
As Xaing was entering the apartment, he was so tired, stressed, and hungry, everything was dark like usual, he turns the kitchen light, he went to see if there's any food. While he warming the food someone made, Zhe enters and said "You're still up," in a quiet voice as he takes off his shoes.

"I just got here, you want to have dinner with me," Xaing asked in a calm tone, he nodded as he helps set the table. They both just ate in silence, then before they went into their room, they say "goodnight" to each other, then went into their rooms. Without turning on the lights, he went to the bathroom to take shower and brush his teeth, then got into bed. When he got into bed, he felt a lump in beside of him but he didn't care since he was too tired to care about anything, he just thought that it was Jinyu spending the night so he just went to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Xaing felt the lump move and wraps its arms around him, he got startled as he quickly turns on the lamplight but to his surprised, he saw that it was just his beautiful girlfriend that he hasn't seen in months. Xaing was really nervous and confused but the more she moves closer to him, the more he relaxed, he soon turned off the lump and to back to sleep with one arm around her.

In the morning, Yu woke up to a close-up of Xaing's chest, she quietly wiggled out of bed into the bathroom, after she did her morning routine, she went to make some breakfast. As she was making breakfast, she saw Chin, all ready in her school uniform, Yu ask "When are you going to school and are you going to have breakfast," in a curious tone.

Ching asked "I'm going to school right now and no, I don't eat breakfast," in a calm voice as she went to get her shoes on.

"Wait, do you want me to drop you off, I'm almost done cooking plus I'm sure school doesn't start until 7, it's only 6:20," she said in a casual tone as she looks at Chin with a curious face.

Chin shook her head and replied "No, it's okay, I'm sure you have to get ready for work plus I can just walk," in an assured tone.

"Chin wait for me, I don't have to get ready for work plus I want to go on a walk," she comments as she turns off the stove, Chin hummed as she waited for Yu to get ready. Yu quickly grabs the things she needed, put on her shoes, and comment "Ok, let's go," in a calm tone as she covers her face with a mask and hat, then they left.

While they were walking, Chin asked "Did you talk with Xaing," in a curious tone, Yu shook her head, "When are you guys going to talk," she asked.

Yu sighs and answers "I don't know, how would I even start," in a quiet voice, she asked "What about you and Bojing? When will you guys confess your feelings for each other," in a calm, curious tone.

She begins giggle and answered "We don't have feeling for each other, we're just friends, I don't think we would ever have feeling for each other," in an assured tone.

"We'll see about that," she noted with a grin on her face as Chin has a pouting face. "Ok, we're here, you don't have to pick me up and don't be caught, bye," she noted with a cautious tone, waves goodbye, and quickly went into her school. When she got home, she saw Xaing, Zhe, and Lai getting ready, Lai comment "Oh, I thought you went to work, by the way, did you eat yet," in a little shocked tone.

She shook her head and said "I don't have work for the next few days and no, I haven't eaten," in a calm tone as she went to the kitchen to set the table. They all sat and ate in silence, everything was awkward, then Lai stood up and said "I'm full now, I'll head out first," in a teased tone as he grabbed his things and left. Zhe hesitated "Me too," and quickly followed Lai. Soon Xaing blurted "I have to go to work, see you later," in a nervous tone as he quickly grabs his things and ran out the door. Yu started work on her other books, which she paused, since she's back from her trip while she has some soft music playing in the background.

In the afternoon, Yu decided to call it a day from writing and to go pick Chin up from school since it was almost time for her to be done with school. As many students were leaving school, Yu was looking for Chin, soon she saw that Chin was coming near with her friends when she was close enough, Yu "Boo," as Chin and her friends jumped, screaming.

Chin whispers "What are you doing here, aren't you worried about getting caught," in an upset tone with a frowning face, Yu was just giggling as she shook her head.

Her friends asked "Who is this and why is covering her face," in a confused tone with a confused face as they look back and forth at Chin and Yu.

Chin said "You guys will find out later if you guys don't recognize her," in a calm tone as she continues to walk, her friends were begging her to tell them who the person following them was. She groans and texted "The person that is following us is just my cousin, the reason she's covering her face is that she's a little sick and she doesn't want to make us sick too now stop asking me questions about her." Her friends just nodded.

Then one of her friends asked "You guys want to go somewhere to study for final exams since it's next week," in a curious tone as she looks at the others. They all said that they need to ask their parents or brother as they all made phone calls as Chin texted her brother. They all said that their parents agreed except Chin, who said "My brother said that I can't go out since I went out yesterday and he knows that we're not actually going to be studying so you guys can go without me," in a calm tone with a down face.

One of her other friends laughs and said "You dumb head, we can just go to your house to study," in a light-hearted tone.

