
Xaing asked "Yu, do you have any plans today," in a curious tone as he cuddles her in bed.

Yu mumbles "Why are you asking that so early in the morning but I don't think I do," in a sleepy tone as she wiggles closer to him.

He said "Yu stop wiggling, you might wake Meng Bao up," in a cautious tone. Yu looked at him with an evil smirk as she moves closer, he hovers her as he said "Now he's awake, what are we going to do now," in an evil tone with a grin.

"I wonder," she answered in a teasing voice as he moves his face closer to hers, then he slowly kisses her. He stops kissing her and said "Let's save this for later, I want to take you to have fun today so let's get ready," in an joyful tone as got up and went into their bathroom.

Around 11 am, they were ready, Xaing was kinda dressed up while Yu was in something casual, she asked "Why are you dressed up," in a confused voice.

He answered "I want to look good with you," in a cheerful tone as looks at himself then back to Yu.

"Oh, let me change, I want to match you," in a calm tone then she went back into their room. In a few minutes, she was wear a dress that was the same color as Xaing's pants, he said "You look beautiful, come on let's go," in a bubbly tone as he grabs her hand and left. When they to their first location, Yu asked "This is one of my favorite restaurants, why did you bring me here,' in a jolly tone as she looked at him with confusion.

He smiled and answered "I know, I thought we would eat here since it has been a while since we came here," in a calm tone with a smile.

"I can't wait to see if anything changed, come on, let's go in," she said in an excited tone as she drags him in the restaurant. After they order their food, Yu commented "This place has changed a bit but oh well," in a calm tone as she looks around, Xaing was nodding. She asked "So what did you do wrong this time," in a curious tone as she look at him with a serious face.

He answered "Yu, I didn't do anything wrong, I just want to have fun with you today since we're always working and have no time for each other," in an assured tone as he held her hands.

She gave him a weirded-out look and said "I don't believe you but we'll see as the day goes on," in an unsure voice as he gave a sweet smile. For the rest of the time, they just talked. After they ate, Yu asked "Where are you going next," in a curious voice as they got into his car.

He answered "We're going to the movies, I already bought tickets," in a cheerful voice as he begins to drives off.

She asked "What movie did you pick," in a calm voice as she sat back.

Xaing smiles and answers "I picked Fall In Love With My Badboy," she nodded. When they into the cinema, Xaing showed their tickets to the workers, then they went to buy snacks, he asked "Yu, what do you want," in a sweet voice.

"Um, I'll just have popcorn and a small cherry soda," she answered in a calm tone.

"We'll have a large popcorn and two medium cherry sodas," he told the worker. The worker went to get their popcorn and drinks, then Xaing scanned the QR code, took their things, then went into the theater. In 30 minutes, the movie started, Yu looked around and asked "Why isn't there anyone else here," in a confused tone as she put her eyes on him.

Xaing chuckled and replied "I reserved this whole theater for us so there's no one to crowd us while watching the movies," in a calm tone.

"You didn't need to do that, I don't mind if it gets crowded, it probably cost a lot," she marked in an appreciative tone as she held his hand. Xaing kissed the back of her hand, then they started to watch the movie as they ate and drink. After they finished the movie, Yu was stretching as they walked out of the cinema, Xaing marked "It's 2 pm, come on let's get going, we have a limit of time that I paid for," in an urgent tone as he grabs her hand and begins to walk on the sidewalk.

Yu asked "Where are you taking me now," in a confused tone.

"We're going to go ice skating, for the next 2 hours," he answered in an excited tone as he was looked back at her with a smile, she didn't say anything while many people were taking pictures of them.

"Why there no one else here," Yu asked in a confused tone as they sat on a bleacher, around the ice rink. Xaing looks at her with a nervous smile after he put on the skates, she shouted at him "Again?!" He slowly nodded, she commented "Xaing, I have a feeling that you're up to something fishy, tell me if you did something bad," in a suspicious tone as frowned at him

Xaing smiled and said "I didn't do anything bad, I just want to have fun with you today before I have to go back to work," in a reassuring tone. He added "Now put your skates on," in a serious tone as he stood up, she sighed and put the skates on. "Okay let's go skating," as he took her hand.

"But, Xaing, I don't know how to skate," she marked in a nervous voice as she stopped him.

