
Three weeks later, they were packing up to go back to Shanghai when Xia asked "Bingwen and my brother invited us to go eat before we leave," in a calm tone as she folds her clothes.

Yu asked "You guys want to go since we're leaving tomorrow," in a quiet tone as she looked at Hong ad Xia.

"Yeah," Xia said excitedly.

Hong answered "You guys are going to force me to go with you guys whether I say yes or no," with no emotions as she put her things in her luggage.

Xia said "Everyone agreed, it's at 8 pm," in an excited tone.

"Oh ok, wait, 8," Yu slightly shouted in a shocked tone, Xia nodded, Yu added "Isn't that in an hour," in a curious tone, Xia nodded again.

Xia answered "Yeah so we should get ready," in a cheerful tone as she stopped what she was doing, they all went to get ready. Xia and Yu were adding finishing touches as Hong was just sitting on a bed, Xia begins to spray perfume all over herself, after a few seconds, Hong started to make puking sounds.

Yu asked "Hong are you okay," in a shocked tone as Hong ran to the bathroom as Yu and Xia followed but were blocked by the bathroom door.

They were kind of banging on the door for a minute, then she came out and answered "I think I'm fine, I think something smells bad," in a quiet tone, then she covered her mouth and ran back into the bathroom. While in the bathroom, Hong noted "Xia, can you change, I think it might be your perfume, it smells weird," in a calm tone.

"Hong, do you want to stay since you're not feeling well," Yu asked in a worried tone.

"I think I'll be fine as long as Xia doesn't wear her perfume," she answered in an assured tone. Xia looked at Yu, Yu nodded, signing that she should change so she went to change.

When Hong came out of the bathroom, Yu handed her something and said "Here, this an acupressure bracelet, it helps should help your nausea," in a calm tone.

"Thank you," she answered in a quiet tone as she puts it on.

Xia asked "How do you feel now after I changed my clothes," in a curious tone as she stood next to Yu.

Hong answered "You still smell weird but I don't really feel throwing up now thanks to this bracelet," in a calm tone as she covers her nose.

"I don't know if that good or bad but let's get going," Yu marked as she left, Xia and Hong followed. When they got to the room that Xiu Ying and Bingwen were in, Xiu Ying said "Wow, I didn't think you guys would actually come but anyways take a seat, we already order food," in a cheerful tone.

When the food came in, everything smells really weird to Hong, she slowly leads her head onto her hand so she can cover her nose again. Xia excitedly said "Everything smells so amazing, let's start digging in," with an excited smile as she looked at all of the food. They started to eat, Hong begins to eat after she took off the bracelet, she didn't want to get it dirty, after a few bites, she was getting nauseous, she quickly ran to the bathroom.

They all were about to go after her but Yu comment "I'll go, you guys keep eating," in a calm tone as she went after Hong.

Xiu Ying asked "Sis, is Hong sick," in a worried tone.

"I think she is, this morning she was like this too but she said that she was fine," she answered in a nervous tone.

"Did she take medicine yet?" Bingwen asked in a concerned tone as they sat down, she shook her head.

When Yu found Hong, she was still puking so Yu went to rub her back, after she was done, Yu said "Hong, you would go back since you're not feeling well," in a worried tone.

"I'm fine, I feel little better after throwing up, I'll be fine plus I want to spend with you and Xia before we leave since I don't know the next time I'll meet you guys," Hong answered in a assure tone as she slowly stood up and when to wash she hands.

Yu sighed and said "Hong, Xia and I can meet with you anytime, right now is for you to get better," in a soft tone as they walks back.

Hong smiled and said "I'm fine, I guess the food just didn't sit right with my stomach," in a light-heart tone as she looked at Yu, Yu gave her an unsure look. She added "See," as she grabs Yu's hand and put her hand on her forehead.

Yu felt she wasn't burning up she she comment "You're not burning so I guess you can stay if you want to but if you get worse, I will drag you to the hospital," in a stren tone as they went back into the room.

Xiu Ying immediately stood up and asked "Hong, are you okay," in a worried tone as his eye went on her, she nodded. "Yu, is she sick or something," he asked in a curious as he looked at Yu.

