
After she didn't hear anything, she looked at them, the color drained from their face, Lai stuttered "Fei Hong, say that again, I don't think I heard you clear," in a shocked voice. She repented what she said, "Yu, what the f*ck happened while Hong was on the trip with you guys," in an upset tone.

Yu utter "I don't know how Hong got pregnant, my coworker and I were always with her, and she didn't sleep with anyone," in a confused tone.

He shouted "Fei Hong, who got you pregnant?! Cause last time I check a woman can't get pregnant without a guy," in a furious voice as he stood up.

Hong blurted "I'll tell you, just calm down," in a scared tone, he sighed and sat down. She continues "I had a one-night stand with a guy a few weeks ago but we both were drunk but he was drunker than I was," in a nervous voice.

Lai stood up and asked "So he force himself on you, huh," in an upset voice.

Hong slowly shook her head and said "Well no, he asked if I was sure I wanted to do it, I was already really turned on and wasn't think right, I said I wanted to do it so like that we did it," in a quiet voice.

Lai groaned "Aiay!! Do at least know his name and where he works!"

Hong looked at Yu and Lai as she answered "Yeah, he works with Yu," in a tense voice, Yu gasp in shock as Lai looked at Yu.

Yu asked "Don't tell me that you actually slept with Bingwen and lied to me that you were sick," in a shocked voice as she slightly covered her mouth.

Hong shouted "No, I didn't sleep with him, I slept with his best friend, Xiu Ying! We met at the same club but he was already really drunk and it was the same day I gave him the ring," in an annoyed tone, she caught herself after spilling most of her secret between Xiu Ying and her.

Lai, Yu, and Chin were speechless, Yu asked "So- so when are you going tell him," in a curious tone.

Hong awkwardly smiled and went behind Chin, she answered "Um, so, um, I'm not going to tell him," in a nervous voice.

Yu said "Give me a second," in a calm voice but Hong could tell she was upset, Yu started to aggressively text someone. Within five minutes there was knocked, Yu stomped all the way to the door, when she opened the door, Xia asked "Why did you tell us-" she got cut off.

Yu said "Your brother got Hong pregnant, she's 5 weeks now with twins," in an upset tone.

Xia shouted "What!? Hong, do you have proof," in a curious tone as she enters the apartment, Hong stood up and took out her ultrasound, Xia took it and looked at it. "It says that you're really 5 weeks pregnant with twins, let me asked Xiu Ying," she commented as she dials him. He answered "Hello?"

She said "Xiu Ying, I have a question," he hummed, she asked "I was wondering how many weeks ago did you have a one-night stand with that girl that you're looking for," in a curious tone.

"I think it has been around 5 weeks now, why," he answered in a confused voice.

"Oh no reason, I was just wondering, okay bye," then she hung up. Hong commented "If you guys want more evidence, I have the matching ring as him," as she shows her finger, "Here is the receipt plus I bought two other sets of rings but one is a heart and the other one is a teddy and they're all limited edition," as she gave the receipt to Xia.

Xia noted "She really bought them a few days before my brother got the ring and I heard these are like what Hong said, there's only 3 of each set in each countries," in an amazed tone. Yu elbowed her, she cleared her throat and said "Oh yeah, Hong I believe you now, so are you going to tell my brother," in a calm as she hands Hong's things back to her.

Yu interpreted "That's why I told you guys to come here, especially Xia," in an upset tone.

Hong answered "Like what I said to Yu, I'm not going to tell Xiu Ying," in a serious tone as she put her stuff away, and sat down.

Ming asked "Why? he needs to take responsibility for you," in a confused voice as the others agreed with her.

"I know he doesn't want these children. Plus he probably thinks it's Bingwen since we convince him that I slept with Bingwen," she answered in a calm voice.

Xia and Yu mumble "Oh yeah, forgot that part," that both awkwardly laughed.

Lai shouted "You guys did what," in an angry voice as his eyebrow furrowed.

The three of them looked at him and begins to nervously smile, Yu answered "We tricked the one that got Hong pregnant, that she slept with his best friend, aka Bingwen," in a nervous tone.

Lai noted "I bet the reason she did that was because she didn't want to get attracted so she doesn't get hurt in the end, same for the person that she doesn't want to get attracted to," in assuring tone, they nodded, he just sighed. "Hong, how many times are you going to do this," in a frustrated tone as Ming nodded her head.

Hong answered "Well I was going to do it forever but now I'm pregnant, I don't know what to do," in an unsure voice as she put her hand on her abdomen.

"Well, I think you should go tell my brother before your belly gets noticeable," she suggests in a calm voice as the others agree. Hong looks at them all, they were nodding so she nodded with a gloomy face as she said "I'll try to talk with him when I'm ready," in a calm tone.

Yu and Lai said, at the same time, "Good, if he doesn't take responsibility for you then I'll beat him up," in an aggrieved tone as their brows furrowed but relaxed when they realized they said the same thing, at the same time, then they all started to laugh.

Yu asked "Hong how have you been doing with being nauseous," in a curious tone.

