
Chapter 8

viLelouch's POV

Several days passed—

The classroom was noisy as usual when there is no professor in sight. Andy was sitting in her chair at the back, playing the pen in circle, looking so damned bored.

For two weeks, she did not make any friends at all may it be acquaintance. She's starting to accept what Donna told her about the girl's first impression of her.

She could really pull off that lazy look without her feeling lazy. Like she has some barricade or a wall around her that telling everyone to fuck off. In short she's intimidating to look upon.

But for her, it's not really the case. She's just not someone who want to take the first move or the first to initiate a conversation.

But when someone tried to reach out to her first or breach that wall around her then the easy going, talkative, wild and most of the time crazy idiot will come out bothering you for the rest of your life.

Just when she's pondering those things while focusing her eyes on twirling the pen in her hand, someone carefully put a box of chocolate on her desk.

Curious, she lifted up her head and saw a girl smiling beamingly at her.

It was Rina Lacey.

As what she'd observed, everyone listens to this girl. Her every word felt like there is authority in it. To put it rightly, everyone respected the girl..

Andy could also tell that the girl in front of her is a couple of years older than her. Maybe, that explains it.

"I'm Rina Lacey," the girl introduced while reaching out her hand for a handshake.

Andy took it and smiled, "I'm Andy."

"Thanks for this," she added while shaking the chocolate in her other hand.

"Nah, we usually see you see nibbling a lot of chocolates, so we decided to give you one."

Puzzled, Andy could not utter a word to respond.



' that many?


'Hey, does that mean they'd been observing me for a while now?'

Rina seemed to notice her uneasiness, she laughed.

"Look over there," she pointed to the group of people near the door, there were three of them.

"They're my circle of friends , sending you their regards."

Andy followed her gaze to where Rina is pointing, two guys and a girl. Both the boys waved their hand in her way as she looked at them and it struck her like lightning to see the girl beside those two, who uninterestingly waved at her too.

No, not waving; she just pulled her hand up to be exact.


Even if Andy was curious as to how the girl seemed to give her a cold look, still a surge of heat washed over her entire body knowing the girl somehow notice her.

She can feel the reddening of both of her ears.

Collecting herself, she bowed in response to them then sat back.

"Hey," Rina poked her arm.

"Are you telling me that you're just going to stay here, rooted on your chair?"

"Huh?" Andy was puzzled.

Seeing the confused look on her face, Rina cracked another laugh.

"I'm saying, we're inviting you to join us."

"There are more chocolates in there," she's already pulling Andy's arm.

Hesitant, Andy got up from her chair and started walking along.

Yeah, she's walking but she can't feel her feet on the ground at all.