Secret Weapon

As Will looked at the documents, he was surprised. The documents were the schematics of an interesting weapon designed for warriors. They appeared to be a sequence of miniature darts that could be attached with various payloads, from poison to explosives that could attack at the speed of mach 1.

Mach 1 was the speed of sound. While warriors were powerful, only a 1 star elite and above could circumvent this kind of speed. This potential weapon could be a threat to a lot of Apprentice Warriors who hadn't reached a star grading of power even from an ordinary person.

Will immediately saw the incredible value of this data. After thinking about it for a bit, he entered the Silk Road, a famous online black market place for the exchange of all kinds of items. The Silk Road was supposed to have a powerful set of backers that even the government could not openly go against without consequences. It was a true Galactic Organization.

On the silk road, auction portal a new post appeared.

"Original Schematics of a secret weapon that can kill Apprentice Warriors with ease. Minimum bid 1 million star coins."

At first, there wasn't much attention paid to the post. At this moment, a young man was looking through the Silk Road auction portal for interesting items.

"Oh? What's this?" He wondered as he checked the post. In the post there was a page of the schematic. Just reading this page, he immediately turned serious.

"Quick! Inform Coralis, we need to bid on this item now!" The man suddenly yelled loudly, spurning everyone around him into action.

The person called Coralis was quickly bought in. "Major Durin, what is the matter?"

"Immediately bid for this set of documents. We must be the winner at any cost!" The Major said.

"Sir, if the matter that the army bid on the silk route spread out..." Coralis started spreading.

"Stop pontificating! Bid now!" Durin yelled angrily.

At that moment, similar scenes were occurring in various companies at the moment. They turned serious the moment they read the sample page about the details of the weapon. This included the Newmann group.

"Our schematics! Those are our schematics! Who is the bastard who leaked them?" An angry old man exploded in rage as his spit flew everywhere.

This new weapon was a big money maker, not because of the sale of the darts but the real money maker was the payload! The payload could only be customizable by Newmann group, if the schematics spread out, their plan was finished!

"Bid for it! We can't let anyone else win!" The CEO of the Newmann group spat out in rage.

Will did not expect his simple auction to receive the attention of several powerful forces! He calmly saw the prices rising rapidly! He had only set the price at a million star coins, but the bids had already surpassed 50 million!

Technically Newmann group would apply for a patent, so the possibility of other companies manufacturing this product was low, but once they had the schematics they could modify it slightly and sell it as a variant! Thus the bids kept skyrocketing.

Eventually, the competition began slowing down as the Army was the main competitor, outbidding everyone, including the Newmann group! Seeing the determination of the army, the CEO sighed. "Let the army have it." He said with an ugly look.

When the schematics were sold, Will was stunned to see a price of 100 million credits! Immediately he felt a heavy pressure. This was too much attention! Being a cautious person, Will decided not to move any money from this account for use at least in the near future. Either way the money could directly be used in the Silk Route itself to trade for other kinds of information.

Instead, Will shut shop for the day. He walked to the EcoFoundary Corps local store and purchased a crate of E grade nutrition packs and a D grade nutrition pack. Nutrition packs were a competitive business and there were many companies active in the field. Each had their own specialized products.

EcoFoundary's focus on all rounded growth, a balanced mix of nutrients and amino acids along with a lot of proteins. For Will, this was a suitable product.

Back at home, Will closed his eyes. He had already noticed that the blood red box was floating in his mind space, but he tried to interact with it and found that nothing seemed to happen.

Will sighed and decided to go to the park to practice the exercises again. Two hours later, he was back, extremely exhausted and quickly consumed the E grade nutrition pack to satiate himself.

Meanwhile, at the Newmann Group. The CEO was angrily tapping his fingers on the metallic desk.

"There has been no movement in the money?" He grit his teeth angrily.

"Indeed sir. We tried to get our best hackers to trace the account, but the seller was well prepared and used several virtual and dummy decoys to prevent any tracking. The Silk Route itself is a giant monolith protecting the seller." An assistant explained fearfully. He knew that when the CEO got angry, he would get murderous.

"The seller seems very cautious amd seems to have made no attempt to move the money. It seems this can only be a dead end." Another person said with hatred.

"Keep a track of this account. I don't care how long! I want this person to pay with their head!" The CEO screamed.

Will was calmly analyzing his Life Wheel. Several small fragments had chipped off the wheel, mixing into his body, and he could feel the effects. Earlier he felt like he was going to die in a year or so, but now that feeling had reduced. Will was very confused and curious about the wheel of life.

He began searching the internet about all the material he could find regarding the wheel of life. He had done this many times before, desperately searching for a cure. But before he was focused on curing the wheel. This time he was interested in its very origins.