Hong answered "My nausea hasn't been better but I don't throw up every 5 minutes, it's every 25 minutes now. By the way where is your bathroom," in a calm tone, Yu pointed behind Hong and said, "It's the door at the end of the hallway." Hong nodded as she covers her mouth and ran to the bathroom as Chin followed, Lai asked "Is she going to be fine? And do you guys know what makes her throw up and nauseous," in a confused tone.

Xia answered "Hong is going to be okay and we don't know what triggers her nausea, she said everything triggers it but there's only one scent that doesn't make her feel nauseous," in a straightforward tone. Lai gave a curious look, she added "It's my brother's cologne," in a tense voice.

Lai asked "Where can I buy the same cologne as him," in a serious tone as his eyes had some hope.

She awkwardly chuckled and replied "Well you can't find his cologne anywhere no matter where you look," in a nervous tone.

"Why?" he asked, the others got interested.

She scratches the back of her neck as she replied "My brother made his cologne from my dad's company," in a calm tone.

Lai, Yu, and Ming shouted "What?! Your dad owns a company," in a shocked tone.

She nodded and added "Yeah, he's well known, my dad is the owner of a popular brand of colognes and perfumes, a few of you guys are wearing the brand," in an honest voice as she looks at them. Then they a voice asks "What did you say? Your dad owns his own company," in a confused tone. They all look and saw Chin and Hong. Xia nodded, then Hong fainted. They all ran to her, Lai softly hit her cheek, Chin stuttered "Bl- bl- blood," in a scared voice as she points in between Hong's legs.

"One of you guys call the ambulance, she might be having a miscarriage," in a panicked voice as Xia call 120. After 10 minutes, the paramedics got there, Hong was still passed out in blood, they checked her airway, breathing, and pulse as they asked "What's her name, birthday, what happened, and how long ago," in a calm tone.

Lai answered, "Her name is Fei Hong, her birthday is April 17, 1996, we don't know, she faints after she was puking, she passed out 10 minutes ago," in a nervous tone.

"Is she possibly pregnant," one of the paramedics asked as they put her on the stretcher and started to take her away.

He answered "Yes, she's 5 weeks with twins," as they started to follow them. Yu asked "Chin, can you stay and clean the blood up," in a rush voice.

Chin nodded and said "Call me to keep me updated," in a nervous tone, Yu nodded then ran off. When they got to the ambulance, the paramedics said "The guy come with us, the women just follow us behind," then they shut the doors, the girls got into Yu's car and started to follow the ambulance.

They waited and waited, after what seemed like hours, the doctor came out of the emergency room, Xia asked "Is there anything wrong with her," in an anxious tone as they all went towards the doctor.

The doctor answered "The patient and the babies are fine now, the mom almost had a miscarriage due to all the stress she has, please try to keep her from stressing a lot. She sleeping now in room 280, I'll be taking my leave now," then he left. When they got to room 280, she was sleeping as Xia asked "Who should stay with her if she's here overnight," in a curious tone. She added "Cause I have work tomorrow," in a calm tone as she looks at Lai, Ming, and Yu.

Lai said "I will, I'll just call off work tomorrow. I'm sure you guys have work to do," in a calm tone, they all nodded. They stayed for a few minutes, then Ming said "You guys I have to go now, I have to go make dinner," in a calm tone.

Yu added, "I have to go make dinner too, sorry I couldn't stay longer."

Xia commented "I'll be going too, I need to go talk with my brother," in a serious tone, as Lai nodded at all of them.

Yu said "Since we're leaving at the same time, I'll take you guys to your places," in a calm tone, they both nodded so the three of them left. Yu saw Chin sleeping on the couch when she got back to her apartment, she put a blanket over her, then she went to cook dinner. When Yu was almost done cooking, she heard a phone ringing, she looked up and saw Chin grabbed her phone. She answered "Who is this," half of asleep. She continues "Bojing?! Why are you calling me, this is like your third time calling me today... go talk with your friends if you're bored... if they're that busy then go talk to the girls that have your WeChat... you're so annoying but fine," in an annoyed tone as she sat up.

Yu couldn't hold her giggles in anymore that startled Chin, Yu said "Sorry, I couldn't hold it in anymore," in-between each giggle.

Chin marked "Yu, you scared me! When did you get here," in a scared tone as stood up.

"I got here like an hour ago, I saw you sleeping so I didn't want to bother you," she answered in a cheerful tone as she turned off the stove, then went to sit next to her.

Chin replied "Oh ok, how is she," in a calm tone.

She answered "She's okay now, she almost had a miscarriage since she was really stressed. The doctor told us to keep her happy," in a calm voice, Chin nodding her head. She added "But anyway I'll let you continue talking with your boyfriend," then she ran away before Chin could say anything else. She could hear her shout "He's not my boyfriend. Bojing, this is all your fault," as she went into her room.

At 8 pm, Xaing and Zhe got home, Yu went to hug Xaing as Zhe was waiting for Lai but he didn't come, Zhe asked "Where's my big baby," in a confused tone as he looks at Yu.

She answered "He's watching a friend at the hospital for the night," in a calm tone.

He nodded and asked "Where is Chin," in a curious tone.

"She's in her room," she answered, he nodded as he went to his room. When it was time to eat dinner, Yu noted "Chin is already asleep, let's just eat by ourselves," in a calm tone, they nodded so they started to eat.