
When Yu woke up to her boss calling reminding her that they have work today, she told him that she remembers, they talked for another minute, then he hung up. Yu saw that she only had 4 hours of sleep but she had to get ready to go to work when she tried to get out of bed, Xaing clinging onto her. She said "Xaing, let go of me, we have to head back to our apartment since we have to get ready for work," in a calm tone as she made him let go of her.

"You got a point," in a tired voice as he sat up, Yu grabbed her clothes and went into the bathroom while Xaing was getting dressed. When they got back to their apartment, it was already 7 am, they looked around, it seems like no one was home, Yu went to knock on Zhe and Lai's door but no opened so she guessed they were still sleeping. She knocked on Chin's door, Chin opens the door, she asked "Did Lai and Zhe come home yesterday?" in a curious tone.

Chin mention "No, they texted me that they won't be coming home for the night," in a calm tone as she closed the door behind her.

"Oh ok, what about your friends, did they go home," she asked.

She said, "My friends are still here since their parents said they could spend the night, any more questions, if not, I'm going to the bathroom" as Yu shook her head so Chin went to the bathroom. Yu went back into her room, to get ready for work, she saw Xaing lying on their bed, she took an outfit and went to take a shower.

Around 8, Yu was all ready for work as Xaing was still getting ready, she went to the kitchen to make some breakfast for the girls before she leaves. As she was almost done cooking, one of Chin's friends was walking toward the couch, where Chin was, she was yawning and scratching her back, but then she froze when she saw Yu. She stopped what she was doing and said "Um, good morning, sorry for being rude," in an apologetic tone as her face was red, then she quickly sat next to Chin.

After a few minutes, Yu asked "Are you girls hungry," in a curious tone as she looks at them, they both shook their heads.

Chin said "No, we'll just eat when the other girls are awake," in an assured tone, Yu nodded.

"If that's the case then I'll be going off to work when you guys get hungry, food is here," she comments in a calm tone as she took off her apron, then grabbed her things, and left. Da-Chung said "I'm going to the bathroom," as she stood up and when to the bathroom. Just when she went the bathroom, Xaing came out, said "I'm off to work, call me if you need anything," put on his shoes, and left. When Da-Chung came back, she asked "Who were you talking to earlier," in a confused tone as she sat next to her.

Chin answered "No one," in a calm tone as her eyes continue to stare at the TV, Da-Chung nodded and went back to watching TV. When Yu got to her workplace, Mr. Yang said "You're here early, the press conference is not until 11 am," in a calm tone as he looks at her.

She answered "Well I just wanted to be well prepared for it," in an assured tone as she sat down at her desk, thinking about all the things she's going to say. When it was almost 11, Mr. Yang commented "It's time for us to go now," in a calm tone as he stood up from his desk, begin to walk off as Yu followed behind.

When they got to the place where the press conference will be held, Yu put on her mask as her boss opened the door, many reporters and paparazzis crowd the car. Mr. Yang and one of the bodyguards that he hiring pushed slightly back them to make space for Yu to walk through. When they got into the building, they quickly walked to the room where the press conference will be held, Mr. Yang asked "Are you okay," in a concerned tone as they sat down.

"I'm fine, thanks to you and the bodyguard," she answered in a cheerful tone. "So Is it just going to be me and you in the press conference," in a curious tone.

He answered "We'll see, come on let's get going," in a calm tone, just then Bai showed up, along with his personal assistant. "Oh you guys are here, let's go," Mr. Yang said as he opened the door for them, they all enter as reporters, newsmakers, journalists, and paparazzis turned to them. Paparazzis started to take pictures of them as Bai and Yu wave at them while walking to their seats. Yu and Bai sat in front of everyone as Mr. Yang and Bai's assistant stood to the side.

After a few minutes, Yu said "Hello, my name is Wan Yu. Nice to meet all of you guys and thank you for coming today. I'm sure that everyone has heard the rumor about Bai and me about 3 months ago, today, I'm here to address the rumor. I, Wan Yu, would like to address that Li Bai and I have nothing together. I have seen Bai as one of my brothers, nothing more. I hope this stops the rumor between Bai and me," in a sincere tone as she looks at Bai then back to cameras.