When Yu and Hong sat down, Yu answered "No, Hong just ate too much," in a calm tone as she went back to eating. While they eating, Hong was thinking to herself "What's wrong with me lately, my period is 3-weeks late, everything smells weird, my chest hurts, I've really tired and nauseous." She begins to mentally panic, she continues thinking "Could it be that I have a disease?! No, maybe it's just stress cause I've been stress lately, I should search it up." She searched her symptoms but before she could see the results, she felt taps, she looked up as she said "Huh?"

Yu asked "I call your name like 100 times, how are you feel now," in a curious tone.

She answered "Everything still smells weird but..." she stopped talking as she begins to quietly sniff, she continues, "I think there's a smell that I like and doesn't make me feel nauseous," in a confused tone as she looks at Yu.

Yu looked shocked and whispers "Really?! What does it smell like," in a curious tone with a tad excited face.

Hong answered "It's has a crackling spice with smooth, sweet fragrance but it's not too strong and it reminds me of grapefruits and mandarins," in a calm tone, Yu got so happy.

She asked "Do you know who or what smells like that," with excitement in a voice, Hong shook her head which made her smiled disappear. Just then Xia asked "What are you guys whispering about," in a curious tone as they looked at each other so Yu explained what they were whispering about. Xia gasp and said "Really? Do you have a guess where it's coming from," as she looks at Hong, she just shook her head.

Yu commented"I guess we'll never know where the smell is coming from," with an apathetic tone as she lays back, looking at Xia and Hong.

Bingwen asked "What are you guys whispering about," in a confused tone as they looked at him.

Xia awkwardly giggled and answered "Nothing, it's just girls things," in a calm tone as Hong and Yu nodded while Xiu Ying and Bingwen confused faces. After they spend the day together, now it's dark, Hong said "I think I might get into a taxi by myself," in a quiet tone as she looks at Xia and Yu.

"Are you sure," Yu asked in a worried tone as Xia was nodding, agreeing with Yu, Hong nodded. She commented "Ok, be safe, see you at the hotel," in a calm tone as they waves to each other.

After they left, Xiu Ying asked "Hong, why didn't you go with them instead of Bingwen," in a confused tone as he looks at her.

"Because I'm not feeling too well plus I don't want to be lately everything smells weird so I don't want to near too many scents," she answered in a calm tone, he just nodded.

When another taxi parked in front of them, Xiu Ying opened the door and commented "Get in," in a calm tone, she went inside as he got in too.

Hong said "Hey, what are you doing, I said that I want to be alone," in an annoyed tone as she glared at him while he was tell the driver where they were going.

"You'll be fine, we're going to the same place, I don't see the problem," he answered in an assured tone as he looked at her, she just rolled her eyes. In the car, Hong smells the scent that doesn't make her feel nauseous, that's when she realizes that the scent was coming from Xiu Ying, she felt so relax by his scent that she started to fall asleep. Suddenly Xiu Ying felt a weight on his shoulder, when he looked, he saw that Hong was asleep on him, he smiled and wrapped his arm around her as he gently stroking her hair.

When they got to the hotel, he nudged her to wake up but she just moved closer to him, she probably not going to wake up so he paid the taxi and carry her out, princess style. Xiu Ying knocked on the girls' door, Yu opened the door, she looked shocked, he marked "Don't worry, she fell asleep on the way back," in an assured tone as he enters their room, putting her onto the bed. "Anyways goodnight, girls," he said then left.

Xia and Yu was so confused on what just happened, "What just happened," Yu asked in a confused tone, looking at Xia as she came to sit down, Xia shrugged.

"I don't what just happened but let's go to sleep or we might not want to wake up tomorrow since we have to leave in the morning," Xia commented in a quiet voice as she got into bed so did Yu. In the morning, Yu was the first one to wake up, when she looked at the time, it was 10 am, Yu got up so quickly as she was waking up Hong and Xia. She said "You guys wake up, we're going to be late," in a panicked tone as she shook them both.

Xia sat up and asked "How long until we have to leave," in a sleepy tone as she was scratching her head.

