
Chapter 77

"Hey, can we meet?" Andy called over the phone.

"I have baked your favorite cake and I've got another present."

The person on the other line agreed without hesitation which brought a twisted smile on Andy's face.

It was a one chilly night. Andy got out of her car and gaze upon the entire height of the building in front of her before making her way inside.

She rung the doorbell as soon as she reached Lea's apartment.

The girl welcomed her warmly, already in her night gown. Andy smirked at the back of her mind.

"What's that?" Lea asked.

Besides the cake on her left hand, she also carry something in her right.

It's nothing big, but Lea can't figure out what it is because it was covered with a dark shade of clothing.

"It's a present."

"A surprise present." Andy answered.

That brought a flirtatious smile on Lea. They made their way to the kitchen.

"Guess I will have a taste of the cake first." Lea said sounding excited and pulled a drawer in search for a knife.