Xaing turned to her and responded "I'll teach you, come on," in an assured tone, then he drags her onto the ice rink. Xaing said "Place one hand onto the hockey railing," in a calm tone as she did what he said. He continues "Make sure that you keep your knees slightly bent at all times, then push from one foot to the other to get moving and try to move slowly around the rink," she started to slowly move as he let go of her as he slowly skates backward.

She shouted "Xaing, why did you let go of me? Come back," in an upset tone.

He shouted "You'll be fine, just do what I said. Once you're used to skating just fasten your pace and let go of the railing," in a cheerful tone as he skated away. After like 20 minutes, Yu had the hang of it, Xaing asked "Do you want me to hold your hands," in a curious tone as he extended his hands to her. Yu nodded as she slowly let go of the railing, putting her hand onto his, he held onto her hand as he said "Come on, let's go," in an excited tone as he started to drag her.''

After they went around the rink a few times, then Xaing noted "I'm going to let go of one of your hands," in a calm tone as he slowly let go of her hand.

Yu said "I think I can do this by myself," in a nervous tone as she let go of his hand, Xaing just nodded. He watched her as she begins to skate by herself, he clapped as he commented "Yay! You did it," in a proud tone, he left her. Soon they started to have fun as they played around with each other.

After 2 hours, Yu said "Xaing, let's go get drinks," in an exhausted tone.

Xaing smiled and answered "Our next place is a carnival so we can get drinks there," in a joyful tone as they go to his car.

"Ooo~ I love carnivals, I can't wait," she commented in an excited voice.

He giggled and mark "I know, that's why I'm taking you there," in a warm voice, then he drove off. When they got there, Xaing looked at Yu, he smiled at her as she reminds him of a little child, he said "Come on, let's go," in a calm tone as they walked into the carnival.

Yu suggests "Let's go on the rides first before we go get something in our stomach," in a happy tone as she drags him to a roller coaster. After the ride, Xaing ran to the nearest trash can as Yu followed him, he was puking as she rubs his back as she was laughing.

Xaing said "Yu, stop laughing at me," then he continues to throw up.

"Ok, ok, are you okay," she said in between each giggle. Once he was done, Yu sat him down on a blench and noted "I'm going to go buy something for you to drink," in a calm tone, then she left him. As Yu was buying him a drink, her friends saw Yu, they ran to her, one of them tap her and asked: "Hi, what are you doing here?"

Yu took the water bottles, turned to them, and said "Oh hi, I'm here on a little date with Xaing. What about you guys? Where is Chin," in a cheerful tone.

Another one answered "We're here just to have a little fun and Chin told us that she has some work with her brother, that's why she isn't with us. Anyways we'll stop bothering you, have fun" in a calm tone. Yu nodded as she hums, then they left as Yu went back to Xaing.

When Yu back to Xaing, Xaing asked "What took you so long," in a confused tone as he took one of the water bottles and starts to drink it.

"Oh I met a few fans and Chin's friends that's why I took a little longer," she answered as she sat next to him.

He added "I met a few fans too but they saw I wasn't so good so they just left me alone," in a calm tone as he looked at her.

Yu asked "Where should we go next," in a lighthearted tone as she looks around and back at him.

Xaing noted "No more rides, other than that we can go anywhere," in a cautious tone as he stood up, Yu nodded

She suggested "Let's go Balloon Pop, I want a big stuff animal," as she pointed towards a booth, he nodded so they both went to the ballon booth. After throwing 5 darts, the owner gave them one of the big animals as the owner asked "Are you guys Chen Xaing and Wan Yu," in a curious tone, they nodded as they took the stuffed animal.

The owner added "May I have a picture with you guys," in an excited voice, they nodded so the owner took a picture, then thank them as Yu and Xaing left. Xaing asks "You want to go to the Duckpond booth," in a curious tone as he points in a direction, she nodded. When it was almost 7 pm, they head back to Xaing's car, Yu whines "Xaing, let's go eat, I'm hungry," in a childish way, he smiles as he nodded.

"Xaing, this is where we had our first date, you still remember," Yu marked in a joyful tone with a bright smile.

Xaing nodded and said "Come one, let's go in," in a calm tone as they entered the cafe. Xaing asked, "What do you want?" as they sat at a table looking at the menu while the waitress stood beside them.

Yu looks at the waitress and answered "I'll have large Mango Lemonade and a lemon cake," in a calm tone, the waitress wrote it down.

