The Bond

Chapter 9

viLelouch's POV

Rina did not let go of Andy's arm. She's pulling the girl not realizing the turmoil written on the face.

'Damn, why am I this nervous?' Andy thought knowing fully her heart to pound vigorously in her chest.

Well, seems like fortune was on her side, the professor arrived while they were halfway to Rina's friends.

Disappointed, Rina motioned her to get back to her seat which made Andy to exhale deeply in relief.

For the entire period, Andy could not concentrate on her lessons.

Her mind kept wandering on something else. She was bothered by the gesture and expression Erika Leigh Parlam gave her awhile ago.

She sat on the back stealing glances on the girl who's sitting in the front row.

Yeah, that girl.

That girl is Rina's friend, Erika Leigh Parlam.

Who would not know her?

She's a beauty for heaven's sake. She's elegant, smart, dignified and obviously comes from a well off family.

She has a charm of her own. Her skin was beautifully pale and it looked soft. Her tresses of silky hair neatly swaying in her every move. She has a shapely figure; wasp waisted, a slender eyebrow, a sparking blue eyes, a pointed nose and… and— Andy face palmed realizing where her thoughts wander.



By lunch, Rina dragged Andy again but this time, there were only the two of them. They're walking to have lunch in the cafeteria. Andy wanted to ask Rina, where are her circle of friends but did not bother anyway. They walked talking casually, like getting to know each other.

"Is it okay if a friend of mine would join us for lunch?" Andy asked.

"Yeah, sure," Rina answered, she has this vibe of an older sister.

Not long, they took a table for four and seated opposite each other with their meals. Andy, loving her chocolate shake, savored the taste in every sip on the straw.

Meanwhile, Donna arrived. Seeing Andy's back on her, she slowly approached the girl and maliciously grinning.

Rina noticed her. She just signaled her to keep quiet, then…


A four inches thick book landed on Andy's head.

Rina gasped while Andy was coughing.

The straw just stabbed her throat, she felt like vomiting.

Donna just hilariously laughed at her friend and then slid herself to sit.

"I'm Donna Rowan," she offered a handshake to the person seated opposite her without minding the state of her friend on the side.

"Rina Lacey," Rina shook her hand wearing a bewildered look.

Andy on the other hand, grabbed Donna's neck with both of her hand when she recovered.

"You damned idiot," she'd gotten a hold of her friend's neck and shook it hard but— but not enough to hurt her of course.

Rina just watched them both fight and now able to smile as she realized how warmth the bond the two shared.

As the two finally settled, Rina shook her head.

"You two seemed so close…VERY close I would say," she complimented.

Donna chuckled, "We're childhood friends,"she answered.

"Way back when our sex organs were still developing," she added.

Andy poked her side. She only shrugged. Rina too, just smiled in amusement.

And so they talk endlessly from getting to know each other down to some random things.