
Chapter 10

viLelouch's POV

After that lunch with Rina, Andy was able to finally show her social side to everyone on the next day; the easy going, the approachable and the smiling idiot, as what Donna described her.

It seems like she's just waiting for someone to open the door for her to flap her wings and fly away.

"Good morning Rina," she greeted. She saw Rina by the corridor.

"Hey, you're glowing," the girl complimented while patting her shoulder.

"Am I?"

"I am like this everyday though," she boasted.

They were laughing as they entered the classroom and it did not pass unnoticed by Erika who was silently working on something in front of her laptop.

As everyone took their seat for the lecture, Andy threw a glance at Erika whose eyes were glued on the monitor before finally reaching her seat.

Little did she know that Erika was aware of her action. She saw it; eyes locked on her laptop but not really looking at it. She saw it…she saw Andy glancing at her in the corner of her eyes.

"You're getting along well huh," Erika said as Rina sat pulled her seat.

They were seat mate.

Their seats were in the front while Andy's on the back; at the farthest side.

"Oh, yeah."

"She's a nice girl," Rina smiled while winking.

Erika smirked then unconsciously turned her head to take a glimpse to Andy. Well, to her surprise, two deep brown eyes were looking back at her.

She flinched.

Not knowing what to do but aware that she can't just turn her eyes away, she was forced to fake a smile.


Then turned to Rina to converse as if nothing awkward happen.


"Now, as part of your grade," the professor announced.

"I am requiring you to submit a Detailed Proposal of a 5-Story Office Building."

"It would be by pair, so choose a partner of your liking," he added.

Everyone clattered and the noise got louder as they were deciding whom to be partnered with.

Andy, getting bored, she's at that again; lazily looking around while one arm was supporting her chin.

Her view landed on Rina and Erika who were conversing.

'They're likely to be partners,' she thought.

To her surprise, Rina waved at her then came up to talk to her.

"Let's be partners," Rina offered enthusiastically.

Wondering, Andy glance at Erika.

Rina seemed to notice her confusion.

"She's with Rey," the girl answered her unasked question.

"We already talk about it."

"Oh," still confused, Andy happily accepted.