
A few days later, Yu picked up Chin from her last day of school, one of her friends asked "You guys want to come to my house to celebrate the final day of school," in a curious tone.

"Sorry but I have to go to a doctor's appointment plus my brother won't let me go out today," Chin marked in an apologetic tone with a nervous smile.

Her other friend said "It's okay, we'll call you later so you don't get left out," in a cheerful tone as they walked away while waving, Chin waved back. When Chin and Yu got into Yu's car, Chin asked "Why are you taking me to the hospital? Where is my brother," in a quiet tone as they put their seat belts on.

Yu answered "Well your brother can't make it so he told me to take it instead, since I'm just home, don't worry, I got your things that the hospital might need, in case, come let's get going," in a cheerful tone as she starts the car. When they called Chin's name, Yu was got up but Chin said "I'll just go by myself, you stay here, and wait for me to come back," then she went with the nurse as Yu sat back down. As Yu was waiting for Chin to be done, she saw female polices and a few people from UNICEF, she thought it was a little shocker, it really got her attention.

After an hour, Yu was getting concerned about Chin, she has been in there for an hour now, she went up to the desk person and asked "Hi, I was wondering why the patient, Qing Chin, has been in there for an hour and may I go to the room with her in," in a confused voice.

The worker answered "Sorry but Qing Chin requested us not to give any information about anything," in a calm tone, looking at her, she nodded. Just then Yu overheard the polices say "I feel so bad for that little girl, she already has to deal with rape," in a sympathetic tone.

As one of the others added "I agreed, she doesn't even want her guardian to know but let's get on this case, and let's hope we get enough DNA to find this person or people," in a formal tone as they walked passed Yu. Yu was shocked to know what she just heard, she was already giving her sympathy to the girl as she went to sit back down. An hour passed but Chin didn't come out yet, Yu was getting anxious as she was planning to call Lai but she heard a voice said: "Come on, let's go, I'm done with my doctor's appointment."

She saw that it was Chin with a cheerful face, "What took you so long," in a curious voice.

"It took a long time to do some tests, that's why, but let's get going," Yu nodded as they head back home.

As Yu was driving, she asked "So is there anything wrong with you," in a calm tone as she glanced at her.

Chin answered "I don't know but they said that they'll call me," in an uncertain tone.

"Oh yeah, how was your final score? Did you do good cause I heard that if you do good your brother might let you go out a bit earlier than he said," Yu commented in a candid tone? Chin had an upset face so Yu patted her ber and said "It's okay if you didn't a get good score," in an assured tone.

"I got 200 out of 260," she marked in a cheerful tone with a happy smile.

Yu said "Chin, you had me worried that you did bad but that's extremely amazing, I'm sure your brother will let you go out," in a heartwarming tone with a small smile.

"I hope so, I really want to hang out with my friends and have as much fun as I can before going back to school," she marks in a hopeful tone as she had a long face, Yu pats her back. When they got back home, they saw that the guys were home already, watching TV. "Oh, you guys are finally home, why were you guys gone for so long? And is there anything wrong with my Chin," Lai asked in a curious voice as he turns around?

Chin answers "Oh it's just that some tests took a long time to do and they said they'll call me or you to tell if there's anything wrong with me," in a calm tone as Yu and her went next to them.

"Ah, ok, what about your test score," he asked. Chin had a nervous look as she begins to sweat, Lai said "Chin, spill it right now," in a serious tone with an emotionless look.

Yu interpreted "Lai, calm down, at least she tried her best," in a reassuring tone, which made him even more worried about her score.

Chin went from nervous to cheerful and answered "I got 200 out of 260," in a contented tone as the guys stood up covering their mouths. Lai went towards her and asked "Chin, are you playing with me? It's quite high," in a curious tone, she shook her head as she shows her score. The guys were really surprised seeing her score, "Wait let me take a picture for Jinyu," as in he took out his phone and her paper.

"Wow, Chin, you did a great job, we're proud of you," Zhe commented in a joyful tone as Xaing agreed with him.

Xaing marked "You did better than me, when I was your age, I think I got 140," in a proud tone.

Yu giggled and added "Yeah, it was fun watching his mom beat his butt," in an amused voice as he softly hit her, Chin just slightly smiled.

"Well if that's all I'll be going to my room now," she marked in a calm tone as she grabbed her score paper from her brother and went to her room. "You guys think she's really okay because she seems a bit different after coming home from visiting her mom," Yu said in a confused tone, they just shrugged as they shook their heads.

When Yu and Lai were done making dinner, they call for the others to come but Chin didn't, Lai went to her room, he sat down as he said "Chin said that she isn't hungry for dinner," in a calm tone with a soft look.

"Did you asked what she ate," Zhe asked in a quiet tone, he shook his head?

Xaing commented "I'm getting kinda worried about her, she has been skipping dinner, if she does eat, it's little, plus it doesn't help that she's always skipping breakfast," in a worried tone, Yu nodded.

"I'm worried about her too but went I ask if she's okay or wants to tell me anything, she answers that she's fine and she doesn't have anything to tell me but I don't want to bother with more questions," Lai added in a bothered voice.

