
That evening, after Will had completed his exercise again, freshened up with a bath and was relaxing at home, he received a call from Bull.

"Come to the Dockyard." Bull said simply before cutting the call.

Will sighed. He wouldn't have hesitated to avoid this job, but now he owed Bull one, so he made his way to the dockyard by taking a bus.

When he got down, he found a shadow suddenly arrive and pick him up by his shirt's collar, dragging him into a dark alley. It was none other than the pot bellied rum drinking master of the black market, Bull.

He opened a small door in the alley that led to an underground basement. The basement actually had a tunnel that led directly to the docking pad for cargo ships.

Walking through the cramped and damp tunnels that seemed to be dripping water from its walls Will cramped up a bit, but he continued to follow Bull who kept walking ahead nonchalantly.

After what seemed like an eternity, they arrived at the end of the tunnel. The two had arrived near a small dock from where they could clearly see a gigantic cargo ship being loaded, ready to cross the sea.

"This cargo ship is carrying Flame Magnetite that the Newmann Group purified in their factory on the other side of the planet and then resell in the galactic market. Today, we will steal it, ship and all." Bull smirked.

Then he picked up Will like a ragdoll as his shadow disappeared from the spot. The two had already entered the cargo ship. Within a few minutes, they had arrived at the navigation controls room, but Will urged Bull to stop.

"The door must be linked to the alarm for unauthorized entry, let me deactivate it." Will replied as he took out a few cables and a console, quickly running a custom app he created for the purpose.

The door then opened without a sound, however, when the two entered they froze. Because in front of them was an old man. The man had graying hair and a heavily wrinkled face. However, the moment, he saw the two intruders, a power exploded out of the man.

"1 star Warrior." Bull snorted as he radiated his own pressure neutralizing the opponent's pressure on Will. Immediately, he resorted to blows with the old man, while a whisper reached Will's ear.

"Do your job quickly!" Bull harrumphed as he began throwing powerful punches at the old man.

The old man was not any less as he constantly blocked Bull's attack using snake like moves to dodge and retaliate.

As the two were fighting, Will did not have time to watch. He quickly reached the control panel and began uploading a Trojan into the mainframe. His aim was to overload the defense from the insideas he broke into it from the outside.

Will desperately saw the progress bar of his vulnerability detection module slowly creep up, as he occassionally glanced at the two men fighting. He saw that Bull was at a disadvantage and his heart dropped. He began regretting listening to this overconfident drunkard, but now he had no choice. He was too weak to help and could only hope that Bull won.

Bull coughed out blood, then laughed loudly and pounced on the old man like an animal, his hair was flowing wildly as his body suddenly became thin and his power exploded to 2 star warrior's aura!

"Secret Art!" The old man yelled in shock.

However, that was the last word out of his mouth as Bull had arrived beside him like a rocket and began pummeling him to the ground. Each fist of his contained an immense amount of energy revolving around it like a glove made of green gas and each punch heavily corroded the old man. With a groan, the old man breathed his last.

At the same time, Will finished his work. He had hacked into the mainframe. The camera recordings were all wiped and all alarm systems were shut down. The main reason for hacking into the mainframe was also achieved. The ship's homing beacon had been compromised. Now the ship wouldn't be trackable from space unless a carpet search was conducted.

Bull coughed out some blood and his face looked pale. Looking at Will's thumbs up, he quickly made a call. Soon, four people dressed in similar suits as Will climbed into the navigation room from windows.

Bull then picked up Will again and the two disappeared from the Cargo Ship. The crew of the cargo ship had already been knocked out by sleeping gas.

The ship began sailing on its own, under the command of the four people whom Bull had called in. Soon, it rapidly disappeared across the horizon.

Hours later, the crew woke up to find themselves on the dock and the ship had disappeared. Immediately an alarm was raised and widespread panic spread among the Newman Industries Group.

The CEO of Newman Industries, Alban Newman and his son Gary Newman was quietly having their dinner at the Newman Mansion, when the butler suddenly interrupted their meal and whispered something into Alban's ears with some fear.

"What? Why aren't they tracking the ship? Who dares?" Alban screamed as he suddenly toppled the table along with his son onto the ground.

"My lord, the ship's beacon has been turned off... and lord Trindley Newman is unreachable." The butler completed the message.

"Who dares! That is one of our Newman Groups three prized cargo ships! All that Flame Magnetite! We cannot bear such a huge loss! The stock price will crash!" Alban was furious!

At that moment, Alban received a phone call from the office. "What is it you incompetent buffoons?" Alban screamed like a rabid man.

"Sir... the cargo ship and the flame magnetite have been put on sale at the Silk Route's website." The employee of the Newman Group informed.

When Alban heard that, his fury knew no limit. "Who was it? Just who was it?"

"Sir... the name of the account... is Joker Alban..." The employee whispered in fear.