They looked at Bai to see what he would say, he picked up the mic and said "Everything Yu said is all true, I see Yu as my sister and friend. Especially since we have our own significant-" he stopped what he was saying as Yu elbowed him. He clears his throat and corrected "Sorry, I mean I have my own significant other so things will never happen between me and Yu," in a serious tone but he was clearly nervous.

They all started to look at each other in confusion, then one of the reporters asked "How long have you guys known each other?"

Yu answered, "We have known each other when we were kids but soon lost contact, a few months ago, we met again." Reporters and journalists continue to ask them questions as Bai and Yu answered them, a few minutes later, Yu could see that Mr. Yang had a nervous face when he checked his phone, then everyone's phone started to have notifications. When Yu checked her phone, she saw that Xaing announced that she is his girlfriend, reporters and journalists started to ask her a bunch of questions at the same time.

One asked "Wan Yu, is it true that Chen Xaing is your boyfriend?"

As another one asked "Wan Yu, I thought you said that you don't have a boyfriend, can you explain what Chen Xaing said?" Mr. Yang could see that she was getting nervous and frustrated, he grabbed the mic and said "You guys please ask one question at a time, one question at a time," as the room went silent.

Someone asked "Wan Yu, I remember that you said you don't have a boyfriend, why does Chen Xaing suddenly say that you're his girlfriend," in a confused voice.

Yu answered "Well Xaing isn't lying, Xaing and I have been in a secret relationship," in a calm tone as she looked from one side to the other side.

Another one asked, "How long have you guys been in a relationship?"

"We have been in a relationship for almost 8 years now," she replies as almost everyone had a shocked face. Mr. Yang said "Since Wan Yu has cleared up the rumors, she'll be leaving now," he grabbed her and walked out the door so was Bai and his assistant as reporters and others followed. As she and her boss was getting into their van, she saw Xaing get on the van behind her, Yu was a little shocked they had a press conference at the same time. When she got back to her apartment, she saw that Chin and her friends had excited faces, looking at her, Chin shouted "Yu!! You finally announced it to the world," in an excited tone as she stood up and hugged her.

Chin's friend was confused as Yu smiles and patted her on her back, Xaing came behind Yu with a confused face. One of Chin's friends asked "Chin, you knew this whole time," in a confused tone.

Chin turned to her and answered "Yeah, this is their apartment so I knew for a few months," in a cheerful tone.

Her friends clutched their chests as one of them say "Chin, you betrayed us, we promised each other that we'll tell each other all of our secrets but you kept this a secret from us, we feel hurt," in a sarcastic, grieve tone as they fell on the floor.

Chin walked to them and answered "You guys stop embarrassing yourselves, I had to keep this a secret because my brother might kill me if I told anyone," in a joyful tone as her friends got up.

Her other friend said "Fine, we'll forgive you this time, but if it happens again, we will punish you," in a harsh tone, they gave her the death glare as she nodded. Yu was giggling knowing that Chin has another secret up her sleeves, Yu asked "Oh did my cousin and your brother come home yet," in a curious tone as she came to sit down.

"Yeah, just to change clothes then they left again," she replied in a calm tone as Chin and her friend sat down while Xaing sat on the other cube chair.

"Did you guys eat yet," Yu asked, Chin nodded, "Ok, that's good but anyways, I'm going to go take a nap, I didn't get much sleep last night," in a calm tone as she gt up, Chin nodded, she went to her room.

"I'm going to go take a nap too, wake me up if y'all need anything," Xaing said as he followed Yu into their room. Yu plot onto their bed as Xaing laid next to her, he asked "Why were you giggling earlier," in a confused tone as he turns his head to her.

She smiled and answered "Oh it's nothing, I was thinking about something funny," in a cheerful tone.

"I know you're lying, come on, tell me the truth," Xaing said.

