Few Facts About Time in The Bible

So you may wonder sometimes," How much time do I have before I meet my fate? Is it measured by an hour glass or timepiece?" Well yes but also no.

Our time is measured by a timepiece. This clock only measures our time but it isn't the one that created the upcoming event. It is only guarding it, it is not the one who created our fate, the One who created our fate is God.

Sometimes when we go to a graveyard to visit our diseased loved ones' graves, we also think about what will happen to us. Thinking to ourselves, "Am I going to die peacefully or brutally? Will I have regrets when I pass away or not?". If you ask yourself this, notice that we are focused on what will happen not the present.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow. For tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own.

Matthew 6:34

Jesus advised us to do and think more toady rather than tomorrow. If there is no present, then there is no future.

You can live in the past or in the future, but they won't benefit you. Someone who lives and acts in the present is far wiser than anyone who is mourning about the past or dreaming about the future.

Don't worry about the future because it can take care of itself. Do not mourn about the past for the events in it has already resolved. Live in the present, to determine your future and to respect those who helped you in the past.

When we think about doing something that has something pleasing to God, we usually procrastinate don't we? If you are new to English, procrastinate means doing something now but decide to do it less sooner because of some reason.

The devil deceives us saying," You have so much time in your life. You are still young. Just do it tomorrow, because I'm sure you'll still be alive". But fellow brethren, may I say to you, no one knows when our fate will come except the Lord. Do it today. Because in the future, it may be too late.

If you have thoughts saying you should repent to Jesus, then go and repent immediately, because that is the Holy Spirit guiding you.

We are living in a time similar to Elijah and Noah's. Were the faithful believers of God is as rare as gold and precious gemstones. We are living in the times that the book of revelation has prophesied about.

Be wary, because the devil knows that this millenia will be his last birthday. He will do his best to get people away from God. He will do even better to deceive people than in the time Jesus lived in. Rethink what you are doing. Repent now not later because the devil might bite you again with its deceitful tounge.

This is the advice I give you today. I am sorry that I dont post recently. It's because I procrastinate usually. I am trying to get my schedule back so don't worry. May the Lord be with you. Amen