11.Make a playboy fall for you

As I reached my home again, I saw my mother rushing towards me and then hugged me tightly, " Sia my child where was you, you got me worried, I even called Zane to ask if you were with him."

"Mom, I told the maids to tell you that I'll be back before dinner you don't have to worry so much about me, I'm not a child anymore, I'm even turning 18 few months later." Sia told this with a helpless expression, she does not hate her parents for not believing her because if she were in their place, she would also not believe her and they didn't even know everything that happened, they only knew the half of it, and Zane was too good to do something like that with a reason, that was atleast what I believed till that incident.

" Ai child, but still... I was worried if you'll be alright going in that forest alone, what if something happened to you, if you were a minute late I would have gone there to search for you... next time take Zane with you" Mother said while releasing me from her embrace and pinched my cheeks lightly.

" Ok mom... but I already told you that forest is not dangerous.." not like I can decline her, she'll nag me until I have my soul left my body.

" Ok, Ok, I heard you..." Mom said and was gone upstairs.

After dinner I left for my room after bidding my parents goodnight and soon reached my room and jumped on my bed, whew... today was so tiring... I feel so sticky, I should probably shower. Then after showering, I changed into my night gown and then laid on my bed and decided to sleep but failed, ugh... Why can't I get that man out of my head, why does he keeps appearing in my mind, I... I want to know who that man really was, and where I met him... it definitely wasn't our first encounter... that man is so mysterious...

Talking about man, I am suddenly reminded of that jerk, how to successfully make him fall for me??

I'm turning eighteen... it also means that this incident will happen only a few months later and if Zane decided to change the university again... what will I do?? it's not like I'll go after him again like last time.

No I can't let that incident happen again , I have to do everything before that and for that I have three months left, well even if I fail, I have many more ways of making his life hell, but this will be perfect plan for taking my revenge as he will feel the same pain as mine.

While thinking this, a certain Idea came inside my mind and I immediately grabbed my phone, as I never dated anyone other than Zane, I don't know how to make someone fall in love with me but I'll definitely get the answer on internet. Why didn't I thought of it earlier...

Then the internet received a question ' How to make a playboy fall in love with you' ...

And so the answer received by Sia was...

Things you should do to make a playboy fall in love with you :

1. Do not fall in love with them or show that you are in love with them...

If you fall for them before they fall in love with you they will find you very common and might not take an interest in you because many people fall for them and it's not something new for them.

2. Ignore them...

Payboys are definitely attention seekers so they love it when people give them attention, when a person does not show interest in them or ignore them, they will definitely get irritated and focus more on that person and would want to know more about them

3. Do not let them touch you...

Playboys not only want to play with people's heart but also with their body, when you let them touch you easily, they will think you are a very easy target and will loose interest in you very early.

4. Treat them like you treat everyone...

They like it when someone treat them different from everyone, they think they are someone special to them so there will be no mission for them, but when you treat them like everyone, they will want to be someone special to you and this way they will give you more attention.

5. Do normal things with them...

You can walk together with them, go shopping with them or do things which is quite common, they might show that they do not like it but they will definitely find it interesting because they might not have done things like that with people so it might be new to them.

6. Make them jealous...

If you piqued their interest and then do not show an interest in them but you talk with someone else happily, they will definitely get jealous and it might lead them to have some special feeling for you.


{Sia after seeing all this : ಠ_ಠ are you sure it was not specially made for me, right??

Author: Definitely for you baby Sia and normal people should not follow this methods for your lover's sake(^ω^)}

This was so good... I do not even have to make any efforts for this expect that going to shopping or walking together thing... is that why Zane didn't fall for me, because I have done the totally opposite things which have been stated more like which they told not to do, I did all those only... it's good that I decided to search it online otherwise I would have done the same mistake and might have failed again.

Looks like God is on my side... even giving me advices which is very favorable for me...

Later in the morning Zane woke up happily on the thought of meeting Sia again, ignorant to what the future ahead holds for him...

Sia indeed decided to avoid Zane and had gone to school earlier that decided, so they didn't meet on their way to school... Sia had gone inside her classroom early but Zane did not knew that and waited beside the school gate for Sia... but did not get to see her... the bell rang but Sia still did not come so he got worried he searched every place and finally decided to go towards Sia's classroom but his friends dragged him to his classroom saying that the teacher will get mad if they are late...

When the bell for the break rang, Zane immediately got up from his seat, not even waiting for the teacher to leave and walked towards Sia's classroom in his fastest pace...

Many questions were running inside his mind... 'Will Sia be alright... did something happened to her... what if he did not found her... what will...' the questions rapidly stopped as soon as he saw Sia chatting with her classmates happily, just like she doesn't even care if he is worried about her or not he doesn't even exist in her world... what was she thinking... if there were some changes in their plan she could have told him first instead of letting him worry to death about her...'

Zane eyes were boiling with anger... he rushed towards her and clutched her arms and dragged her towards the garden of the school where no one was there. He let go of Sia's arm but instead placed his hands on her shoulder and looked straight into her eyes..

Sia was stunned after seeing his reaction... she expected him to get mad but he looks like he is about to kill someone... Sia gulped hard and was reconsidering whether to follow that thing or not... was it really that bad.

" Why?? " Zane asked Sia in a cold voice... Sia laughed inside her mind, wow doesn't it looks familiar... was it the same question, just the characters are exchanged, even the atmosphere is the same.

" Ugh... can't you get it... do I really need to tell you on your face" Sia really wanted to tell him this, with an annoyed expression, but alas she has to control herself or her plans will be ruined.

So she instead smiled and said " I just had some work to do so I had to come early..." her words stopped even before completing as she heard an angry voice.

" You could have called me then..." Zane said with a face full of anger, not even letting Sia continue her words

" That... I tried to call, but could not reach you..." Sia said with a guilty voice, but it's not like she mean it. Sia had already thought that he will ask this question so she was all well prepared, she knew that he keeps his phone on silent because he does not like when people disturb him, so she had called him before entering the school and as expected he did not answer it...

Hearing this Zane released Sia and put his hand on his head... he never could have imagined that just because of that stupid phone which he put on silence, he'll have to worry so much. He swore that he will never put his phone on silent ever again...

He leaned his head against her shoulder and said in a begging voice " please don't do this again to me... I was so worried..." he could not imagine what he would have done if Sia was not in her classroom now...

As Zane was leaning on her shoulder, he could not see Sia's expression which was full of disgust... Oh, you were worried, if you were really worried you would have left the school behind and searched for me... if you were really worried you could even have come and checked my classroom before going to your classroom... don't make me laugh, you were worried about me??... your fake worry is really... disgusting.

But Sia put her disgust aside and patted the big doggy leaning on her shoulder, " I'm sorry... I should have informed you by any means... I thought that if you asked someone they would have told you about me ... I'm sorry I'll always inform you from next time..." she said with a coaxing voice but did not hide the criticism in her words... do you really think I'll go easy on you if you start whimpering.

" I'm also sorry, I shouldn't have gotten mad at you... I should have searched for you a little more... I should have asked your classmates or anyone... I'm really sorry for being useless..." he said with a deep sadness in his heart... yes, he wanted to say sorry to Sia about everything, whether it is the past or the present, saying sorry to her about the things he had done to her before, and now he finally got the chance... I know nothing will change even if I say sorry now... what I had done to you in the past can't be undone but I should still apologize for my mistakes.

Sia stiffen after hearing the apology... Zane was a very prideful person, I have never heard him apologizing to someone else... what was going on... why is he apologizing to me now... Is he really the Zane ... i once knew...??

Indeed he was but he was a little changed... not like his past teenage self...