Life Wheel

The Life Wheel was an integral part of every human. It was a kind of spiritual manifestation, a vessel made by the physical manifestation of energy.

The capacity of the Life Wheel determined the lifespan of a person. It also was an indicator of talent. There were various kinds of Life Wheels.

Life Wheels were classified according to the attribute of energy they were most intimate with. There were all kinds of life wheels, Ice attribute, Fire Attribute, Stone Attribute, Life Attribute - Life Wheels were myriad and various. The attribute of the life wheel would determine what kind of energy arts a person could use in the future.

The other important characterization of life wheels is its rigidity. The sturdier the life wheel was, the more rapidly and chaotically energy could be absorbed by the person. The more fragile the Life Wheel, the more careful and slower a person had to be while absorbing the energy of the cosmos.

In the case of Will, his life Wheel was a peculiar deformity. It created an illusion of utmost sturdiness, but was actually extremely fragile from the inside. Thus, his rough absorption of cosmic energy had led to the subsequent crack in his life wheel, leaking away all the energy he absorbed since he was a child.

However, the life wheel, was it always a part of human physique? This question was actually a matter of debate. It was known that in the prehistoric era, humans had no way to absorb the cosmic energy. The situation before the galactic dark ages wasn't too clear, but those space faring humans before the dark ages were said to be a completely technology oriented civilization that simply used genetics to exceed limits of the body.

It was only near the end of the Galactic Dark age, that humans discovered how to absorb cosmic energy, gave birth to energy warriors and became a galactic hegemony. There were two schools of thought regarding this.

One was that the Life Wheel had always existed and that humans only discovered the methods to use it now. The other was that the Life Wheels had evolved in humans during the galactic dark age.

When Will read this, he was inclined to believe the latter theory, given what he had seen with the Clear Body Tablet and the lack of any reference to something like the Life Wheel.

However, as Will read on, he discovered a big hole in the second school of thought. If the Life Wheel just evolved relatively recently in human galactic history, why was it tied to the life expectancy? If humans in the past did not have the life wheel, how did they survive?

Towards this the reply seemed unsatisfactory. Either way, the origin of the Life Wheel and its mysteries were an open problem for scientists. The mechanism with which it worked was not completely clear.

Will was left with more doubts than before, but he felt even further that perhaps the Life Wheel did not exist in the prehistoric past when humans were yet to become a galactic civilization.

He was curious why the Clean Body exercises were dissolving the life wheel into his body. He hypothesized that perhaps, according to the Sumerians, this was not the perfect form of the human body.

Will remembered Gilgamesh's terrifying power. Within that brown skinned muscular body was a power that could rival mammoths, yet there wasn't a hint of using any external energy arts at all. It was simply the power of the human fleshy body.

"The human body is truly mysterious. Even with the advance of science, there seems to be so many mysteries about the potential of the body that still haven't been revealed. How could gilgamesh become so strong?" Will was deep in thought as he browsed through the various research articles about the Life Wheel.

At this he remembered that his own Life Wheel actually had no attribute. This was a relatively common thing. It usually meant that one could absorb all attributes of cosmic energy freely. However, Will did not forget that when the fragments would melt away and merge into his body, they appeared to have a royal gold color within them.

After searching about the life wheel melting into a liquid and being absorbed into the human body, Will came up with nothing useful. It seemed to him that his case was unique.

Will had the intuition that when the entire life wheel would melt and merge into his body, he would finally be healed. Till then, he couldn't even begin the 'cleaning' process.

Will had felt that with each time he exercised, the amount of fragments melting into his body increased. However, the burning sensation he felt each time was terrifying. It would often feel like his own soul was burning.

For now, Will could only wait with baited breath for the Life Wheel to completely disappear. But he wondered if once he did that could he use Energy Arts at all, since it was intricately related to the Life Wheel.

However, Will soon put that behind himself. Living was important than whether he could practice energy arts and become a warrior. He thought of Maya's words and shook his head. He didn't imagine that the little girl who always followed him around had changed so much, talking to him like am arrogant peacock and embarrassing him in such a way in public.

"Time changes everything. People, places, societies... and apparently even life wheels." Will murmured.

Without thinking much, Will quickly went to sleep. Today was extremely tiring with him practicing the Clean Body Tablet's exercises twice for two hours. Will made some observations about the effects from his experience today.

"The sun on Oa provided weaker energy than the sun in Gilgamesh's world. Was that because Gilgamesh was already strong, or was it because our sun is weaker? Either way, I have to make do with what I am given." Will sighed.

Thinking about his money locked at the Silk Route, Will had a frown on his face. "I don't know how that customer managed to nab the console. I just hope he doesm't get traced, or I could be in trouble. It's good that I wear a mask to work and use anonymous accounts at all times. I should probably stop working at the black market." Will began thinking cautiously.