Xaing added "I'll have a large Honey Almondmilk Cold Brew and a strawberry cake," as the waitress wrote his order in her notepad, then she left. Yu looked at Xaing and asked "So what do you have a plan after this, huh," in a sarcastic tone.

He answered "After this, we're going on a walk," in a delighted tone with a warm smile.

Yu commented "Xaing, you know you're being really weird today. Just tell me if you did something wrong if you're doing this much then it must be something really big," in a suspicious tone as she gave him a concerned look.

He held her hands and answered "Yu, trust me, I didn't do anything wrong. I told you many times that I just want today for us to have fun," in an assuring voice.

Yu gave him an odd look as she said "If I find out that you're up to something big, I won't forgive you," in a warning voice.

He marked "If you find I done something big that is bad, you can do whatever to me," in a confident tone, she nodded. While they were eating, they overheard a couple arguing, the guy said "That baby can't be mine, god knows how many boyfriends you have," in an annoyed tone.

The girl answered "What do you mean? You're the only person I've slept with," in a regretful tone as tears started to stream down her face.

"Well I don't want that child, I already have someone I love and I'm going to marry her. Abort that thing in you, let's not meet anymore," he marked in a bitter tone as he stood up and left. The woman was crying her eyes out, after a few minutes, the woman put money on the table and left as she calls someone.

Xaing commented "Poor woman, she deserves better than that jerk, I hope everything will be better for her," in a pitiful voice as he looks at Yu with a soft look.

Yu nodded as she added "Yeah, I hope she doesn't do anything bad," in a soft tone. As they were walking Xaing said "Yu, I have to go get something from my car, you can go ahead, I'll catch up with you," then he walks off.

Yu started to walk around, then a little kid came to her and gave her a rose as he said "Someone told me to give you this," in a cheerful tone.

"Thank you," she commented as she took the flower, then the kid walked off. Yu was wondering who gave the rose as she continues to walk, then another kid gave her a rose and said the child said the same thing as the first kid did. Yu begins to get really curious about who is giving her roses, soon Yu had 18 roses in her arm, she begins to look around to see who gave her so many roses. As she was looking, she heard someone said "Woa~ who gave you so many roses," in a curious tone.

Yu saw that it was Chin, she answered "I don't know, 18 kids gave them to me and told me that someone told them to give them to me," in a calm tone as she looked at the flowers then back at Chin.

"Wow, I wish someone gave me that many roses," in a desirous tone.

Yu smiled and commented "Don't worry, one day someone will give you flowers," in an assuring voice.

Chin pointed as she said "Look a wishing fountain, let's go make a wish," in an excited voice as she drags her to the fountain. "Here, make a wish," Chin noted in a cheerful tone as she handed her a coin, they both threw the coins in, then started to make a wish in their head.

Yu was saying in her head "I wish Xaing and I will happily together for eternal." then she looks at Chin. She looks around and asked "Why is there a crowd," in a calm tone.

She smiled and answered "You'll know when you need to turn around," in a blissful tone as she steps back into the crowd. Yu turned around, Xaing was standing a few feet away from her with a bouquet of her favorite flowers; Armeria Maritima, Roses, and Camellia.

As Xaing was slowly walking to her, he said "Yu, I don't know what to say even though I have been planning this for weeks. I'll start by saying that I love how you make me feel like I'm the only guy in this world, I love that you love me no matter what even when I'm doing the dumbest things. When I'm with you all of my problems disappear, you always support me to accomplish my goals. You taught me how to love, without you I would never learn how to love and trust someone as much as you. You're the best partner, a family member, one of my best friends, and a really good therapist. Sometimes I question how you're able to deal with me these past 9 years, I don't think I could," as he gave the flowers to her. She took them with tears rolling down her face.

He continues "The moment I knew you were the one was when I questioning if I should be a singer but you told me that I should since you knew my love for singing, knowing that our relationship could be ruined. I see you in my future; to carry my children, to build a home with me, to grow old with me, and to be by my side no matter even in our next lives." Then he got on one knee as he opens a ring box with a beautiful ring in it, he asked "Will you, Wan Yu, make me the happiest man on this earth by letting me be your future husband?"

Yu looks at him for a moment before she answered by nodded as she put her left hand out, Xaing puts the ring on her ring finger, then he stood up, hugging her while the crowd claps.