Yu interpreted "Let's start eating before the food gets cold, we can talk about this later," in a soft tone, they started to eat. After they ate, Xaing and Zhe asked if they can go out drinking for a few hours, Lai and Yu nodded. Yu added "But you guys have to come back before 4 am," in a serious voice, they both agreed so they got ready and left as Lai and Yu went to sleep.

Yu woke to her phone ringing, "Hello?" she answered half asleep.

"Yu, you think we can meet up later today, I want to talk to you about something important," in a calm tone.

Yu answered "Sure, you can come to my apartment since I think everyone is out for the day," in a calm tone.

She said "Ok, I'll let you know when I'm coming over," Yu hummed, and then she hung up. Yu checked the time, it was 7 am, she got up to go make something for breakfast. While she was making breakfast, she saw that Lai goes into the bathroom, then Chin, but surprisingly she didn't look tired but instead she looks fresh, as she sat on the couch. Yu asked "You look good today, are you going somewhere," in a curious tone.

"Thanks, I'm going to ask if I can see my friends for a bit," she answered in a calm tone.

Yu asked "Just friends or do you mean Bojing," in a teasing voice.

Chin shook her head and answered, "Just my friends, he and I don't hang out in person, only over the phone." Yu nodded as she was plating the food, she said "Chin can you go wake up Xaing and tell Zhe and Lai that breakfast is ready," in a calm tone as she brought the food to the dining table.

Chin went into Yu and Xaing's room, she shook Xaing as she said "Xaing, wake up, it's time to go eat breakfast, wake up," in a calm tone as Xaing begins to move around as he groans. "Wake up, Yu is eating your favorite food," she slightly yelled, making him sit up.

Xaing looked at her shocked as he said "What? She's eating my favorite food," in a shocked tone.

Chin smiled and answered "No but now that you're awake, get dress and go breakfast," in a serious tone, then she quickly runs off as Xaing sighed and got out of bed. She knocks on the bathroom door, telling her brother that breakfast is ready then she went into her brother's room. Chin shook Zhe, saying "Zhe, wake up, go eat breakfast," in a calm tone.

He put the blanket over his head and mumbles "Chin, what do you want so early," in an annoyed tone as he turns away from her.

She answered "Zhe, wake up, I saw my brother eating your favorites snacks and drinks," in an urgent tone as he popped up.

"What? He's eating my favorites snacks and drink without me," he shouted as he looks at her.

She smiled and answered "No since you're fully awake right now, get dressed and go have breakfast," in a calm tone as she walked away. As she was walking, she bumped into her brother, she kindly said "Excuse me," as she went around her with a small grin on her face as he started to giggle a bit.

While they all were sitting, except Chin, Yu utter "Um, Chin, how did you wake Xaing? Why do Xaing and Zhe look a bit upset," in a curious tone.

"I didn't do anything to them, I just woke them up as anyone would," she answered in an innocent tone with a confused face as Lai was quietly giggling.

Lai mumbles "With a little mean trick," in a cheerful tone, he could see that Yu was confused, he commented "Oh it's nothing, come on let's eat before food losses its heat," as he started to eat. They all were eating except Chin, who said "I'm not hungry but Lai can I go out with my friends since I have a good score on my test," in a curious tone.

He looked at her and answered "After you eat at least half of your rice, you can go out," in an earnest pitch, she just sighed as she sat down and begins to eat. After everyone ate, Zhe and Xaing got ready for work, Chin went to get ready to hang out with her friends, while Lai and were cleaning up. After Zhe and Xaing were ready, they kiss Lai and Yu on their cheeks and said their goodbyes, In a few minutes Chin just said a quick goodbye and told Yu when she'll be back. After they clean up, Lai said "I'm going to go take a nap," in a calm tone as he went into his room, Yu nodded as she sat on the couch.

Around 3 pm, Yu got a text that read "Yu, I'm coming over, send me your address." Yu replies "Ok." and sent her address to her, then she went to freshen up. After a few minutes, she heard a knock at the door, when she opened the door, she saw a crying Hong, Hong immediately hugged her as Yu wrapped her arms around her. Yu asked "Hong, what's wrong? What happened," in a concerned tone but she didn't answer, she just continues to cry. Some minutes later, Hong has calmed down a bit, Yu told her to come in. When they sat on the couch, Yu asked "You haven't answered me yet, what happened? Why are you crying so much," in a soft tone but just then Lai came out of his room and Chin came home.

Lai asked "Yu, are you- Hong? What are you doing here," in a confused pitch as he walks towards them, before he knew it, she jumped on him, crying. "Hey, what's wrong," in a soft voice as he held her. Chin ran to them when she saw Hong.

Yu asked "Do you guys know each other," in a confused voice as she stood up.

Hong got off Lai and answered "Yu, this is my best friend that you guys thought was my boyfriend when I was on call with. Why are he and Chin living with you," in a quiet tone.

Yu smiled and replied "Well your best friend is my cousin's boyfriend, they're living with me because they're still looking for a place," in a cheerful tone.

Chin interpreted "Wow, I never knew this world could be so small," in a surprised tone, that made everyone giggle. When they all sat down, Yu said "Now, Hong, answer my question, what's wrong," in a serious voice.

Hong didn't say anything for a few seconds, then she responds"Well when I tell you guys, you guys can't go crazy," they all nodded. She continues "I'm 5-weeks pregnant with twins," in a scared voice as she was prepared to be lectured, shutting her eyes tight with her head down.