the way, Yu called me to tell me that this situation is just funny, she was laughing so much that I could barely understand her. I can't stop laughing now, my stomach hurt so bad," in-between laughs.

"Oh she did, that's good but I don't know why but this is just funny, I probably look crazy to my manager," he said in between laughs.

"Your manager is with you? But whatever, you shouldn't even be laughing, I know you got into a lot of trouble for this," Lai replied as he continues to laugh.

Xaing answered "Yeah, he's next to me and I know I shouldn't be laughing but I can't stop," as he laughs harder.

Mr. Zhao said "Xaing, how are you laughing? I'm pretty sure Mr. Yange is going to chew you into pieces when you get back to the company," in a serious tone.

"Because it's funny," Xaing answered as he slowly calms down.

Lai commented "Your manager sounds kinda strict, that's no fun," in a straightforward as he stopped laughing.

He said "No he's not, he's nice, there are so many things I did that I could have gotten in trouble for but didn't cause of my manager," in an assured tone. Xaing added "Plus he's a fine-looking man, I don't know how he's still single," with a bewildered tone.

"You're lying, can I see a picture of him," he said in a disbelief tone. Xaing looked at his manager, his manager asked "Don't you already have a picture of me," in a confused tone, Xaing shook his head, sighs and added "Fine."

He sent Lai a photo, Lai sightly yelled "Holy cow, he is dang fine, how is he still single? He's probably in a secret relationship," in an admiring tone.

"I know right," he noted. Lai said "Anyways I got to go, talk to you later," in a calm tone, Xaing hummed, then he hung up.

"Was that Lai," Mr. Zhao asked in a quiet tone, he nodded.

"Why are we here, aren't you going to send me home," Xaing asked in a confused tone as he look outside and back to Mr. Zhao.

His manager smiled and answered "Because the CEO wanted to talk to you plus I will send you home," in a calm tone.

"No, I don't want to go, he's scary," he whined in a childlike tone with a pouting face.

His manager gave him a serious look and mark "Xaing, you're 27 years old, don't be such a baby and come on," in a tad annoyed tone as he dragged him off the car into the company. When he got to Mr. Yange's office, Xaing asked "Did you want to talk to me," in a nervous tone as Mr. Zhao followed behind.

"Yes, you guys come a seat," he said in a old tone as he look up from his computer. Mr. Zhao and Xaing sat on the chairs that was in front of his desk.

"What would you like to talk with me," Xaing asked in a formal tone with a nervous look.

Mr. Yange answered "I would talk to you about the latest news about you, you know how much trouble you brought to us? You haven't even been a singer for a year and you already have your first scandal, if you're going to be like this then I think you should just quit. I'll let you explain to tell me if you actually have a girlfriend and we'll see if ," in a bitter tone.

Xaing looked at his manager, his manager knows that he was going to start laughing so he just bumped him, Xaing clears his throat and answered: "Well the person that is my so-called "girlfriend" is my friend, Qing Lai, you may know him," in a calm tone.

Mr. Yange sighs and said "If that's the case then we'll see what we can do, you guys can leave," in an emotionless tone, Mr. Zhao and Xaing nodded, then left. When they close the door to Mr. Yange's office, Mr. Zhao noted "That wasn't as bad one of the idols," in a relieved tone.

"Why," Xaing asked in a confused tone.

He answered "I didn't see it but I heard that there was an idol that had a dating scandal like you but after talking, he got fired, and he was pretty popular, but after that he was no where to be heard," in a calm tone.

"Woa~ that's bad," he said in a nervous tone, his manager agreed. Xaing asked "So what am I supposed to do now since I'm not on tour," in a confused tone.

"I think you're just going to stay home until this is less crazy," in a calm tone, Xaing nodded. Xaing got a call from Jing, "Hello, sister?" he answered.

"Xaing, why do you and Yu have dating scandals? Xaing, who is the person that you wave to at the airport? Is that person your girlfriend cause I know Yu is on a trip so who the f*ck are you with?," in an upset tone.

He answered "Sis, I don't know why we have these scandals, that person that I was waved to is my friend, and no he's not my girlfriend so calm down," in a calm tone.