"An hour," she replied as she went to grab her and went to the bathroom. After half an hour, they all were ready, Xia was going to put on her perfume but Hong stopped her and said "Don't put that on, I will become nauseous again," in a cautious tone.

"Come on one little spray don't hurt," she commented with an assured tone as she sprayed once to herself but then Hong ran to the bathroom. Yu and Xia went after her, they saw she was really throwing up, just as she was going to say something she throwing up again so Yu asked Xia move away. Yu rubbed her back as she asked "Hong are you okay? You've been like this since yesterday," in a concerned tone as Hong looked at her.

She answered "I don't know what's wrong with me but I don't feel sick, I'll have it checked out when we go back," in a drained tone. She continues "By the way, I think I know where the scent that I can work with is," with a calm tone as she slowly got up.

"Where," Yu asked in an excited tone as she stepped out of the bathroom while Hong freshes up.

When Hong stepped out of the bathroom, she answered "Xiu Ying's scent is the is only one that I can work with plus it makes me really relaxed," in a quiet tone with a nervous look.

Yu and Xia were shocked but the same time they weren't, Xia asked "How is my brother's scent the only smell that you by next to without a problem? You guys hung out so much that he is the only scent you can be with," in a teasing and confused tone as Hong shrugged.

"So what are we going to do because we're not going to go ask him to come over here just for Hong to smell him, that's just weird," Yu remarked in a curious tone as she looked at them both.

Hong answered "We won't do anything, I'll just deal with it on my own, I'm sure everything will be fine," in an assured tone as she just grabbed her things as left.

"Hong, you can't just do that, we're worried that you might throw up," Yu answered in a worried tone as she followed her out the door.

Xia added "Plus his scent is the only one that helps you from being nauseous," as she followed them with the key card.

"You guys don't worry, I know myself and I'm fine," she marked in a tad annoyed tone.

Yu said "Fine but if you need anything, tell us," in a soft tone, she nodded. When they got to the lobby, almost everyone was there so they waited for a few more minutes for the people that weren't there yet, soon everyone was there and they started to get into the car.

When they got on the plane, Yu and Xia were sitting in front of Hong, Hong said "I don't feel so well, Yu, do you have the acupressure bracelet with you," in a quiet voice as Yu gave her the acupressure bracelet.

"Hong, are you really okay," Yu asked in a worried tone as she looks at her through the crack between the chairs, she nodded as she laid back and closed her eyes. Just then someone sat next to Hong, they felt a similar present, turns out that it was Xiu Ying. Xia and Yu felt more relaxed to know that he's there, while Hong got a little tensed when she realized that it was Xiu Ying. He asked "Are you okay? Why do you look so nervous, wait, is it because you're nervous about the plane taking off," with a curious tone.

She answered "I'm fine, it's just that I thought no one with be sitting next to me," with no emotions as she laid back and closed her eyes. While on the flight, Hong slowly fell asleep on Xiu Yng's shoulder, he really loves it as he stared at her while he pats her head. Xia said "You two love birds," in an excited tone as he looks at Xia, he realized that she was taking pictures of them. He told her to stop but she didn't so he gave up on telling her to stop.

Later, Yu said "Look at them both, they look so cute together," with an admiring tone as she begins to take pictures of them sleeping while Xia giggled. As they were leaving the airport, Xia commented "Ah~ it's good to be back," in a cheerful tone with the happiest smile, Bingwen and Xiu Ying agreed with her. While Hong and Yu looked dead so Xia said "Don't look like that, aren't you guys happy to be back," in a confused tone.

Hong said "What makes you think I would be happy while feeling nauseous," in a cold tone as she pulled out her phone to make a phone call.

Yu answered "Why would I be happy if I'm in the middle of a break with my boyfriend," in an annoyed tone.

"You guys ruined the mood," she whined in a disappointed tone with a pouty face. Everyone got rides except for Xiu Ying, Xia, Yu, and Hong, they all were waiting for taxis as they heard Hong say "Next week?! Isn't there a day within this week that you guys can fit me in... Fine, if that the soonest then I'll do next week," in a stressed tone.

"Why are you so mad," Yu asked. "Doctor's appointment," in an annoyed tone, they understood her and soon they all went their own ways.