Spread the Good News

Friends, go and spread the good news of Jesus Christ while you can. And I shall tell you, you will not regret it

And many of you will ask saying," But people already know about it why should I bother?"

Well, I ask, what is the use of the alarm clock if not to remind people of time. That is also with spreading the good news. People know of it but pay no heed whatsoever. Remind them of the free gift of salvation of God and His grace.

If they pay no heed, then warn them, that time is short. We are living in the last days. The times where God is completing prophecies for His second coming. And once we are dead or Jesus Christ has come, then it will be too late. Your fate has been sealed, whether it is in heaven or hell.

Teach people how to obey God more. Teach them about self-discipline and loyalty. Love and forgiveness. These things you should teach to your students.

And I heard something quite famous from the pope. He said,"Do not teach the gospel to those who do not know Jesus Christ". And when I heard this, I bursted with annoyance.

Friends, do not believe that. Spread the gospel to those who do not know Jesus Christ and to the unbelievers. What if they were people who were never teached about Jesus Christ their whole life? Then you would have saved someone even if it was just one person.

The correction I can make with the pope is this, spread the gospel, but if they do not pay heed to you, then they are fools who are taught to worship foreign idols. Even if people despise you because you teach about Jesus Christ, Then pay them no attention. Continue to spread the good news because there are people out there willing to learn more.

So never stop spreading the gospel to the world. Remember that while you are doing that, God is by your side guiding you along the way. Helping you in times of trouble and rejoicing with you in times of joy.

You can start spreading the good news by first preaching it to the closest to you. If they believe you continue. Then to your friends who are willing to learn more about Him. To the point where you can spread the good news easier by going to social media platforms like YouTube.

You can get there I know it. If you are tired, ask God to replenish your energy. Day by day you will start to love teaching the gospel to people.

Continue in the grace of the Lord. Never lose hope. These are guidance I give you. I shall see you next time. May grace be with you all, Amen.