
The demon tore apart Gary's body, vociferously eating the chunks of meat. After desperately gouging on the carcass, it turned its eyes towards the three injured warriors from the Black Market.

The demon was small, the size of a child. However, its power was not to be underestimated. Bull ignored the demon amd turned towards a corner with a sneer. "Is the Governor planning to silently watch a Demon grow on Oa and slaughter everyone?"

A sigh echoed throughout the surroundings as an extremely old man suddenly jumped upon a roof top. He seemed to be a hunchback and used a stick to balance himself, however Bull did not dare underestimate this old geezer, the Governor of Oa and a 3 - star warrior - Undwelt Gru.

"How did the Newman Group get a hold of this kind of banned substance?" The old hunchback wondered in puzzlement. He then slammed his stick onto the roof as a powerful wave of sound radiated out smashing into the demon, bursting apart its ears.

The demon was a terrifying beast, but unfortunately, it was just a new born infant and was born with the strength of a 1 star warrior. It was no match for the Planet's governor.

The governor struck the stick again and a powerful sonic boom slashed the demon's head, leaving a deep gash. However, the wound was quickly healing itself in the blink of an eye as the Demon shrieked in anger!

"What terrifying regenerative abilities!" Bull exclaimed in shock.

"It is a demon after all." Undwelt Gru snorted and then waved his stick. Like a projectile from a God, the stick struck the Demon's head and the entire demon exploded into a blood mist, leaving a scarlet sphere that had a glassy texture.

The governor quickly made a grabbing motion and the sphere landed in his hand. "A low grade demon core. This is useful for me. I will consider it payment for intervening in this factional war in your favor." Then the old man disappeared.

Bull looked at the remains of Gary's carcass as he let out a sigh of relief. The governor was too powerful. At this moment, Bull's body deflated and he began coughing out a terrible amount of blood from the backlash of the secret art.

Meanwhile, Will had already returned home. He had escaped the moment all the data was transferred and he uploaded a virus into the mainframe.

Right now, he was slowly transferring data from the data crystal to a custom console, for decryption. The process would take an entire night and so, without much thought, Will left the program to run as he went to sleep. His last thoughts were that he was done with being a hacker.

When he woke up, he saw that the decryption program was still running. Will went to the park to practice the Clean Body Exercises. Today he finally managed to perform the first three exercises in a row. He noticed that the energy from the sun intensely shone on his Life Wheel, melting it quite a bit further. Already a fourth of the life wheel had been melted and turned into liquid.

However, this time, Will noticed that the liquid was no longer just gold, but had a tinge of red in it. The red gold liquid was thick and viscous, like glue that slowly spread through his arteries and permeated into every cell. The burning feeling Will felt was indescribably horrible.

As a sickly person, he had had a lot of physical pain, but nothing compared to this excruciatingly soul crushing pain. Will grit his teeth and steeled his will as he withstood the pain. This time, Will's sweat was mixed with tiny red droplets that looked like blood, however, there was no iron like smell from them.

"Is this the cleaning process? The hints of red in the gold liquid were excreted out of my sweat pores... is it something harmful in the life wheel?" Will wondered.

He went home and took some samples of this red liquid that seeped out of his body, before he went to take a bath. When he came out, he saw that the files were finally decrypted.

Most of the documents were research schematics of various kinds of weapons and other technology. Will had to hand these over to the black market. Other than that there was some detail about a potential transaction for Red Crown Crystal between Gary Newman and a person called Porley.

Will didn't know what Red Crown Crystal was, but he kept the messages aside to investigate later. Other than that, the final interesting piece of document was information about the Governor of Oa, Undwelt Gru.

The document said that Undwelt Gru had obtained an inheritance of a warrior from the past from a ruin in planet Oa. The ruin was hypothesized to be in the Dry Canyon, a deep desert gorge deep in the rocky deserts on the other side of the planet, but the exact location was unknown.

Will found that interesting. "Once I heal myself and gain some strength, I can check out that ruin and see if there is anything useful for me."

After a thought, he quickly sent all the data to Bull. Bull didn't reply back, but Will saw a terrifying number of 250 million star coins transferred to his account.

Will sighed in relief as he then began to check the news of the aftermath of the battle. What he found shocked him.

"Terrifying War breaks out - Newman Group declared War on the Black Market."

"Newman Group exterminated - Black Market Victorious after a night of bloody massacres - is the public safe?"

"Gary Newman confirmed to have consumed banned substances and turned into a monster. Newman Industries confirmed to be dealing with Demon Cults by Governor Undwelt Gru!"

"Newman Group stock prices collapse. Bankruptcy declared soon?"

"Red Crown Crystals - Absolute Banned substance rumored to be acquired by Newman Group to turn into a demon! Vast Conspiracy!"

"Black Market and Governor Undwelt Gru thwart conspiracy by Demons!"

When Will read the headlines, one particular one stuck in his head. "Red Crown Crystals... so Gary Newman actually turned into a demon? He seems to have acquired this substance from the contact known as Porley, according to the email data I acquired."