She’s Creepy

Chapter 29

viLelouch's POV

Erika gulped. She's breathing heavily. Her sweat cold.

She then stumbled. The ground was slippery due to the existence of algae. The three just laughed at her. She clenched her fist on the ground. She knew, she looked pitiful and hopeless.

She could also see Derek making his way to her. She froze. Her mind got blank. She could not hear anything anymore. Not even the sound of the gushing waterfall.

"What are you doing?"

Erika snapped back to her senses. Just as much as she loves to hear the voice of the woman she loves, a glimmer of hope lighted up her face for a moment there but—but fear enveloped it again.

She saw Andy standing, holding a glass of her drink but what can she do? She could also see the victorious grin and gestures the boys had at that moment.

"Seems like— luck is with us." The man in the bathroom said.

"Guess we can have our fair share tonight." Derek said while eying Andy from head to toe.

Another tear fell down on Erika's face. She can't still utter a word.

Then she heard a glass shattering.

It was Andy.

She threw the glass she's holding hard on the ground. Then slowly took steps closer.

Yeah, slowly no rushing just like how she strolls in the park.

But her eyes, her eyes were the ones Erika have never seen before.

Her eyes were radiating a murderous and unforgiving stare that could pierce through the soul.

Erika shivered.

Then to their surprise a hard punch landed right in the face of the man who blocked Erika in the bathroom.

He was down on the ground. No one moved. Everyone was shocked. No one expected that.

Blood was running on that man's nose. Andy straighten up her posture, still wearing those eyes, she twitched a smile as she stared at Derek.

Her stare seemed to tell him, she's hunting him down. It made Derek to take a step backward.

Andy took a step towards him. Her aura was domineering like she has that air of power and of total confidence.

The man beside Derek reacted first and charged at Andy only to go limping on the ground.

It was so fast that no one knew how. Andy did not even used brute force on that.

Then the man with a bloody nose hastily attack Andy on the back but… but the next thing they heard was the sound of bones breaking.

Andy stood up and approached Derek.

She was scary.

Derek had taken another step back but the girl has grabbed his shirt and for seconds he was down on the ground.

"Should I break this arm?"

Then she broke it in split seconds not allowing Derek to react.

A loud cry echoed.

Andy was laughing as she picked up something on the ground. It was a piece of the shattered glass.

Derek's eyes were bulging in fear and had mustered his strength to back away but Andy broke his leg.

Another cry echoed. Then Andy bent down staring intently to her prey with those murderous eyes.

Derek trembled.

Andy ran the edge of that piece of shattered glass through his face.

He shivered.

Andy slightly smiled. She looked happy seeing her prey shivering in fear.

"Should I cut this side?"

Then blood spurted over Derek's face.

Erika, witnessing everything gaped in shocked. Her hands trembling while covering her mouth.

She was scared.

The girl in front of her was no longer the Andy she knew. Like a different person having pleasure in seeing other people in agony.

It was not her Andy anymore.

She's creepy but despite that she knew she had to do something. She had to stop her.

Andy snapped back to her senses as someone grabbed her hand and hugged her.

It was Erika.

She was crying on her shoulders while trembling.

"Enough. It's okay now." Erika said between sobs.

Tears begun to flow on Andy's face and she suddenly felt tired. It's like all her strength were gone that made her body slouched against Erika.

The girl held her tighter.

Andy let go of the shattered glass on her hand. She could feel her hand trembling by then.

She felt like sobbing too so she buried her face on Erika's shoulder and did that.