"That better be the case, if it's not, I will beat you up, just because I have 2 kids doesn't mean I can't beat you up," she told him in an enraged tone. She asked, "By the way, who is this friend of yours?"

He giggled and said "My friend is Qing Lai, you might know him," in a lighthearted tone.

"You mean one of the famous sculptors," she asked in a shocked tone, he hummed. She asked "How are you guys friends," in a confused tone.

"He is Yu's cousin's boyfriend," he answered in a calm tone.

Jing said "No way, you're lying," in a disbelief tone.

"Yes way," he said in an assured tone. "I don't believe you but my baby is crying so I have to go now," she told him, then she hung up.

Mr. Zhao said "I think I should send you home since you have nothing planned for the next few weeks if you do, I'll or Mr. Yange call you," in a calm tone as he took out his keys, Xaing hummed. They both went to the underground garage, "My car is over here," his manager said in a calm tone as he pointed in a direction.

Once they got into his car, Xaing commented "Your car isn't bad," in a casual tone.

"Thanks, I already have this car for like 5 years now so I'm planning to get a new one soon," he said in a lighthearted tone, Xaing hummed.

While they going to Xaing's apartment, Xaing asked "Mr. Zhao, do you have a secret girlfriend that you don't want anyone to know about," in a curious tone.

His manager just giggled and answered "No, I don't, why do you think that," in a cheerful tone.

"Because someone as good-looking as can't be single," he answered in a calm tone.

"I don't know why I'm still single, maybe I can't find anyone I like," he commented in a confused tone.

Xaing said "Ok, ok but what's your type so I can see if I can help," in a curious tone with a calm face.

Mr. Zhao chuckled and answered "My type of girl is have a good sense of humor, sweet, kinda wise, intelligent, can help me with housework, cute, some confident, not too skinny or chubby, around my age, independent, and have some taste in fashion," in a calm tone.

"Ok, I'll see if there's anyone like that but your type of girl does kinda remind me of someone," he commented in a lighthearted tone.

"Really?! Who," he asked in a curious tone as glanced at him then back to the road.

Xaing smiled and answered "Dong-Mai," in a cheerful tone.

"No, I can't date her, she's too young for me plus I'm probably not her type," his manager noted in an absurd tone with a nervous face.

Xaing said "What do you mean, she is like 4 years young than you plus you never know unless you try to talk with her," in an assured tone with a confused look.

"Yeah yeah and I don't even know how to talk with her," he commented in a quiet tone.

Xaing smiled and asked "Maybe I can help," in an excited tone.

His manager shooked his head and said "Nan, it's okay," in an assured tone as he parked his car on the side of the road.

"What about my things," he asked in a curious tone.

Mr. Zhao answered "I'll send them to you tomorrow or the day after tomorrow," in a calm tone.

He hummed and said "Ok, thanks for the ride," in an appreciative tone as he got out of the car and ran into his apartment complex. Xaing's heart was beating so fast as he got closer to his apartment, he took a deep breath in front of the door, then he opened expected to see Lai but he did see anyone. "Lai? Lai," he shouted but he got no answer, he looked everywhere but didn't see him so he guesses he went out.

When Lai came home, he heard noises from Xaing and Yu's room, his heartbeats begin to go up as he grabbed something and slowly went towards their room. When he opened the door, he was ready to swing as he shouted "Who are you," as the person turned.

Xaing screamed "I'm Xaing," in a scared tone as he moved from getting hit.

Lai stopped mid-way, looked at him, then he shouted "Xaing!! You scared the soul out of me, you should have called me or I would have sent you to the hospital," in an upset tone as he lowed the big frying pan.

Xaing started to giggle as he said "Sorry, I was planning to surprise you." Lai sighed and walked out of the room, after a few minutes, Xaing come out of his room, he asked "Where did you go," in a curious tone.

"I went to get groceries," he answered in a calm tone as put food away, Lai asked "So are you back because of the rumors," in a curious tone, Xaing hummed.

"I guess I'm going to stay home until it goes down," Xaing noted in a calm tone, Lai hummed.