Insecure Rat

Chapter 78

As Andy was getting closer and closer to bed, Lea's heart was throbbing and was beating so loud; irregular but she can barely hear it as her mind was shrouded with fear.

And for a second there, she found the strength to get away but only went limping on the floor.

She crawled, she crawled backward until her back hit the wall.

Andy just sat on the edge of the bed though, holding the dead mouse and pulled out the dagger, making the blood drip and some splattered on the sheet.

"Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." Andy begun not minding the blood dripping in her hand.

"I am kind to everyone but when someone is unkind to me…"

"Weak is not what you are going to remember about me."

Lea was paralyzed in her spot, as though the menacing aura of Andy was holding her down; pinning her on the wall.

"Whenever you needed me, I made myself available to you." Andy continued.

"I was too blind to see how much of a fool I was in your eyes."