Chin looks at Yu, she nodded so her face lit up and commented "Ok, let's go to my place," in an excited tone as they quickly walk to the apartment as Yu just followed. Yu got a call, "Hello, Mr. Yang," in a calm tone, then she answered "Tomorrow? Ok, I'll be there, ok, bye," in a calm tone, she heavily sighed.

Chin asked "What's wrong, why do you seem so troubled," in a curious voice, she hooked her head, signing that it was nothing, then she smiles again. When they got home, Chin noted "We're going to go study now," then her friends and she went to her room as Yu went to the kitchen.

When Yu brought in cut-up fruits with a mask on so none of her friends recognize her but then one of Chin's friends said "Yu, no need to wear a mask in your own apartment. And no, Chin didn't tell us, we could easily tell that it's just you but we didn't want to say it when we were outside," in a calm tone without looking up at her.

Chin and Yu were surprised that they can tell that it was her, she asked "How did you guys know that it was me," in a confused tone as she put her masks down.

"We have our only ways and don't worry we won't tell anyone," she answered in a cheeky tone as she looks up with a smile, Yu just nodded as she stepped up, out of Chin's room. Yu was confused about how Chin's friends knew it was her but she soon shook it off, as she has better things to worry about. Yu was thinking about what she should do to talk with Xaing, she walks back and forth thinking of what she should do. She texted "Please get home soon, we need to talk." Xaing replied with a thump up and "I'll see if I can."

Yu walked back and forth, thinking about how to start talking with him, Xaing didn't come home until 7 pm. When he came in, he asked "What did you want to talk about," in a curious tone.

She put a finger over her lips as she went to Chin's room, told them something, grabbed her thing, and dragged him out. He asked "What are you doing? Aren't we going to talk in our room," in a confused voice as he tried to stop her.

Yu turned to him and answered "I'm taking us somewhere else since Chin's friends are here and they don't we're dating," in a tad annoyed tone, then she continues to walk, he didn't say another word. She took them to a hotel nearby, they entered the room that was given to them when she booked the hotel. Everything was really awkward as they just sat on the bed, then Xaing asked "So what did you want to talk about that you need me to come early," in a nervous tone.

Yu didn't say anything for a few seconds, then she answered "To be honest, I don't even know how to start, I just want to talk about our problems," in a quiet tone as she plays with her fingers.

He said "I don't know what you're going to ask but I just wanted to say I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you to have, making you suffer by yourself. I know that I was a playboy when I was in high school but I promise you, after I met you, I had never laid eyes on another woman. I don't really know what I do when I'm drunk but I want to say sorry if I had hurt you in the past while I was drunk. I never plan to hurt you in any type of way but I did so I'm so sor-" in an apologetic tone but just then Yu hugged him as he just froze.

She said "Xaing, you can stop explaining, you can stop saying that you're sorry, I finally understand that you feel guilty for what you have done. While I was on my trip, I did a lot of thinking about our relationship, I still love you the same but I don't know if you still love me the same, if you don't then we should go our own ways. So Xaing, what is your answer going to be," in a soft tone as she pulls away from him.

Xaing has tears running from his face as he answered "Wan Yu, I don't think I love you the same, the more I think about it," in a guilty tone as he looks down. While her eyes filled with tears, then he looks back at her. He continues "because I think I'm more in love with you than ever, I thought you would never forgive me and when you come back from your trip, you were going to break it off with me," in a calm tone as he hugs her again as they both cried.

After a few minutes of crying, Yu smacked his chest and said "You scared me when you said that you don't love me the same, I thought this will be the end of our 8 years relationship," in an upset tone as she looks into his eyes with a pouty face, he just laughed.

He replied with "That was what just popped into my head when you said that you still love me, I'm sorry," in a cheerful tone as he wipes her tears as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

She hugged him again and said "You have no clue how much I missed you, your touch, smell, voice, smile, I missed every part of you," in a calm tone. A few seconds later, she whispers into his ears with her hot breath "Even the part that is poking me," in a seductive voice, then she looks into his eyes.

Xaing told her "You don't want to provoke me more, I'm trying to hold back to give you a nice night's sleep cause I'm sure you want some good night's rest," in a sexy, assured voice as he has a smirk on his face.

She whispers to his ears "Well I never told you to hold yourself back," in a tempting tone, she started to nibbling his ear lobes while caressing the nape of his neck as she slowly grinds on his crotch. He started to slowly groan as he slowly laid back. He had enough as he rolls them around, as he was hovering over her, he said "Don't blame me if you don't get to sleep tonight," in a serious tone, she pecked him, then smirk at him. He couldn't hold back as he started to hungrily kiss her pink, smooth lip, she kissed him too as her arms wrapped around his neck, then they started to work out.