"I'm not lying, there's nothing to tell you," in a serious tone, "I'm going to sleep now so stop bringing it up," as she closed her eyes. He put his arm around her waist and laid his head on her chest as Yu put her hand on his head, patting his hair. When Yu woke up it was already 4 in the afternoon, she went to the kitchen to make something for herself to eat, as she was just making cup noodles for herself, she was wondering why the house was so quiet. As she brought her cup of noodles to the coffee table, she saw that there was a note on the ground of the door, it read "I'm going out with my friends for a bit. From Chin" that answers her question.

When Xaing came out of his room, he was Yu was just lying on the couch watching TV, he asked "How long have you been up for," in a curious tone as he was walking towards her.

She sat up and answered "About an hour now, why," in a calm tone as she looked at him then back to the TV. Xaing nodded as he sat next to her, "No reason, Chin texted me that she'll be out with her friends until 5 or 6," Yu nodded. He asked "What are you watching," as he begins to watch with her.

Yu answered "A recent movie that Jing did," in a calm tone. Close to 3 hours later, Zhe and Lai were finally back, "Hey guys, you two finally announced that you guys are dating, I'm so happy for you guys," Lai said in a joyful voice as he quickly sat on one of the cubes.

"Thank you," Yu and Xaing replied in a cheerful tone as that had a smile on their faces, turning to them.

"So where is my sister," he asked in a curious tone as he looks around.

She and Xaing were confused "Didn't she tell you, she went out with her friends," in a confused tone.

Lai shook his head, "No, she didn't text me at all today, did she say how long she'll be gone for or what time she'll be home," in a nervous voice as Yu shook her head, she gave him the note that Chin left him.

After he read it, his face lost its color as he stuttered "You guys, this isn't Chin's handwriting," in a nervous voice as he went into shock.

Xaing said "Lai, don't play with us, this isn't funny," in an anxious tone, Zhe and Yu came closer to Lai with an anxious face.

He shook his head, "I'm not joking, why would I be joking like this about my sister," he slightly shouted.

Yu suggested "Maybe it was one of her friends that wrote that," in a nervous tone.

Zhe added "Yu might be right, let's calm down and think slowly, let's try to call her friends," in a soft tone. Lai nodded and call her friends after a few minutes, Lai mumbled "Her friends said that they haven't seen her since 5 pm," in an emotionless tone as looked at them with teary eyes.

Yu noted "This is all my fault, I shouldn't have taken a nap if I didn't, I would have her text you," in a guilty tone as she begins to tear up.

Zhe and Xaing patted Yu and Lai's backs as Zhe asked "How will we find her," in a worried tone as he looks at them.

"Wait, let me call Bojing, she might be at his place again," Xaing commented in a calm tone as he called Bojing. After he was done, Xaing was filled with disappointment as he added "He said that Chin is not at his place," in a downhearted tone.

Lai begins to cry even more as he said "This is all my fault, I'm such a bad brother, Chin was missing once, this is the second time she's missing. How will I ever find her," in a guilty tone as Zhe hugged him.

Yu said "Let's go to the police," in a desperate tone as she had a little hope on her face.

Xaing noted "They said we can't make a missing report if the person is missing under 24 hours. Plus if we report then it might get in the news, then we will be in a hotter mess," in an annoyed tone, they all lost hope. He suggested "How about Zhe and I will go look around and you guys guy stayed to see if she comes back," in a calm voice as Yu nodded. When they were about to leave, Xaing noted "Call us if Chin comes home, we'll call if anything happens," then they left.

Around 9 pm, Zhe and Xaing came back, Zhe said "We went to many places but she wasn't there," in a down tone.

Lai stood up and commented "I'll go find her myself," in a serious voice as he went to put his shoes on but just then the door open, they all saw that it was Chin. Lai hugged her and he asked "Where have you been," in-between tears.

She hugged him back and said "I went to see mom for a bit," in a calm tone.

"Why didn't you call or text me," he continues to cry.

She replied "My phone died, stop crying, I'm back now. I'm sorry for making you worried again," in a calm tone as she wipes his tears.

He nodded and he commented "As long as you're okay and nothing bad happened to you," in a relaxed tone as he slowly stopped crying. When he calms down, Chin said "I'm really tired, I'm going to my room now," in a quiet tone as he nodded, then she went to her room. Xaing noted "Let's go to sleep, I'm sure we're all tired," then they went to their own rooms.