Covid 19 and Repentance

Brothers and sisters in Christ, what I am about to tell you, you may not believe or trust, but I assure you, our time in the earth is short. That is why I'm telling this to you today.

You may know about the new pandemic called Covid 19. It is a very dangerous respiratory disease that attacks the lungs.

And so you may be saying to yourself ," Someone can cure this disease I know it". But shall I tell you that no matter which doctor you choose to heal you, no matter which soap or hand sanitizer you use, no matter how much vegetables and fruits you eat, no matter what brand of vitamins you consume that it wont work?

A lot of you if not all of you may disagree with me, but it's all true. All of those combined, won't help you at all.

Why...why do you turn to those things on the earth and not to the things which are in heaven. Why do we turn to a professional doctor when we are sick but never to Jesus who is the Creator?

Friends, time is short. The mysteries and prochecies of the book of Revelation is about to commence.

Be careful of what you do, for it may cost you your life. Be honest and trustworthy to the Lord. Because you don't know when He will come and when your life's time is over.

Do not give a second thought to the Lord. Worship Him and repent now. Because time is short.

And if the devil comes to you and says, " You have plenty of time. Repent to the Lord another day. You have all the time in the world. There is always tomorrow". If your mind tells this, do not believe it. Repent now of your sins and start becoming a better person.

Never procrastinate in these times. It is never worth while. This Covid 19 disease is another sign from heaven that Christ is coming soon.

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty.

2 Timothy 3:1

Don't wait for Christ to come. Because no one knows when He will come back except Himself.

Here's a little prayer for repentance tonight if you want to repent to the Lord:

"My Father Jesus Christ, I come to you today to ask for forgiveness. I will not hide my sins, because I know that will not benefit me, I will come to You instead to ask for mercy. My Father please forgive my sins because I want to be with You when you come back. I thank You Heavenly Father for all of the mercy you have given me all these years. This I ask in thy name, Amen.

Those who did not repent and kept on in their evil ways will be scared when Jesus comes back. But those who repented and had faith in the Lamb will be excited to see the Lord.

Do not be scared to repent. Because He is a merciful and righteous God. When you ask for forgiveness, He will be kind enough to forgive your sins.

This is my message to you fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.