
The next day, Will once again went to the park and practiced the first of the Clean Body Tablet's exercises, suffering the terrifying pain and gritting his teeth as he rolled on the grass in frustration.

After tiring himself to death, Will walked back home. This time, he didn't go to the Black Market, which turned out to be the right choice.

At this moment, 10 warriors had turned everything in the black market upside down. They were looking for a masked hacker, who unlocked consoles.

"Where is he?" A warrior asked in a rage as a powerful wind blade sliced a few cubicles into pieces

"Lords, we don't know who he is. He usually comes frequently, but he hasn't shown up today." A fat person bowed his head trembling. He was the manager of the black market, but he was a mere servant. He had called for help as soon as he could, but right now in front of these ten warriors he was simply a headless chicken.

At that moment, a powerful aura swept past the entire area, locking onto the 10 warriors.

"1 star Warrior!" The 10 warriors sweared with perplexity in their hearts. They were simply Apprentice Warriors and were no match for a 1 star warrior, which was a powerful sublimated warrior who had broken through the limit.

"It seems that my silence is taken to mean that I can be bullied." A middle aged with a bit of a pot belly suddenly flew right in front of the 10 warriors, holding a bottle of rum in his hand.

"You may be a 1 star Warrior, but we are here righteously. Your man has leaked our top secret schematics! You better pay the Newmann Industries the adequate compensation!" A bolder warrior spoke up a threat, borrowing the company's name to pressure this pot bellied man.

The pot bellied man took a swig of the rum as his face flushed red. Then he suddenly moved. A single slap hit the big mouthed warrior.


Before the others even reacted, the warrior had flown several meters away and crashed into a wall. His entire body was bleeding and his bones had cracked, dislocated and pierced out of his flesh making a terrifyingly gruesome scene. He was already dead.

The pot bellied man took another swig of the rum. "Next time you threaten someone, you better remember to have the strength to back it up. Or you'll end up like him. Within one hour, I want this entire street renovated and all damages paid for. If you fail, don't blame me when I barge into the Newmann Group's headquarters to smash that spit spewing CEO of yours."

The pot bellied man then disappeared from the scene, leaving the warriors sweating in fear. What was suppression? What was Newmann Group? With the strength of 1 star, this black market boss didn't care about it at all!

The pot bellied man suddenly appeared in a cafe not far from the black market. He unceremoniously walked to a table and joined a youth who was calmly sipping coffee.

"Kid, you caused me much damage." The pot bellied man said as he drank his rum.

"Sir,, I don't understand what you mean?" The young man asked in confusion.

"Hmph, don't play around with me. I, your father, had better disguises as a child than that stupid mask you wore daily." The pot bellied man harrumphed.

"How may I address sir?" Will calmly changed the topic.

"People call me Bull." The man said. "Did you sell the schematics?"

Will shook his head. "I simply transferred the money from the console. I wouldn't be so stupid to sell such a thing that would bring me a calamity."

Bull looked at Will curiously. Like a shadow, he suddenly grabbed Will's hand and checked his pulse. "Your Life Wheel is badly damaged. How long do you have to live?"

"My doctor said about a year." Will sighed. The secret about the Clean Body Exercises were firmly locked in his heart.

"Unfortunate. But your talent at hacking is not bad. I want you to hack something more challenging. The pay will be very good." Bull said nonchalantly. His face was flushed red and he appeared to be very drunk.

"What do I have to hack?" Will asked.

"The mainframe of a cargo ship." Bull snorted as he thought of a matter. "This Newmann group dared to smash my, their father's street. I will pay them back ten fold!"

"I can't hack such a thing remotely." Will said with reluctance. This was too dangerous a mission for him, but Bull knew his identity, so he could only comply

"I will take you inside. How long will it take?" Bull asked.

"Fifteen minutes. But it depends on the ship model." Will said after some thought.

"Good, I'll give you a disguise that will actually work this time." Bull said as he laughed. Then he took a swig of his rum and disappeared like a shadow from the cafe as if he never existed.

"A 1 star warrior." Will thought. "Nothing to scoff at all." However, he had the feeling that Gilgamesh could kill Bull with a slap. He really seemed that strong to Will.

Will returned home. He had come to the cafe just to observe and see if there was any blow back and there indeed was. An hour had passed, but it seems the Newmann Warriors did not do any clean up.

At the headquarters, the CEO was snorting. "What black market? What standing does it have in front of our group? He dares to threaten me? My son will become a 1 star warrior earlier than that fool!"

When the pot bellied man saw that the Newmann group actually dared to ignore his warning, his temper flared up.

"Looks like I really need to give this Newmann Group a lesson they will never forget. A mere planetary industrial company dares to go against my, your father's, authority?" Bull snorted.