
Chapter 28

viLelouch's POV

Erika's face lightened up when the gushing of water could be heard from where they were. It would just mean that they're almost at their destination.

Almost everyone around gaped in awe as they reached Ali Falls. Erika's eyes were sparkling at the sight as though all her sufferings from the hike were gone.

Ali Falls was tumbling down a high mountain. The waterfall looked like a curtain threaded with silver and was pounding and gushing down the rocks creating a beautiful pool below.

"It's so pretty." Erika said while beholding the scenery.

"I'm glad you like it." Andy said.

The two decided to rest for a bit in their room. They'd booked it ahead of time. Also, agreed to stroll the place after lunch.

"You're good in photography huh." Erika complimented.

They were happily taking pictures anywhere the place that seemed good for a view.

"You just look good in your bikini."

Erika laughed. "You're one to talk when you look so damned sexy in yours."

Both laughed.

"But we still not have a picture together." Erika added while signaling Andy to come closer.

And so they'd taken a couple of selfies together.

"You okay?" Erika worriedly asked.

"Yeah," Andy answered while taking glances around.

She'd noticed a couple of malicious gazes for a while now. Well, it can't be helped since the two of them were on their bikinis but— her intuition says something that worries her.

Evening came, they headed to the place they'd eaten lunch awhile back. It turns out to be a bar when at night. They'd overheard that there will be stand up comedians performing and so they'd decided to go.

The place was so lively. It seems that the play has already started. They occupied a table for two and were heavily laughing as soon as they seated. The jokes were really funny.

And again, Andy noticed those watchful eyes that has been bothering her the whole time.

"You okay?" Again, Erika asked worriedly.


Then their drinks arrived.

Andy's brow lifted up, "You don't drink?" She asked when she noticed that she's the only one sipping her glass.

Erika dryly laughed, "I do, just not now."

Andy noticed the worry that gleamers in Erikas eyes.

"Is something bothering you?"

Erika shook her head, "Nah, nothing."

She then excused herself to go to the comfort room.

"Hey Miss," a man blocked her way as soon as she got out of the comfort room.

"Mind if you join us?" the man pointed outside.

There were two people who waved at her. She remembered one of them. It was the guy who offered help on their way to the falls.

She wryly smiled as she waved back.

"I'm sorry, my friend is waiting inside," she again declined and resumed walking.

The man grabbed her arm, "It won't take long."

She narrowed her eyes and took a glance outside. There were two girls added.

She sighed and nodded. The man let go of her hand and lead the way down.

As they were halfway to meet those guys outside, the girls that were with them left without meeting her.

"Hi, I'm Derek. Remember me?" The man reached out his hand for a handshake.

"I'm Erika," she took it.

Her heart suddenly skip and then was beating faster every second. It wan not because of 'love' for goodness sake.

It was because of fear.

The man pressed her hand intentionally hinting something before letting go. His eyes were looking at her lustfully. The man beside Derek also was smiling maliciously. She could also smell alcohol from them.

Her fear grew.

She tried to turn back but the man in the comfort room blocked her way again.

Her hands begun to tremble along with her legs.

Derek took a step closer to her. Instinctively, she also took a step backward.

"Hey easy." Derek was smiling with those eyes full of lust.

The three of them slowly taking a step closer to her. Trembling, she's also taking steps backward.

She wanted to shout but before she realized it, all the steps she had taken backwards led to her isolation.

The laughter from the crowd were now so faint. It means they have walked quiet a distance already.

"I'll be taking her first." Derek said while laughing.

Tears begun to fall on Erika's eyes.

She wanted to run but her strength fail her.

She wanted to shout but her voice wouldn't come out.

She felt helpless looking to those pairs of eyes wanting her like a devouring wolf hovering down its prey.